Chapter 44: His Plan

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In Zaria.

It was late that evening. Melvin decide to stay behind again. He just need that perfect time to make her agree to his proposal. No girl ever told him no. Except this stupid one. She dared slap him the other day. All in Melvin's mind was love and hatred for Humaira. He was neither a friend or an enemy. He was in between.

Two days ago, Mrs. Bridget travelled to Dubai to buy new goods. She left Humaira to take care of everything and since she sleeps there, she handed her the keys to all the doors of her shopping complex. Including the door to her main office but she told her not to open it except for emergency cases but Mrs. Bridget locked her shelf and other lockers so no one would have access to her hidden stuff.

She was to come after three days- two days for buying the goods and one day to enjoy the place. Well, everyone loves Dubai.

Melody takes all the money for the day and saves it into Mrs. Bridget's bank account so everything is safe. No one has access to withdraw from her bank account or take anything out from her shelves.

So that evening, Melody was about to go. She asked Melvin to see her off but he hissed at her.

"Leave me alone this girl. I've already told you, I'm not your mate." He replied her with a harsh tone.

"See, I'm not begging you o, Abeg! Mteeeew!!" She hissed and left.

Meanwhile, Humaira was about to clean up the place as usual. That was the last duty if the day. She had already bought a small stove, so, she cooks in her small room and everyone is safe.

Melvin was still behind. Thinking of how to approach her again without getting any hit slap. Thinking about the last one wasn't funny...

"Hey," he walked to her. She rolled her eyes at him as her walked to her side.

"Ermmm. There's something I wanted to tell you. I know you're still angry with me.... For what I did the other day."

"What's it, Melvin?!! What's it?!"

"I'm sorry to disturb you o, but I haven't had the chance to apologize to you. I'm sorry, I never knew you would talk something like that to heart. Hope you get what I mean?"

"Okay, I've heard you!" Humaira spat. "Can you leave already? I don't want any problem. You know madam is coming tomorrow? I don't want her to come and complain about anything here so if you like yourself, please. Go home." She begged.

"Yes, I will. O can't sleep here now. I will go home. I just wanted to get your reply."

"What reply?"

"About what I asked you the other day now. Have you thought about what I asked you?"

"Me?" She questioned, confusedly. "I don't remember o. What's it about?"

"Ah! Don't tell me that you've forgotten now. I asked you out."

"Oh! That?" She smiled. It seems she was in a good mood today. Melvin was happy about it that he smiled too.

"Yes, that. That's you're final reply?"
Then she stopped for a while.

"Are you crazy it you're simply deaf?! I gave you my final reply the other day and now you're asking me rubbish! I told you I'm not interested! Leave me alone now, Habaa!! Or is it by force?!! How many times do I have to sing to you. I'm not interested! We're just coworkers in here. No feelings attached."

"Did you even think about it?"he asked in a low, disappointed tone.

"Think of what? Eh! When Melody and others are there? Are you even hearing yourself brother Melvin? Don't worry, O know what to do."

"What would you do?!"

"I'll tell madam when she comes back. That you're always disturbing me about being your girl and all that. Maybe she'll be able to talk some sense into you."

"You dare not try that, Humaira. This is between you and I. And perhaps, nobody would know. Let's just enter your room for a while. I won't stay long, just 5 minutes and I'm out."

"See this goat o!" She laughed at his insanity. "Who do you that I am? A prostitute? Or what do you take me for?" She hissed at him again.

"Leave here right now else? I would report you to madam when she comes back."

"Okay. Fine, I'll be going." He replied her and turned his back.

"Bye bye o. Be going. You're not needed here." She pushed him away.

"Okay, fine. I won't disturb you about this again." He muttered and turned his back to leave when suddenly, her turned back to her and grabbed her back to the wall. As if he wanted to kill her or something. He started into her eyes filled with rage and anger.

Humaira wanted to be angry too with him but that wouldn't result to anything good. She just had to beg him right now. So he would leave peacefully.

"What's it brother Melvin? What are you doing. Leave me alone. Please..." She tried to pull away but her was holding her whole body very tight against the wall.

"Shut up, Humaira!" He commanded and she obeyed. "You have no choice right now. I'll do whatever I want with you and nobody would question me. "No, Melvin. You can't do this to me" she fell down to his feet and cried but he dragged her along.

"Please, leave me alone. Melvin.. please. I beg you in the name of God. I'm so sorry I talked to you like that."

"You slapped me Humaira! What about that?! Huh?!!"

"I'm sorry. That was a mistake..." She pleaded but it doesn't look like her would forgive her no matter what she says.

Humaira had made him angry and that anger had turned into an unquenchable hatred her has for her. He just wanted her to pay some how. He wanted to see her in painful tears, just like what she had made him go through.

He pinned her arms to the wall again and placed his lips on hers. She jerked her face away but her grabbed it hard into his stronger hands. The black veil she wrapped over her head fell off immediately. It took a while before Melvin was finally able to steal a kiss from her and she started crying.

"Please, don't do this to me, brother Melvin. You know I'm pregnant." She cried. " It's not your first time my dear. I know you need it anyway and I'll give it to you!" He grabbed her from the middle of her chest and got rid of her shirt and bra. She wore a netty kind of black bra so, it almostfell off when Humaira covered her body.

She was annoyed by his act. This was too much to bare. She had to do something immediately. She hated herself already, now this? How would she explain it to her child when he finally gets mature. Or how would she be able to face a child like this?

Leave me alone, Melvin!" She cried once more and her grabbed her body once again. Struggling to get free, her eyes caught the bottles of wine arranged on the shelf. Melvin raced to taste her nipple as Humaira grabbled the bottle from behind and smatched it on his head.

He jerked immediately, holding his head to one side.

What did you do?" He stammered. Just then, strings of blood started pouring out from his head.

"Melvin! Melvin!! Are you alright?!" She muttered, her body shivering from the thought that he might loose his life.


Author's Note:

Word Count: 1408 words.... Yaaay!!!

Hey guys!

So, how was this? Hope this chapter was up to your expectations?!!

Well, who was right and who was wrong?!!

*Melvin fans say Mel!!!!

*Humaira fans say Hummy!!!!

Well, I think both of them aren't perfect after all. At least, truth be told. Everyone makes mistakes, right?
Would poor Melvin be able to make it out, alive? Or would our innocent Humaira be a murderer?
Let scroll to the next chapter to know..


Enjoy reading and please, don't forget to press the tiny orange star ★ at the end of each chapter to notify me you've actually read it... So! What are we waiting for! Continue reading this story of family, adventure, mystery and plot twists, and also leave your comments.

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