Chapter 45: Just Get Out!

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"Good morning ma."

"Yes, what happened here?" Mrs. Bridget looked around confusedly. "And why are you still laying on the floor? Why isn't Melody at work yet? And where's Melvin?"

Humaira stands up, not knowing where to start. She knows that she had to tell her boss what happened no matter what. She couldn't hide it from her for long.

"Emmm... The th... thing is that Melvin and I-" she stammered with an heavy heart.

"Yes? What happened?"

"I mean last... Something hap... happened." She stammered again.

"You know what? Come to my office and explain yourself better. Because I don't understand you at all." Mrs. Bridget rolled her eyes at her and walked into her office. Since she had all the keys with her.

Humaira followed her quitely, as if she's lost all the reason to live.

Mrs. Bridget sat down on her executive chair and faced her employee.

"Yes, you were trying to say something. What happened yester-night? Please, Sit down." She offered. Humaira sat down, slowly and faced the ground as if it would swallow her. Her eyes were already filled up with tears again.

"Tell me now? Why you crying?"

"The thing is, Melvin forced himself on me and I mistakenly hi-"

"It's a lie!" An angry voice cut her words. Mrs. Bridget and Humaira turned to look who it was. It was his mother, Regina Johnson.

"You didn't mistakenly hit him, you intensionally wanted to kill my son!" She spat again.

Mrs. Regina was an elderly woman in her mind fifties. She didn't even dress properly, Humaira guesses she rushed there from home or maybe the hospital. But, how did she know? How did she hear? Has Melvin woken up?

"Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Hope no problem?" Mrs. Bridget asked with a smile, not getting what the scene is.

"What is good about the morning, Bridget? Tell me?! What is good about the morning when this evil witch you called an employee, almost took my son's life last night?!"


"Yes, ask her now. Let her explain herself!"

Both of them turned to Humaira but she looked at them speechlessly but they looked at her with an 'explain-yourself- look'.

"Ma, it's not what you're thinking. Wallahi! It's not my fault. He started it first. He forced a kiss on me... I was only trying to defend myself."

"It's all a lie Bridget! Where did you get this one from? She's just the opposite of who she is! I got a call from the hospital around 12 midnight that my son has regained consiuosness. I had to rush to the hospital to check on him because we were all worried that he didn't come home early. I came here around eight last night but this place was locked. Shey, I would have asked her his whereabouts? My son doesn't have problem with anybody! He's easy going and you know it! That was why I suggested he works here for you so that he won't be lonely at home. Now see what has happened? What if my son has died? What would we be saying? You know I'm a window... Their father died since when they were little and I've been the only one struggling to make them successful. But this stupid girl! This evil witch!! All she want is to take away my son and kill me for me. Ehn?! His twin sister is just regaining herself from the accident she had four months ago. She took her position here, didn't she? Now she wants to take my son's life again!"

"Mrs. Johnson, Please... Let's hear from the horses mouth first. You shouldn't just judge Humaira like this. She's an orphan too." Mrs. Bridget defended.

"Talk now? Why did you have to hit him?"

"Melvin asked me out and I told him no. He tried to force me again that was why... I didn't know it would be like this ma. I'm sorry."

"Hey! Keep all that sorries to yourself o! What's your name again? Humaira or whatever you call yourself?" Mrs. Johnson hissed at her. "Bridget would you side this girl over me? Despite all I've sacrificed for you? It's Melvin's life stake here o."

"Mrs. Johnson, I still haven't forgotten who you are to me. You brought me from the village to the city. You made me who I am today and I owe it to you but please, let's not blame the cat for being wild because it has teeth too. I know Humaira very well. It's just 4 months since she has started working her but I know she's a good girl. Humaira would never do something like this on purpose, she can't even hurt a fly. Please forgive her ma, she's someone's daughter too."

"Really? So my son is nobody now, abi?! I don't blame you!..." She hissed at Mrs. Bridget and faced Humaira again. "And as for you! I'll make sure you get arrested for this. You'll suffer so much in this life that your parents would want to fall from heaven to save you!"

"You're being so harsh ma. This is unfair." Mrs. Bridget cried.
Don't worry, Humaira. I'm here with you. Nothing would happen." She tried to calm her down. Humaira was just crying and begging his mother.

"Wait for me, Mrs. Johnson. I need to follow you to the hospital right away." Mrs. Bridget said and opened her locker. She looked inside it and checked other drawers but it was empty.

"What are you looking for again?" Mrs Johnson asked.

"My Atm card. I can't find it." She murmured. "I kept it right here before I traveled. I'm sure of it."

"Humaira! Wheres my ATM card?"

"Atm? It's not with me. Your office key is with me but I didn't open this door even once."

"I didn't hand anyone my office keys except you, humaira. Because I trust you so much..."

"I didn't take it na. I promise."

"Then how would my Atm card suddenly disappear from here? Are you saying it grew wings?"

"No ma... But I swear to God Almighty. I didn't take anything. I don't even know about your Atm card." Humaira replied confusedly.

She looked so puzzled with this again.
Mrs. Bridget immediately grabbed her phone from the table and scrolled through it. She dailed number, to check her account balance and it was 0.00.

"What?! It's unbelievable." She dialed it again and again but it was still the same.


"Wheres my money, Humaira! OMG!!! All my savings and gains... It's 45 million naira on that account. Where do I even start from?!"

"Ma, I don't know. I didn't take any money. I didn't even enter your office. All of these isn't my fault ma," Humaira begged.

Mrs. Bridget looked at her with a Stern look. For some reasons, she's already looking suspicious. She trusted Humaira with everything. That she even left her in control of the business when she wasn't around. She got the alert from her phone everyday when Melody saves the money in her account but how manage did Humaira receive the money and she didn't get the alert for it.

She checked her phone again and scrolled through the received messages on her contact. Then she saw the transaction.

"There was a withdrawal yesterday evening around 7:37 pm. Where were you by this time, yesterday?" She asked her.

"I was here ma, with Melvin because Melody left around 6:00 pm so... It was only me and Melvin that was around at that time."

"So how manage?"

Mrs. Bridget angrily walked into Humaira's room. She checked her bags and scattered everything. And... There it is. Her Atm card.

"So you stole this right? Where is my money?!"

"I don't know ma. I swear, I don't know how your card got there. It's the first time I'm seeing it na. Please, believe me..." Humaira knelt down and started begging.

"I took you in. Gave you a house and gave you living. I borrowed you money to complete your tution fees and I treated you like my own blood sister! What did you want from me again, Humaira! Where's my money?"

"I didn't take it ma... I swear."

You stole my money, Humaira. I can't believe you can actually stoop so low. Mrs. Bridget muttered as she rolled her eyes at her while Humaira just looked down. She knew her boss was so disappointed in her and perhaps lose fate in her too but this was so embarrassing.

Mrs. Bridget held her head and closed her eyes as if she was thinking about something. Who to trust and what to do. It's clear that all that happened is Humaira's fault. All fingers are pointing to her here, how can she possibly defend her now? Someone that withdrawed 45 million naira from her account at once. And she's still denying it.

"I think we should hand her over to the police."

"No, Mrs Bridget. Please... Don't do this to me! It wont just ruin my life... It would ruin my career and my chances to become a lawyer. Please ma, forgive me! It isn't my fault Mrs Bridget. Melvin started it first." She said and walked up to her but she stoped her. Humaira fell to her knees again to beg her.

"It was just self defense, I promise. It's been a while now and he's been disturbing me."

"So, why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't know it would be like this..."

"What about my money. Where did you keep it?!"

"I didn't take any money ma I swear. I swear on my late parents life and on my unborn child. I dare not touch your money ma. You gave me life here and I'm satisfied."

She took her phone and called someone from the police station to cone and take her.

"Just tell me where you kept the money and I might forgive you" Mrs. Bridget said but Humaira was so speechless. To say she was angry would be an understatement. She was enraged.

Humaira had never seen her boss that angry before. The police van cane almost immediately and they took her away. Humaira got arrested.


Okay, so.. this has been another long chapter. Hope you love it?

Questions for you...

Who do you think is responsible for the missing money?

Melvin it Melody?

What do you think Humaira will go through? Maybe her helper is just somewhere by the corner.

You wouldn't know until you scroll through 🤭

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