Chapter 6: The Phone Call

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Back at the Hill Lake Police Station, Reid, and Rossi were trying to figure out why the UNSUB had drastically shifted his timeline. Hotch and JJ were releasing the profile to the media and dealing with questions from the press.

"The FBI's involvement might have caused him to panic," Reid said. He was repeatedly clicking his pen as he spoke.

"But we profiled him as methodical, organized," Rossi said. "He would have to know or at least guess that the F.B.I would be getting involved at some point."

"Not necessarily," Reid replied, still clicking the pen. "We don't always get invited to help. He might have thought that a small town police department wouldn't involve the FBI."

Rossi took the pen away from Reid as Hotch entered the room.

"The UNSUB left another note," Hotch said. "Lieutenant Vang was attacked."

"Is she okay?" Rossi asked.

"The UNSUB struck her in the head with something heavy," Hotch replied. "The paramedics said that she probably has a severe concussion, but other than that she'll be fine."

"He returned to the body again and attacked a police officer," Rossi said. "That's bold."

"What about the note the UNSUB left," Reid asked.

"Two notes this time," Hotch said. He opened the the two pictures that Morgan had sent him on his phone. "One was found on Abbey's body and the other was painted on the side of the patrol car."

"Clearly he's trying to send a message," Rossi said. "Leave or he's going to come after one of us."

JJ and Riley walked into the room as Rossi spoke. Riley looked tired and less like his usual hyperactive, inquisitive self.

"JJ, we're going to need to set up a tip line," Hotch said.

"Why?" Riley asked.

"We released a statement to the press, the UNSUB most likely will call," JJ explained. "Either to gloat over what he has done or to make further threats."

"Garcia will be able to trace the calls that come through that tip line," Hotch said. "Then, if the UNSUB does call, we can find his location."

Morgan and Prentiss walked into the room. Prentiss put the evidence bag with the note from Abby's body on the board next to the other note. Morgan and her filled the rest of the team in on what they found at the other crime scene and what the hospital had told them about Vang's condition. Reid had taken both notes off the board and was busy examining them.

"What you got there, pretty boy?" Morgan asked. "I can hear you thinking all the way over here."

"There's two UNSUBs," Reid said. That got everyone else's attention. "This second note was written by a women and the first one was written by a man."

"We're dealing with a team then," JJ said.

Reid was still pouring over the notes. "I'd say that the female is the dominant personality."

"Why?" Rossi asked.

"On the first note, the handwriting is hesitant and unconnected, while on the second note it's larger and clearer." Reid replied. He placed both notes back on the table. "Also, the first note is addressed to an individual, showing that he isn't confident with the masses. The second note is addressed to a large group of people."

"You got all that from the handwriting?" Riley asked.

"Graphology is an effective and reliable indicator of personality and behavior," Reid replied.

"Okay," Riley said. He still looked like he had no idea was Reid was actually talking about. "What changes about the profile?"


When the doctor called and said that Vang had woken up and could have visitors, Reid went with JJ to the hospital. The clean white surfaces glinted from the late afternoon sun shining through the windows, doctors and nurses bustled down the hallway. JJ stopped a nurse to ask him where Vang's room was. After showing the nurse their badges he showed them to Vang's room. A small white sign with Kira Vang written on it along the doctor's name. JJ and Reid entered the room to find Vang sitting up in the bed furthest from the door. The room had the same impeccably clean look and smell that the rest of the hospital had.

"Good you're here. Maybe you can get me out of here," Vang said. She blinked a couple times as if the bring JJ and Reid into focus. "I'm fine, but these quacks don't seem to believe me."

"You have a concussion," JJ said. "You got hit pretty hard in the head. The doctor thinks that the UNSUB used a baseball bat."

Vang looked even more pissed off at the news that it was a baseball bat. She muttered something about shooting the bastards in the kneecaps.

"What do you remember?" JJ asked.

"Besides getting hit?" Vang said. "Nothing really, I mean I saw Morgan and Prentiss coming out of the woods. That was weird."

"Why was that weird?" Reid asked.

"I had literally just left them," Vang replied. "Figured I would have heard them walking behind me."

"Are you sure you saw two people coming out of the woods?" JJ asked.

"That's what I just said," Vang said. She seemed to be struggling not not to roll her eyes.

"Then you got hit on the hea?" Reid asked.

"Yes," Vang replied. This time she did roll her eyes.

"Do you remember anything about the two people coming out of the woods?" JJ asked. "Did they look familiar?"

Vang frowned. "You think it was the UNSUB that I saw, but there were two of them. I may have gotten hit on the head, but I do know how to count."

"We think that we're dealing with a team," Reid said.

"Oh lovely," Vang replied. "I don't remember much. I think that the women had dark hair."

"Thank you," JJ said. "You should get some rest."

"Tell Riley not to be stupid," Vang replied. "He has a tendency to act without thinking."

JJ and Reid said their goodbye's and left Vang's room.

"If Vang saw two people coming out of the woods and then was struck on the head," JJ said.

"We're dealing with more than just two UNSUB's," Reid finished her sentence. They left the hospital as Reid texted Hotch the development in the case.


Night had fallen fast in Hill Lake. The statement that JJ and Hotch had given the media was shown on the evening news. In the police station, the BAU and most of the members of the small police department were sitting by the dozen or so phones that were set up.

"Garcia are you ready?" Hotch asked. She was on speaker phone.

"I was born ready," she replied.

The moon had climbed higher in the sky. The officers answered dozens of calls, nearly all of the tips were useless. Riley's phone started ringing for what felt like the twentieth time.

"Hello, this is the -," he started to say when the person on the other end interrupted him.

"I wish to speak to Agent Aaron Hotchner, the agent in charge of the Hill Lake Strangler case," a male voice replied.

"Who is this?" Riley asked. He had the feeling that this was not a prank call or useless tip. There was no reply, just soft breathing, Riley waved Hotch over.

"Yes," Hotch asked.

Riley pushed the mute button. "I think it's the UNSUB," he whispered, even though the mute was on. "He wants to talk to you."

Hotch quickly dialed Garcia's number. "Garcia, line six."

"Okay, you'll have to keep him on the phone for a few minutes," Garcia said. Hotch could hear her furiously typing in the background. He handed the phone to Morgan as Riley handed him the other phone.

"Take the mute off," Hotch ordered. Riley did so. "This is Agent Hotchner," he said.

Nobody answered, but there was a small scuffling on the other end.

"Hey." A voice hissed on the other end in a slightly muffled tone as if someone was trying to cover up the end of the phone, but not succeeding. "He's on, what do I do?"

"Just read him this." A female voice replied.

"I don't think that's a good idea to-" a smack and a cry of pain sounded.

"I want you to take your team and leave, or one of your agents is going to pay the price." The girl had taken the phone and spoke with a clear, demanding tone.

"I can't do that," Hotch replied. Morgan waved a hand. Garcia had traced the where the UNSUBS were calling from.

"Then you are all going to die," the girl said. The line disconnected sharply.

"Garcia traced is?" Hotch asked. He handed the phone back to Riley.

"4913 Windsor Lane!" Garcia shouted out of the phone's speakers.

"That's an old abandoned house on the outskirts," Riley said. "It's less than 15 minutes away."   

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