Glue Myself Shut

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[Glue Myself Shut]


"Harry and 'Alfoy."

There was a collective groan. Everyone knew partnering the two rivals would only result in a fight. No one would be getting work done if they so much as even looked at each other funny.

Harry let his messenger bag droop down his shoulder and looked across the field where Malfoy was. He'd been twiddling with his sugar quill looking bored as Pansy talked his ear off. Harry couldn't blame him; Hagrid didn't make it easy to follow. At his name being called, he looked up at the burly man then towards Harry. There was a twitch of emotion on his face Harry couldn't place.

Hagrid pulled Harry aside after he finished reading off the list. Ron and Hermione gave him a sympathetic glance. "Sorry abou' this Harry. Have ter keep an eye on 'im, yeh know? Can' afford ter have the ministry on me back again. . . Dumbledore needs me. I can' be leaving jus yet."

Harry nodded grimly but truthfully he was kind of glad to be partnered with the Slytherin. They hadn't talked since the moment in the hallway days ago. They both knew an encounter like it would be unavoidable but it hurt, no unnerved him, seeing Malfoy on the ground. It was stupid but his conscious was yelling at him for not doing something. He felt horrible. And Draco hadn't even been doing anything! He was still mad at Ron for hexing him out of nowhere, not that he could express it without both his friends thinking he was possessed.

But Draco had said somethings too. It had shocking to him revert back to him old-self, even if he knew it was only self-defense. They needed to talk about what had happened but it's not like the prat was making it easy. With any other the Gryffindor it was nearly impossible to avoid one another. The house barrier made him almost want to strangle the snake.

They split up into their assigned pairs in the small closed-off areas. He easily found Draco already sulking in the back pin. He didn't necessarily ignore Harry but didn't go to greet with either. They sat awkwardly together waiting for Hagrid to bring in the thestrals. (Hagrid had spent the first half of the lesson lecturing of the dangers of them and how only certain people could see them. Harry already knew this of course but many students outraged on how to clean an animal you couldn't see).

"Can you see them?"


"The thestrals I mean."

Harry had talked under his breath so no one would question their conversation. Draco shifted uncomfortably on their bench, crossing his arms over his chest. Harry noted he still had his sleeves pulled down despite the heat. Again, Ron and Hermione's suspicion snuck its way into his brain.


Draco didn't bother to elaborate. Harry figured as much. Sharing a house with death eaters and a dark lord wasn't exactly a kid's birthday party. Harry had just hoped for the best.

"Me too."

Hagrid came back a little after that with the thestrals for each group. It didn't take a genius to notice the way Hagrid eyed Draco carefully when handing Harry the chunks of meat to guide it away.

Harry eyed the creature carefully. It reminded him of his stunt last year. It's boney frame sent chills of guilt to line his stomach. He cursed Hagrid for picking one of the worst animals possible.

"Give it here."

Harry looked back to where Draco was standing a couple feet behind him. It surprised to hear him speak up seeing as it seemed he was being ignored. He was more distant today than he had been all year.

Harry gave him the bucket filled with the chunks of meat and started to feed it. To his surprise, the creature took an odd liking to the blonde. It bowed it's head to Draco in an act of respect, much like a hippogriff, then pushed it's snout up against his pale hand. It even neighed in comfort. Harry watched the exchanged very carefully as he started to groom the miss-shapen horse.

"Thestrals are, undeservedly I tell yeh, known as omens o' misfortune an' aggression by many wizards because they are visible on'y ter those who have witnessed death at least once or cause their grim, gaunt an' ghostly look. But they don' really mean anyone any harm, do they? Nah, they're gentle creatures really... "

Harry ignored that's exactly what Hagrid said last time before Draco was sent flying to the ground. Instead, he looked around and noticed everyone was still in the process of calming down their thestrals. Theirs seemed to be the calmest of the bunch. Looking at Draco's peaceful face, a crook of a smile hidden if you didn't know him, it wasn't hard to understand why. There was a warm feeling settled inside him watching them interact.

When he was sure no one was listening in, Harry spoke up. "Are you okay?"

Draco didn't look up from rubbing a hand across the thestrals snout. "Why?"

It was a broad question. Enough for Harry to become picky with his words in fear Draco would recoil back into himself again. "You didn't come last night."

"I had detention."

"You didn't send a note."

"I was busy."

Harry bit down on his lip and tried to focus attention back to rubbing down the animal. Harry knew Draco had his own life apart from Harry, but somehow the words didn't sit right with him. It was obvious he was lying. Draco was too punctual, to poise, to allow himself to fall behind on a task.

"Are you sure?"

Draco tilted his head upwards, the way he did when he wanted to sound more confident about something. "Perfectly."

Harry didn't know to continue on with that. It was like talking to a brick wall. "He seems to like you," he points out, talking about the creature. Draco only nodded and threw another chunk of meat at it. It stumbled back a few steps trying to catch it.

"Why did you have detention?"

"I went for a fly."


Draco finally meets Harry's eyes with a glare that said 'are you serious right now?' and it clicked to Harry. Ron and Hermione increasingly broke out into conspiracies about what had happened to Katie and if Draco was involved. He wondered if he should mention it to the blonde.

"Oh. I- uh- told Ron and Hermione that I was able to get in contact with a potions dealer with a bribe. You can send them off at the Halloween feast tomorrow..."

Draco froze for a second. The word 'Halloween' seemed to catch him off guard. "Fine. Go back to grooming. People are noticing. Talk later."

Harry looked over his shoulder to where a Ravenclaw he'd forgotten the name of was staring at them oddly. Harry didn't want to end the conversation so quick as it was the most they've gotten to talk in almost a week. Nonetheless, Harry went back to his scrubbing but not without giving Draco one last look-over.


Harry leaned against the wall and breathed heavily. The steps to the top of the tower was a lot even for a person who didn't have a cursed heart on probation.

He coughed into his elbow. His heart was rattling in his chest, messing up the pattern of his breathing. This had happened enough times since his last fit at Remus's house to know it he could easily make it through it. It wasn't fatal or anything. It just bothered him he couldn't even walk upstairs anymore. He needed a cure and fast. Hopefully, after tonight that shouldn't be a problem.

"You're early," a voice sweeps in from behind him. His coughing had covered up the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Y-yeah. I got cut from the Quidditch team until I 'get better'. It didn't matter that I was the captain."

"Maybe you should listen to them. I would rather you not have a heart attack hundreds of meters in the air. I've invested far too much time in you."

Draco caught up to him on the stairs. He looked to be in a better mood than he did yesterday. Harry wanted to put it up to the 'Halloween cheer' but he doubted it. Whatever it was, he was grateful.

Harry had gotten a note, an origami crane like before, last night while he was getting ready for bed. Draco wanted to talk to him in the tower before the feast seeing as it was the one night in the next couple of weeks he wouldn't be gone for detention.

"I think others would disagree," Harry managed through another fit of coughs. Draco grimaces and casts a wordless less. Immediately Harry's lungs begin to feel better.

"Well I've already called dibs, haven't I?" He swings an arm around Harry's shoulder and helps him the rest of the way. When they got to the top the glass walls circled around them in a stunning picture. There was a sunset in the sky, as bold as one of Molly Weasley's tangerine jellies. It sat within the sky, that autumn-fruit hued throne, as if it looked over the earth, stretching out with sepia tones to everyone below.

Harry immediately takes notice of the dozens of books covering every piece of furniture. They were scattered all over the place like a tornado had ripped a library and tossed the remnants here.

Draco moved some books so the two of them could sit on the divan together. Harry spots a book named 'The Influences on Wizarding Tradition' and picks it up, flipping through it. "What's all this?"

Draco's digging through his school bag for something so he has to look up to see what he's talking about. "Research."

He shoves a chocolate frog in Harry's hands with a demand to eat. In his other is an already opened envelope he seems frantic over.

"On what?"


"...thanks. You seem...much happier."

Draco scowls. "I don't know what you mean. I'm perfectly normal."

Harry opens the candy box with a raised eyebrow. The figure jumps out and almost lands on the blonde's face had he not leaped for it first. "You've been acting like a kicked puppy all week."

"No I didn't."

"Yes. You did. Was is what happened in the hallway the other day?"

Draco stiffens. He clearly didn't want to think about it. "Obviously not. We both knew what would happen eventually, yes? Then I have no reason to be upset. And I am not."

"You were though. And avoiding me. I'm surprised you even wanted me here."

Draco huffs with a glare. "I did hide. I told you I was busy. I'm not a child. You know I didn't mean what I said to Weasley and I know what you said didn't either. Simple."

Harry shifts awkwardly. Draco was without a doubt upset, Harry just didn't know what to say to make it better or if he should even continue on at all. Harry knew first hand what kind of thought process was going through. He logically knew that the Durselys hated him, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when he was humiliated time after time.

Draco was bottling up his emotions and he didn't want that. He also didn't want to destroy Draco's good mood. Perhaps it was selfish but he missed talking to Draco about random things, even if it was only a couple days. He didn't want to scare that away now it seemed like he had it back.

"Ron got a lecture about improper uses of curses by Hermione if it makes you feel any better. And she threatened not to help him on his homework for a week."

Despite the increasingly gloomy atmosphere, Draco grinned. "A grindlewick always returns back to the shepherd you pitch it to."

Harry decided not to question the odd wizarding phrase. He had enough headaches as it was.

He ripped off a leg of the now inanimated frog. "What's in the envelope?"

Draco's grip on it tightened, crinkling the edges of the paper. His rare grin didn't even flicker. Harry was momentarily startled on striking the image was. The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkled. The way his teeth are perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gives. A stand of loses blonde hair fall in front of his face, reflecting on the vivid oranges of the sky behind him. His large grey eyes held such intelligence and twinkle at that moment that he couldn't help but pause and stare.

"You won't believe it if I tell you."

Harry became skeptical. But Draco's grin was contagious and he soon found the tips of his lips turning upward as well. "Oh?"

He reached out quickly, trying to pluck the parchment out of his hands. Draco moved just as fast and with a flash moved it behind his back. "Curiosity killed that cat."

"And satisfaction brought it back."

Draco hummed. "Fine then. But you have to believe me. I've done nearly every detection spell possible on this."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You're also rubbish at defense."

"I'm rubbish only because of rubbish teachers. Besides," he pulled out the paper from the letter and handed it to Harry, "I know her handwriting when I see it."

Harry took it with caution.

Dear Dragon,

I may be old but I can still throw a hell of a punch. I'm not going to get tossed off the boat that easily. They'll have to try a little harder than a lousy 'diffinate'.

My apologies for taking so long to write but it was a precaution. I had to flee before I was spotted and taken another shot at. In all truthfulness, I should have closed the inn down when it was discovered they were attacking muggle-born shops. I'd thought I could have held out a little while was business was good. I was a fool. Tell your friend it wasn't his fault. I would gladly offer him over his head over and over again. I can't forgive myself if you came to harm or anyone else because of my mistake. Are you okay?

I'm with some pood people right now. They offered me protection from the war and a flat to live in until I'm back on my feet. I can't say exactly for safety but it's somewhere in the states. Maybe one day you'll be able to visit. They make amazing smores. I'll send you some. Heaven knows your sweet tooth will be the death of you one day.

Write back as soon as you can.

Love, Blackberry.

Harry may be dumb, but he wasn't stupid. It was fairly easy to put together the pieces.

"She's alive," breathed Draco. "She was alive. I should have expected as much but..."

Harry looked between the paper and the boy in front of him. Draco said to trust him about the authenticity. He hoped for his sake it as true. He couldn't bare if Draco walked himself in a trap. He remembered thinking the same thing after his 'father' conjured a patronus when he was thirteen.

"Brillant," says Harry. It lacked the normal buzz to it. Draco is too caught up in his euphoria to notice.

"I couldn't believe it. It showed up dinner last night. Blaise thought I was about to go into cardiac arrest." Draco flung up his hands at the ceiling. He decided he could shove his doubts away for the time being. He'd never seen him so happy before.

The watch on Draco's wrist starts to buzz, capturing both their attentions. The Halloween feast was about to begin. Draco was supposed to use the time to go send off the potions ingredients at the owlery when everyone was gone.

"Right," Draco said, the happiness coming off him in waves. "Let's go get you a cure."


You used to be scared of the water

You're safe by the side of your father

Your sense of the world lay

In your little home by the harbor


Rip this chapter fucking sucks. I had no idea what to do. I have writers block :,)

Words: 2680

Published: 9/9/20

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