Chapter 17

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Btw this chapter is angled on Twigpaw. I hope you like it!

Once Swiftfeather flanks move up and down repetitively Twigpaw knows she is asleep. Taking a deep breath Twigpaw tiptoes over to the pool. Breathing again, Twigpaw gathers all her strength to touch and leave her nose in the icy water. With a quiet gasp Twigpaw falls asleep.

A sunny flash of warm orange light blazes through the sky. A small brown kit stands there, staring at Twigpaw with disbelief.

"D-Dirtkit?" Twigpaw blurts out after getting past the lump in her throat

"Twigpaw!" The small brown kit with black flecks and bright amber eyes meows with joy "Wait, can you see me?"

"Um... I think so." Twigpaw meows while rubbing her eyes.

"Did you feel a force pulling you towards the pool even though Swiftfeather told you to stay?" Dirtkit asks, his tail flicking wildly through the mist

"Yeah. I thought that was just me." Twigpaw meows still in shock

"Good. That was me. I need to tell you something. But first can we play a little?" Dirtkit asks playfully. Twigpaw plays with her deceased littermate while tears fall on her cheek. "Okay."

"Okay what?" Twigpaw asks while her tears dry up

"You are an amazing cat. You have a never ending source of bravery. You, a fresh apprentice, followed your mentor through one of the worst storms ever. Twigpaw, you will achieve amazing things. Never forget this... I love you." Dirtkit meows like he is the wisest cat in StarClan

"W-wow, Dirtkit. Thanks. I love y-," Twigpaw stammers but before she finishes Twigpaw realizes she is staring Swiftfeather in the face.

Please check out my other book, Sparrowkit's Path and comment your feelings about it! Have fun! Byeeeeeeeee ~Swift

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