Chapter 78: Valued

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Zainab kept on washing while Idris finally had a plan. Since his mum was with the keys, he couldn't go out but went to take his dinner from the dinning table into his room. It was bread and fish-stew.

Idris decided to write a letter to tell him about his plan.

"Please come to my window, will you?:("

He folded it and slipped it outside through the space under the backyard door.

He made a sound that attracted her to it.
'What's it again? It must be a love letter' Zainab guessed and frowned. I wouldn't open it. She muttered to herself and continued her washing. But from time to time, her eyes and attention went to and fro from the clothes to the tiny piece of paper.

Her unsettled mind wouldn't let her be so, she finally decided to check on it.

"Please come to my window, will you?:("

She read.

'Oh, what's it now? Does he want a goodnight kiss or what?' She thought within herself. 'What does it matter anyway. He lives happily with his family and I'm the one to do all the chores.'

Zainab read the sentence over and over again before making up her mind to go and check on him. 'What if it's Ibrahim and Isah's plan?' A voice taunted in her mind.

'No... it's can't be. This is Idris's handwriting.'

Her mind was there so she finally gathered the courage to go. Getting there, Idris has already opened the shutters window, waiting for her presence.

She moved closer and made a sound at first.

"Hey...Zee!" He whispered. What took you so long? Take this. He passed her his bread and fish-stew stew sauce she prepared earlier that day.

"Thank you..." She whispered back.

"Take these too."

He passed her satchet-water, his black cardigan and an old duvet from inside his built-in wardrobe.

"Bye.... Take care." He muttered back as she collected everything and tiptoed back to her washing space.

He was happy she could eat at last. Zainab devoured the soft slices of bread and drank the water with it. Finally, she felt refreshed and strong again. In less than 30 minutes, she had completed the washing. She tried knocking the door a couple of times but Amin didn't answer. She ordered others not to let her in as well.

Meanwhile, it was just 10: 20pm. Idris could hear her knock from his room. He quickly ran outside.

"Mummy, it seems Zainab is through with her washing." He announced.

"Oh really? What's the time now?" She glanced at their dusty looking wall clock.

"It's just 10:20 pm mummy."

"It's almost 10:30. It's late already. Nobody opens the door till tomorrow."

"But mummy, why? It's night already and it's very cold outside. Please ma, let her in... Please."

"And what's your own?" His dad replied. "I thought you said you aren't feeling well? You've been in your room since 7:00 pm. You didn't even go to mosque to pray with the us. Why are you up and strong all of a sudden?"

Ibrahim, Isah and their mum stared at him awkwardly and they ended up laughing at him.

"I'm just concerned for her dad. Zainab is my siste-"

"Really? Wonders shall never ceases!" He claps in amazement.
"Go to your room Mr. Sister. We've had enough for today." Mr. Abdullahi turned off the television and lights

"But dad! Please... What if she catch a cold? What if she gets sick? What i-"

"I'm tired of your mumerings Mr! Now go to your room before I use my belt on you!!"

Idris felt terrible. He couldn't say anything more as he knew they wouldn't agree. They won't open the door for her no matter what.

"Mum! Dad!! This is unfair wallahi! Zainab is just human like us, she's not an animal or a robot. She should be valued. I just hope your actions won't put you in trouble one day..."

"What do you mean by that?" His dad frowned.

He looked at both of them with a kind of disappointing look. As if he regret being among the family but he just walked into his room and went to bed.

"What does he mean? See this stupid boy o! Sometimes, I wonder why her charm haven't left his body... He'll just be vomiting rubbish as words!" Mr. Abdullahi vexed. " ?Or what's emthe meaning of this?!" He asked his wife.

"Just forget about him my dear. He's just a child." She answered as they booth went into their room.

Zainab picked all the buckets together in a corner and slept on the bare, icy floor. Wearing the black cardigan and using the duvet to cover her her body.

'Ya Allah! I'm so tired. I haven't even prayed Magrub and Isha'. She sighed,  gathered strength again and went to perform ablution by the tap. She took of her shirt and wiped out the soup stains that we're still on her body, wearing only Idris's warm sweater. It looked really cute on her even though it was find of big. At least, it's manageable for the night. She made her prayers before finally going to sleep.

Her mind only thought of one thing and one person, Humaira.

"Oh Allah, bless Humaira anywhere she is. It's been a while, though I haven't heard from her, I hope she's doing alright now with her baby. Oh Allah protect her from any evil and provide for her the best this world and the next. And bless Idris too... I don't know why he's so caring towards me but he has done a lot for me today."

Thinking about Idris, the watched a mind-picture of what happened earlier. The stares and touch... "Audhubillahi Mina shaytani Rajim." she muttered before saying her night prayers.

"Bismikallahuma Ammutu wa'ahya."


"In you name, Oh Allah. I live and die."

"Allaahu laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoom, laa ta'khuthuhu sinatun wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis-samaawaati wa maafil-'ardh, man thal-lathee yashfa'u 'indahu 'illaa bi'ithnih, ya'lamu maa bayna 'aydeehim wa maa khalfahum, wa laa yuheetoona bishay'im-min 'ilmihi 'illaa bimaa shaa'a, wasi'a kursiyyuhus-samaawaati wal'ardh, wa laa ya'ooduhu hifdhuhumaa, wa Huwal-'Aliyyul- 'Adheem.

"Allah! There is none worthy of worship but He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.        -Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:255.

She recited these prayers thrice before finally going to bed. Hoping the next day would be better. Insha Allah.

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