Chapter 55: 🔦Missing🔦

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Finally, the police woman took down the statement and directed them to go to the back of the building. A tall man dressed in mufti was sitting, alone smoking cigarettes. Mr. Abdullahi went to him and informed him that he was directed by the lady inside. Imam was raged by the state he was.

"Law makers are law breakers. Just look at him. And he expects others to abide by law, he himself lack morals." He whispered to Mr Abdullahi but Mr. Abdullahi didn't reply him.

All in this mind that evening was how to get Idris. It was already getting late and Amina might soon be back...

"Good evening sir." Mr. Abdullahi greeted.

The man drew out another series of smoke from the straw and puffed it out on them through his nostrils.
The Iman conversed his nose with the right side of his elbow as if he was trying to avoid corona.

"The madam inside asked me to meet you."

"Okay, I'll need the boy's photos and money to send signal to all the surrounding divisions."

"How much do I have to pay sir?"

"It's #1,000 for every signal." He answered.

Mr. Abdullahi immediately put his hands into his pocket but there was only #150.

"I'm out of cash Imam." Mr. Abdullahi informed him. "I left home in rush that's why. How do I do now?"

"Just come back tomorrow because I'll soon be going home. It's already 9:59 pm. I'll suggest you come very early tomorrow morning so I can start working on this case."

"Okay sir." Mr. Abdullahi answered and thanked the man as he sadly went home.


At Home...

The boys had eaten and slept. Only Zainab was still awake. Even though she was hurt and bruised by Mr. Abdullahi, her foster dad's beatings. All she did was to worry about Idris's whereabouts. She prayed and waited for their arrival as her mind was unsettled. Just then, she heard a knock and sallama. She quickly rushed to open the door.

"Welcome sir? Any news about his whereabouts?"

Mr Abdullahi got in, looking at her with a dirty look. The only thing with him was Idris's cut slippers.

"It's all your fault, Zainab. Maybe you're who they say you are... Maybe you're cursed after all. You need prayer and special deliverance from all of these."

"It's all false, I'm not cursed sir... I'm normal. I pray everyday Mr. Abdullahi. I'm a Muslim... I'm your daughter." She explained with ears blurring her sight.

"Hey! Don't ever call yourself my daughter again. You've been doing it Zainab, but today you've passed your boundary. It's all because of you that Idris ran out of this house to only God knows where! It's all your fault, I regret ever bringing you to his house at first."

"Idris is fine sir, I'm sure he'll come back soon. Nothing would happen to him sir, have faith in God." She sniffled trying hold back on the tears but choked softly instead.

"What are you? An Angel? Or a witch! How do you know that he's in safe hands with all I've withnessed tonight! We met a dead girl by that riverside. Definitely, he must have been kidnapped! Idris has never left this house like this! It's only months since you came here and a lot has happened already! I'll only give you three days! If I don't see my son within three days, I'll hand you over to the police for torture!! And I can promise you that!" Mr. Abdullahi walked into his bedroom without taking dinner that night.

He left Zainab speechless and heartbroken. She didn't know what to say, or do, or how to convince him not to hate her even more. Every single day, there were reasons for him to hate her even more... She cried and went inside to perform taajud. She cried in prayers and placed her head to the ground in prostration for almost an hour.

She prayed for Idris's protection and that he gets home soon. All these was getting too much for her to bare and it was also going out of hand. Why would he leave home at the first place! Now, everyone is blaming her for everything.

She sat down to plead to God Almighty for his mercies and blessing son her and this family that took he in. The Bala's family.

"I hope tomorrow would be better than today." She said to herself before sleep finally engulfs her tiny, weak body.


Meanwhile, that evening. The set of ritualists took Idris to an harbalist's hut. It was a long drive. They had passed a very deep bush and drive through a thick forest before getting there.

Idris tired moving a couple of time but they hit and hard and warned him to stay quite else, they'll slaughter him without double thoughts. So, the poor boy obeyed.

They got to the Baba's hut. Finally. The old man was cooking some herbs and reciting some incantations to it. He was sitting on a red stool and in front of him as a big black moulded pot... Placed on the burning fire. Idris couldn't view the sight because he was tired in the big, bloody sack but he was already trembling to the sound of things.

"Good evening baba." One of them with a pot belly first greeted. He seems to be the leader of the gang.

Instead of replying, the old man continued his incantion as if he didn't hear anything.

"We brought another meat for you baba." He said again.
But the harbalist didn't reply him.

It took a while, he said the incantations slowly and slowly as if it affected his whole body and soul.

Then he took a white shawl from the elephant's husk, and placed it on his neck before turning to them. The huge husk was placed on the wall somewhere outside his hut...

"Haven't I told you to take off your shoes before entering my shrine?!" He gushed out, really pissed.

"Sorry baba. So sorry baba..." They apologized and took off their shoes.

Then they bowed in and entered walking backwards.

"We're sorry once again baba. Forgive our manners."

"Yes! Where's the girl's body parts?" He asked with a bold frown on his face.

"Something happened baba..." The leader swallowed. "You said no one should ever catch us in the process that was why we went into the bush to do it but someone saw us sir."

'What?! That's an abomination!!"


Words and Translations

-Sallama: greetings

-Taajud: Night prayers or vigil

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