Chapter 17: Bullet Wounds

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"This is your fault!" Zoe yelled. She raised the gun, pointing it at the two agents. There was a loud bang and a yell as she pulled the trigger. Reid pushed Morgan sideways out of the path of the bullet.

"Reid," Morgan yelled. The blond agent collapsed to the floor with a cry of pain.

"Dammit," Zoe swore. "I wasn't aiming for him!" Morgan crossed the floor to where Zoe stood. Before she had time to react he grabbed the gun and twisted it out of her hands. It hit the floor and Morgan kicked it away. Morgan hissed as her nails raked across his face as she struggled to get loose. The door smashed open as she kneed him in the stomach and got her hands free. Zoe was about to make a dive for the gun but Prentiss pointed her gun at the girl.

"FBI, don't move," she ordered.


Outside the team of profilers and the police were about to break down the door. The bang of the gun made them freeze for a moment. Hotch and Prentiss were at the front door.

"Go," Hotch ordered the officers holding the battering ram. They swung it at the door and the door smashed open. The agents and police streamed in with shouts of, "FBI" and "Police." Prentiss saw Morgan loose his grip on Zoe and saw her start to move to the gun on the floor.

"FBI, don't move," Prentiss ordered. Zoe froze, anger reddening her face. Prentiss kept the gun on Zoe as the girl got to her knees, putting her hands behind her head. She could see Reid laying on the floor. Morgan was already kneeling beside him, putting a hand on the younger agent's stomach. Hotch handcuffed and read Zoe her rights. Putting her gun away Prentiss crossed over to where the body of Tyler lay still, not moving at all. Blood pooled around the body and, already knowing it was too late, Prentiss knelt and tried to find the faintness trace of a pulse. There was none.

"Prentiss," Morgan said. She came over by him and Reid. He had his hands pushed tight against Reid's abdomen.

"Tyler's dead," she replied to his questioning look. "What happened?"

"Zoe," Morgan said. Reid gave a slight whimper of pain as Morgan pushed down harder. "She shoot him."

"Hotch, call an ambulance," Prentiss said. "Reid's been shot." Hotch glanced away from Zoe to look at the three agents.

 "Hey pretty boy," Morgan said. "Look at me. How you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot," Reid replied. Morgan grinned.

"I don't think I've ever heard you make a sarcastic remark before."

"Looks like it went through his side," Prentiss said softly to Morgan. "Best case it just went through his abdominal muscles."

"Worst case?" Morgan whispered back, pressing a little more firmly on Reid's stomach. The blood was still leaking out between Morgan's fingers. 

"Worst case, it could have hit any number of organs."

"Ambulance is on the way," Hotch said. Zoe was being taken away by Sheriff Jones. 

"I'll fucking kill you for this!" Zoe screeched. "I swear to god I'll-"

"No one cares sweetheart," Jones said. She dragged Zoe out of the cabin and into one of squad cars. The ambulance pulled up as the squad car left.

"Is Tyler?" Reid asked. From his position he couldn't see Tyler's body. 

"Zoe killed him," Morgan said. Reid nodded and glanced away. Zoe had been the one to pull the trigger but Reid was the one who had pushed him into calling the FBI.

"It's not your fault," Morgan said. He could guess what was going through the genius's head. Reid opened his mouth to reply but the medics entered the shack. 

"Sir, please step back," one of the medics addressed Morgan who still had his hands on Reid's stomach.

"They got him Derek," Prentiss said. Morgan took a step back, letting the medics place Reid on a stretcher and wheel him out of the shack and into the waiting ambulance. 

"I should probably call Garcia," Morgan said. 

"Call her on the way to the hospital," Prentiss replied. 


Back at Quantico Penelope Garcia sat in her office. The team had gone to the shack ages ago and she had yet to hear from any of them. Obviously Reid was there or they would have called her way before now. She needed to hear from them. Several times she had picked up the phone and had been half-way through dialing Hotch or Morgan's number. Before she completed it though she put the phone down. If Reid was being held hostage than the others did not need her distracting them when they were trying to focus.

She shifted around some papers and tried to find more information on the UNSUBS. There wasn't much that they didn't already know. Her phone started ringing. She grabbed before the second ring.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey baby girl," Morgan said.

"It's about time you called me Derek Morgan," she snapped. "What has happened with my boy genius? Is he alright?"

"We got him out, Tyler's dead," Morgan paused. Garcia could hear a pause in his voice, something bad had happened.


"Reid was shot. We're heading to the hospital right now."

"Oh god," Garcia muttered. Tears forming in her eyes. They had found the found Reid but they might have lost him. Life was so unfair sometimes.


At the hospital Prentiss and Derek pulled up just in time to see Reid being whisked away inside on a stretcher. Both agents ran up to the door.

"I'm sorry you can't go through here!" A man in scrubs stopped them. Behind the orderly Reid was being pushed through a door.

"FBI," Morgan said. His eyes still on the spot where Reid had gone through the door.

"That man you just came in," Prentiss said. "He's with us. What is his condition?" The orderly picked up a chart from the counter and scanned through it.

"White male, late twenties, gunshot wound to the torso," the man read off the chart. "He has been taken in for surgery. Now that's all I can tell you. Can you please go to the waiting room?"

"Thank you," Prentiss said. She grabbed Morgan by the arm and pulled him out the door.


In the waiting room Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss were waiting for any word from the doctors. Prentiss stood up and got a coffee for herself and Morgan. Two hours passed and still no word. Hotch, JJ, and Rossi entered the waiting room.

"Any word on Reid?" JJ asked. Her eyes wide and worried.

"Nothing yet," Prentiss replied. "All we know is that he is in surgery."

"I'm going to see if I can find out anything from the doctors," Hotch said. He and Rossi headed over to the front desk. JJ sat down on the other side of Morgan. He was staring at the coffee in his hands.

"Hey," JJ said. "You alright?"

"Reid shouldn't have gotten shot," he said.

"It was Zoe who shot him," Prentiss said.

"Yeah but she was aiming for me," Morgan replied. "Reid pushed me out of the way."

"It's not your fault," JJ placed a calming hand on Morgan's arm.

"Why is always Reid who ends up getting injured or shot?" Morgan grumbled.

"He's accident prone I guess," Prentiss replied with a small smile. A doctor entered the waiting room.

"Group for Spencer Reid?" The doctor asked. His name tag read Andre Chen.

"I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner," Hotch said as the group of agents stood up. "Reid is a member of my team."

"Spencer Reid, white male, 27, gunshot wound to the torso," Dr. Chen read from the chart. "He just came out of surgery."

"How is he?" Morgan asked.

"The bullet was lodged in his abdominal muscles but it had missed all his vital organs," Dr. Chen informed the group. "However he did lose a substantial amount of blood and surgery was required to remove the bullet. He also suffered a stab wound to the right thigh, a shallow cut to his lower left arm, and a mild concussion. Both the wounds have been treated but I want to keep him here for a few days to make sure that no infection sets in. He is sleeping right now but he should be waking up soon. Would you like to see him?"

"Yes," Hotch replied for the whole group. Dr. Chen handed a blonde nurse the patient file and instructed her to show them to Reid's room.

It wasn't a long walk but Morgan was having a hard time remaining at a walking pace. He wasn't going to believe that Reid was alright till he saw him.

"Alright," the nurse said. "Here is Spencer Reid's room. Now if you can please be quite. He is still slightly sedated and will wake up on his own." The agents nodded as they entered the hospital room.

Spencer Reid lay asleep in the hospital bed. His skin was slightly pale and an IV was hooked up to his arm. White bandages covered both his wrist and his left arm. He didn't look the picture of perfect health but at least he was alive.

The BAU team pulled up chairs around the hospital bed. JJ took Reid's hand and gently brushed off some of the hair that had fallen in his face. He shifted slightly in his sleep. Morgan relaxed into the hard hospital chair. Reid was going to be just fine.


Hello my lovely readers!!! Guess who is finally uploading this chapter! Sorry for the long wait. It is the last week of the semester at my college and I have been cramming like crazy for my finals. Got an 86% on my Bio one which is AWESOME and after my Math one tomorrow I get to go home and chill for a month.


This also means that you will definitely have a new chapter soon and (hopefully) this book will be finished by Christmas.


Don't forget to read and enjoy. Also vote and review if you want more!

I have no medical knowledge. I pulled this stuff off the internet. Let me know if something is inaccurate or wrong please!

<3 InkheartCM

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