Chapter Four: To the Death

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Hiccup set his left hand on the pommel of his sword before picking up his Gronckle Iron shield. He still wasn't used to holding his weapons with the opposite hand. Yesterday's grueling practice thankfully gave him some familiarity, but if he survived this he vowed he would never fight with his right again.

Before exiting the tunnel entrance, he gave Astrid one last kiss. His heart pounded when he pulled away and the fear in her eyes wasn't lost on him. But she was determined as well. He prayed he would be as strong as she.

The moment was broken when Dagur cleared his throat loudly. "You realize we are supposed to be fighting before the sun comes up, right?"

Hiccup lightly brushed Astrid's bangs out of her eyes, stroked her cheekbone, and abruptly walked into the arena. The lump in his throat broadened with each step and he continuously tried to swallow it down. He finally lifted his head and stood tall, facing his opponent, his rival. His mortal enemy.

"Don't feel bad," Dagur droned, teeth gleaming in the dusk. "Your trip to Valhalla will be glorious. If it makes you feel better, I could kill Astrid as soon as I'm finished with you. She would put up a fight big enough to earn herself a warrior's position. Then she could join you."

A surge of anger spiked through Hiccup's chest and suddenly, he wanted to hit him. Fueling his adrenaline, he forced into his mind every bad word, every attack, every single time Dagur tried to hurt him from the time he was a little boy up until he was an adult. Suddenly he felt ready. In his mind's eye he saw the fearful looks his children had given him before he left. He imagined the future they would have if Dagur killed him. That future couldn't happen. Not on his watch. He didn't know how he was going to win. He still was unsure if it was possible. But he'd be cursed forever if he didn't try.

"Your face is splotchy. Been crying have we? You never really were a real man anyway." Dagur taunted with a mild chuckle.

Hiccup gripped the strap of his shield angrily. "Real men aren't afraid to show love and devotion, Dagur. But you wouldn't understand what that means."

"Real men shouldn't show weakness." Dagur retorted. "Unfortunately you have been showing weakness since the day you were born. Small, weak, helpless. You were never even meant to be a real man. I think the gods got you confused."

Hiccup felt his neck and ears burn with his anger. He tried to cap it; he didn't want to be unfocused when the fighting started. But he let the emotion surge through his blood, his limbs beginning to shake in anticipation. The adrenaline pumping through his body would only make him stronger. While Dagur rambled, he was only giving Hiccup more time to prepare. Every second counted after all.

Kara and Frederik stood at the head of the arena from their seats, grasping each other's hands tightly. Dagur continued to fire insults at Hiccup while the rest of the group's eyes turned upward to the neutral party.

The Meathead chief pressed her lips tightly together to wait for Dagur to stop talking for three seconds. He never did, so she finally shouted, "Fighters ready!"

Hiccup backed up a few steps, drawing his sword and facing Dagur. Dagur followed suit, a wide, confident smirk on his face. The Berserker didn't even have a shield with him. His suit was decked in daggers big and small, a sharp hatchet was strapped to his left shoulder and his sword hung from its scabbard at his left hip. His armor rattled as he moved and his helmet seemed to be his only smart form of protection. Still, Hiccup gulped.

Kara closed her eyes for a moment before raising her voice strongly. "May the best chief win. Good luck." A mere beat later, the gong sounded...


The Hooligans were rarely up before the sun. People like Stoick sometimes rose that early but most stayed in their beds until they could see daylight in their windows. Ordinarily, the village square was completely silent and still in the early hours of the morning. But this morning was different. This morning, the chief of their village might lose his life and no one would know the outcome until the afternoon if they were lucky.

Without saying a word to anyone else, almost everyone in the village made a silent decision to go to the Great Hall and pray for their chief. To beg the gods to spare his life and to give him the strength to take Dagur's.

Among the throng of silently praying Vikings were the children for whom Hiccup was fighting. Neither slept well the previous night and both were awake well before dawn. Adrianna barely stopped crying since her parents had left. No amount of words or comfort could make her stop. That morning, she continued to cry as silently as she could, stifling each hiccup as they came.

As usual, Finn had reacted differently. He had become reclusive since his parents had flown away. He would sit for hours and stare out into space, his eyes wide with fear. This vaguely reminded Lotus of Hiccup's catatonic state after everything with Adrianna but Finn wasn't completely gone. He would speak if he was spoken to and he reacted to his environment. He simply wanted to be alone.

The twins' sole remaining grandparent worried about how the children would cope with losing their father. The very idea terrified them so much they could hardly function. There was still hope. There was still a chance that Hiccup would survive and protect his family and his village. A chance... but that wasn't enough to assure the terrified children. Hope could only get them so far.

The Great Hall had never been so full yet so quiet. Scraping chairs, footfalls, breathing... every sound permeated the Hall and seemed to be magnified. Adrianna's hiccups reverberated around the confined space yet no one had the heart to speak to her. To comfort her.

No one, that is, except Erick.

The boy had always been shy and calm, emotional when he was pushed but easygoing and relaxed most of the time. Adrianna was outgoing and friendly, a startling contrast to her best friend, but both were sensitive. They seemed to understand each other on a deep level that no one else could reach. They instinctively knew how the other was feeling. And more importantly, they knew what the other needed.

Erick walked up to Adrianna and wordlessly put his arms around her. She let out a muffled sob and buried her face into his shoulder. Several of the Hooligans turned their heads to watch the two of them for a moment before resuming their prayers.

Heather noticed the pair of them out of the corner of her eye but focused her gaze on Finn. The boy was sitting down and staring at his boots. His shoulders were hunched and his expression completely blank. She carried Inga over and sat down next to him, allowing the toddler to sit in her lap. Even Inga seemed to feel the tension in the room. She curled into her mother's arms and shut her eyes, becoming very still. Heather put her hand on Finn's back and gently rubbed it.

"You'll be okay, little man." she whispered to him.

Finn didn't move. He acted like he didn't even know Heather was there. After a few minutes of agonizing silence, Inga's eyes opened. She reached down patted Finn's shoulder with her tiny hand. He looked up at her and she smiled widely at him. After a moment, he smiled back.

The sun was beginning to rise, signaling the dawn of a new day. Hundreds of Vikings prayed more fervently with every minute. It all depended on Hiccup now. Their village was in his hands.


The slam of metal against metal jolted Hiccup's bones when their swords met. Dagur drove him backwards, swinging his sword with a strength and ferocity unmatched to his fellow Hooligans. But he blocked and parried each blow with his own weapon and shield, unwilling to be taken down so quickly.

Dagur cackled with each swipe of his weapon, sure his adversary would be dead in mere minutes. Hiccup was backing up toward the wall so easily, it was as if he wanted to die! He wasn't putting up much of a fight, he was merely working defensively! He would never stop attacking and Hiccup would never win if all he did was protect his thin, weak frame. Yes, Berk was practically in his clutches. Those little brats would soon be his, as would the Night Fury and the beautiful wench Hiccup called a wife.

"Come on, stabilize yourself!" A man's voice shouted from the Hooligans' side. Dagur knew it to be that Snotfaced man. Hiccup gritted his teeth and met Dagur's sword with his, this time keeping the weapons together in a tight block. He also forced his heel and prosthetic into the cobblestone, willing himself to stand firm.

Dagur soon found himself stepping backwards. He grinned. "You're a fool if you think you can defeat me!"

Hiccup then shoved him backwards a few feet. Before Dagur could say a word, Hiccup had lunged forward with his sword slicing towards his ribs. Dagur barely deflected the blow before another came his way. Dagur gritted his teeth, surprised at Hiccup's sudden fierce fighting skills. The pipsqueak never had been a good fighter... so where was this coming from?

Dagur blocked Hiccup's sword above their heads before snatching a thin dagger from his belt. Hiccup jerked backwards when the blade nearly dug into his chin in a fast uppercut. Dagur slid the blade back down and sliced Hiccup's left arm. He jerked, forcing Dagur back and leaving a few feet between them. From the corner of his eye, he knew he was bleeding. They had been fighting for only a few minutes and the first blood had already been drawn. His blood.

Dagur cackled at Hiccup's pause. "Too tired already? Ready to forfeit those brats and your tribe?"

Hiccup smirked as he talked and pushed a button on his shield. Dagur's eyes widened at the last second as he remembered; the centerpiece flew forward and wrapped around his torso. Dagur struggled until Hiccup yanked him forward. He soon felt Hiccup's stronger right knee smashing into his nose, making him howl in unexpected pain. The Hooligans cheered in satisfaction until Dagur broke the cord, swiping Hiccup's legs out from under him.

Hiccup's back slammed into the cobblestone, knocking the air out of him. Dagur stood over him, sword in hand and Hiccup's eyes widened. He barely blocked Dagur's blade over his face in time, his hand shaking at the force. He needed to lose the shield. As unwise as that was, he needed both hands.

He knew his weaker arm wouldn't hold out forever and by Dagur's hardened expression, he took Hiccup seriously now. No more games; he was going to come out swinging from here on out. Gritting his teeth at the stalemate, Hiccup broke eye contact to see Dagur's legs standing on either side of his. A burst of Tuffnut inspiration came to mind and he threw his right leg up and around the outside of Dagur's leg. The other man's pressure on his sword let up for a second as Hiccup pressed his heel into Dagur's left hip joint.

"What-" Dagur gasped when Hiccup pulled him backwards, throwing him off balance.

Tuffnut's voice suddenly screeched from the sidelines. "HE'S WIDE OPEN!"

A short spurt of empathy flew from Hiccup's consciousness as he raised his prosthetic and slammed it into Dagur's groin. The man screamed in a high pitched voice as he toppled backwards. Hiccup wasted no time in getting to his feet and dropping his shield. The Hooligan twins roared in satisfaction at their prodigy's epic fighting skills, but Hiccup paid them no heed. He slammed his blade down toward Dagur, but the Berserker managed to block his blow. And then he did something that Hiccup never forgot.

He punched Hiccup's left leg.

White hot pain shot through Hiccup's consciousness and his eyes pricked. He crumpled in a heap with a cry of pain he hadn't cried in years. Astrid yelped when Dagur made his way to his feet. "Get up! HICCUP GET UP!" She cried, slapping the metal bars keeping her from her husband.

Hiccup bit his lip and rolled to his left, Dagur's blade scraping loudly against the pavement where he previously lay. Dagur jumped forward and stomped on his blade, trapping it under his boot. He then pulled Hiccup up by the collar of his vest. His blood from the hit to the nose splattered on Hiccup's armor as he spat, "Are you going to cry? Too much pain to your little leg?"

"Try losing a leg and feel a hit like that, Dagur." Hiccup spat back. "In fact, let me help you understand the feeling." Dagur failed to notice Hiccup stealing a blade from his belt, and when the Hooligan suddenly twisted in his grip and shoved it into his thigh, he screamed in pain. Hiccup fell back to the ground and quickly tried to sit up. Dagur, still screaming in rage, punched Hiccup in the face. The Hooligan chief saw stars for a minute before Dagur kicked him in the stomach. The force of the kick sent Hiccup reeling across the cobblestone, but he managed to sit on his knees while gasping for breath.

He watched in horror as Dagur yanked the blade out of his thigh, flung the blood across the pavement and then expertly threw the dagger right at Hiccup's face. Hiccup threw all his body weight into his sword, barely managing to knock the dagger away and save his face. Gobber's grip on the iron bars tightened, the metal groaning against the hinges in his angst. Astrid dragged her fingers through her hair, her eyes never leaving the fight.

Hiccup gasped, shocked for a moment that he actually deflected the blade before Dagur was on him again. He had his hatchet in his left hand, his sword in his right. Hiccup instantly rolled to the right when Dagur swiped his hatchet and armed himself with a dagger that had been hidden in his boot. His left leg groaned from under him but he forced himself to stay standing. He wouldn't be mauled in front of everyone because his leg gave out on him.

Dagur limped after him as he backed up, both searching for an opening. Dagur forced out a heavy breath through hissed teeth. "You do realize you could save us both a lot of pain by just handing the brats over."

"Thought you were going to enjoy killing me, Dagur!"

"Oh I am! I am enjoying this immensely!" Dagur cackled. "But I'm just pointing out the fact that you have a wife, you know. She could just make you a couple more brats. What's the big deal?"

Astrid's face burned and the male Hooligans around her shifted angrily. The reddening of Hiccup's face wasn't lost on Dagur, so he pushed more. "Just make sure this time around she picks a proper place to pop. Wouldn't do to lose more kids." He then shifted his stance so he could look at Astrid thirty feet away. "However, I could give you better children than him. I can guarantee it-"

He was interrupted by Hiccup's indignant growl as he lunged forward. Dagur welcomed the attack, throwing his left arm into a wide swing. Hiccup jerked back, but the blade still swiped his right cheekbone. He knew the cut was shallow and met his opponent's sword over their heads. He jabbed at Dagur's ribs with his dagger, which was blocked as if he had seen it coming. Then with a sharp twist of his hand and slice, blood slashed across Hiccup's hand and his dagger went flying.

Dagur laughed when Hiccup bit his lip against the pain. "You really don't know how to use a dagger, do you? Funny, we both match up to our names quite well. I'm proficient with dagger usage, while you are the hiccup to end all hiccups."

Arm shaking from blocking Dagur's sword, Hiccup lifted his prosthetic and slammed it onto Dagur's foot. He yelped in sudden pain as Hiccup punched his leg wound. "GAHHH OW YOU LITTLE-" Dagur screamed, slicing his blade down toward Hiccup.

Hiccup jumped back, his sword in both hands now. "Notice that wound is from a dagger. I wouldn't say I don't know what I'm doing."

Dagur growled with rage and fiercely attacked. Hiccup met the blows straight on but felt himself back up by the second. Suddenly, Dagur caught the hilt of his sword by the blade and snatched it from his grasp. Dismayed, Hiccup watched his sword sail over Dagur's shoulder and steadily backed up. Dagur didn't move, only watched him back away in what he thought was weakness, but was in fact a smart evaluation of his surroundings.

His sword was ten feet behind the Berserker. He couldn't go around Dagur if he tried, he'd be cut down instantly. He most certainly couldn't go over him... but...

He had no time to further evaluate his plan as Dagur charged, sword flashing. Hiccup ran forward and just as Dagur's blade swiped toward his neck, he bent his knees and slid forward. He watched Dagur's blade sail over his face, clipping his bangs. Astrid screamed from the tunnel with the terror of watching her husband fall, but realized that he tricked them all. Hiccup slid past Dagur, the Berserker nearly tripping as his blade met open air. Hiccup jumped to his feet and grabbed his sword off the ground, whipping around to face Dagur again. The Berserker chief stood there with a look of confusion on his face, unsure how he had honestly missed his target. He had Hiccup in his clutches! And he missed!

"It's not fun to be a loser, isn't it Dagur?" Hiccup asked shrewdly, a slight smirk gracing his features when Dagur scowled. Hiccup raised his sword with both hands, anticipating another attack. He suddenly realized he had been fighting for... a long time. And he only had minor injuries so far! He would have smiled with joy with this revelation... but Dagur broke the silence.

"Loser?" Dagur sniffed. "I may have missed one time, but that doesn't make me a loser. I don't lose battles. That's your job. Always has been."

"Notice I'm still standing." Hiccup replied, not lowering his defenses.

"Not for much longer, Hiccup," Dagur sneered before charging forward.

Hiccup met his sword head on, sliding his own down toward the hilt in the attempt to catch Dagur's fingers. He missed, and unfortunately Dagur took the opportunity at their close proximity to kick his prosthetic out from under him. Hiccup crumpled to the ground, growling when Dagur dove on top of him as he tried to slam his sword hilt into his face. He grabbed the back of Dagur's vest and used all his strength to roll them over... but Dagur slammed him to his back again. Dagur laughed, grabbing a fistful of Hiccup's hair and pushing his his head into the cobblestone. Hiccup growled again, snatching a dagger from Dagur's belt. He slashed upwards with the weapon, slicing Dagur's right cheek up to his eyebrow. Dagur howled in pain, slamming Hiccup's head into the cobblestone in rage. Blood dripped onto Hiccup's face as he shoved his foot and prosthetic into Dagur's stomach, then shouted with all his strength as he flung Dagur up and over his head.

"Whoo! Yeah, that's right!" Tuffnut screamed when Dagur slammed into the weapons rack.

Hiccup rolled onto his belly, scrambling for his sword that had been lost in the tussle. Gobber's voice suddenly screamed, "HICCUP WATCH IT!"

Hiccup instinctively dove to his left, a large hammer barely missing him by inches. The sturdy hunk of metal slammed into his sword, cracking the blade in seconds. Now he only had a dagger; the rest of the weapons were behind Dagur... who was winding up for another swing. Hiccup barrel rolled forward, Dagur growling when he again missed his target. Hiccup scrambled up toward the weapons rack, a new weapon in his sights...

He didn't see the hit. He didn't even see the swing.


He was instantaneously flat on his belly clutching his left knee and screaming louder than he had ever screamed before in his life. It felt like electricity, the white hot, earth-shattering pain spiking up his left leg.

"Hiccup!" Astrid screamed, clutching the bars. She was sure her husband couldn't hear her as his scream echoed across the arena. Dagur swung the hammer again with a malicious cackle. The prosthetic snapped in half, making the Hooligans gape in fear. Hiccup snatched his knees to his chest, clutching his left.

"Hiccup get up! Please get up!" Astrid screamed, shoving her fingers through her hair.

Kara clutched the arm rests of her chair, her knuckles white. She couldn't bear to see Hiccup slaughtered like this when he probably couldn't stand. He had more fight in him... and now he had his best friend.

She stood from her chair and commanded in a loud voice, "Dragons! NOW!"

The Hooligan and Berserker instantly yanked on the ropes, lifting the cage doors. Toothless was out in a flash, raising a plasma blast deep in his chest and firing at Dagur just as the Berserker wound up for another swing.

The blast hit Dagur square in the back. The leather of his suit sizzled, melting across his skin painfully. He landed on his stomach a few yards away, his hands grabbing at his back to pull the leather off. But it was useless. He stared up at Bloodbath, his magnificent Skrill.

Hiccup gritted his teeth, not registering anything other than the agonizing pain he felt in his leg. Even if his prosthetic hadn't been broken, there was no way he would be able to stand on it. He knew it... he didn't need to test it to find out.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted when he sat up to rest his weight on his right knee. Tears formed in his eyes and he choked down another howl of pain. Toothless prodded his shoulder, warbling encouragingly. "Hiccup get up!"

Hiccup shook his head shakily. He couldn't get up... the pain was too great. Dagur was surely atop his Skrill by now... what more did he have left? But something caught his eye...

There, sticking out of the edge of his suit by his leg was his son's wooden axe. His eyes widened and the pain in his leg seemed to falter slightly.

"Finn..." he whispered. "Come on, buddy... daddy needs some of your strength."

A burst of adrenaline, fueled by the thought of his little boy, shot through his body. Toothless cooed in front of him, puffing his bangs out of his eyes. Hiccup looked up at him, tears of pain gathering at the edge of his eyelids. "T-Toothless... Help me up..."

Toothless immediately flattened on his belly, nudging his black triangular nose under Hiccup's waist. Hiccup groaned as he slid himself into his saddle, his dangerously injured left leg dangling above the rigging. Thankfully he could use his right foot to operate Toothless' tail. Joined with his best friend, he could do this... he had to. For Finn. For Adrianna. For Astrid. For Berk.

And for himself.

The Hooligan chief turned and locked eyes with his wife. Her face had fingernail marks from when she had clutched it in fear. Her knuckles were white, still gripping the bars. But her gaze was confident, encouraging.

"Go." she whispered, her heart pounding in her ears.

"All right bud," Hiccup said in a strong voice, turning and giving his dragon a reassuring pat on the head. Toothless growled in response, narrowing his eyes at the Skrill and its rider in front of them. "Let's finish this."

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