Chapter Three

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~Two Months Later~

Jaime's P.O.V.

I look over to Conner, who was sitting with his face in his hands.

It's been two months since we last saw Tim and Bart. Everyone was worried. Nightwing and Wally were always gone, always out looking for them when we didn't have missions. Conner was super worried too. He'd go out daily, taking Tim's picture with him and asking people if they've seen them. Hal was always out with Barry as well, both of them searching for Bart. Anytime that they weren't out, Hal was busy comforting Barry, telling him that they'll find him. I was often out looking with Conner as well, trying not to get my hopes up when civilians said that they saw them.

I sigh and look over to Evey, who has been bouncing her leg to a rhythm that Bart would be proud of. She is worried as much as anyone else, being like a mother figure to everyone. Plus, her teammates were missing.

"Evelyn, relax." Aaron, her older twin brother says "Tapping your foot isnt gonna help find them."

(BTW, Aaron, Oliver(Not GA), Ivory, and Ulfred(Or Ulf) are imaginary characters. I call them my siblings because I can and my imagination can not be contained. We each control a different element. Aaron is Earth. I am Water. Oliver is the fifth Element. Ivory is fire. And Ulf is Air. That wpuld also be the order in which all of us were born. I am also obsessed with mermaids, so we are all mermaids/men. Thank you all for listening. Also, my real name is Evelyn. I just prefer Evey because that's what my friends call me and I consider all my followers my friends, even if I know little about them. Enjoy!)

She sighs and nods her head, looking over to Conner and I. "You guys wanna go look right now?" She asks.

Before either of us could answer, Nightwing called us in.

"Team, get to the mission briefing room now."

I sigh and get up, covering myself in my Blue Beetle armor.

Evey looks at her siblings and nods.

"Lets go find out what he has for us today."

~Two Days Earlier~

3rd Person P.O.V.
~At the Villians HouseHold~

Bart zooms around, dodging all the plants Poison Ivy had sprung. "He's getting good better at this." Ivy mutters to her lover, wrapping an arm around her while Harley nods and smiles in reply.

On the opposite side, Tim was weaving through the mass of plants as he dodged all of Selina's attacks.

Tim and Bart meet in the middle. They have been practicing together for the past three weeks for when they get to go out on their own.

"Tu es prêt?" Bart says, looking good at Tim.

"Je suis née prête." Tim replies.

"Supérieure ou inférieure?"

"Ci-dessous, duh. Rouler sur mon dos sur trois."


Bart fends off some plants starting to move closer without killing them.


Tim blocks some attacks from Selina, pushing her back.


Tim ducks below after pushing Selina away, catching her off guard. Bart quickly rolls over Tim's back and drops down, tripping Selina. Before she could get up, Tim gets onto Bart's back, who speeds out of the forest of plants to Poison Ivy and Harley.

The plants retreat back to their normal size as Selina gets up and walks over to the two. Tim hops off of Bart's back and smiles at Selina. "How did we do, Mum?"

Selina smiles and pulls him into a hug. They had barely been with them and bey were starting to call them Mum and Momma(for Harley). Harley and Ivy do the same thing to Bart, who gladly hugs back.

"You two did great, you both have great teamwork skills." Selina says, ruffling Tim's hair.

"Which is why we're gonna give this to you two." Ivy says, pulling away from Bart and Harley.

Ivy leaves the room to get something. Tim and Bart look at each other excitedly. They both were thinking the  same thing.

Ivy comes back with two presents in her hands. One pitch black with some gleams of white cats on them. The other had black and red plants on them. Ivy had the specific ones to Bart and Tim.

Tim, as neatly as possible, opened his while Bart just ripped his apart. All the girls slightly giggled at this. For the two of them being friends, they sure did seem like polar-opposites.

When all of the paper was on the floor, both Tim and Bart had unfolded the suits in them.

Tim's suits was all black. It was a long sleeve, skin tight suit. Along with it, he had a whip, like Selina's, and had goggles with basically everything he'd need for nighttime excursions.

Bart's suit had black boot, with the main part being a plant-like green long sleeve. His gloves for his suit were black as well. Along with the suit came some goggles to keep his eyes from windshear speeds and a belt that helped him control plants like Poison Ivy.

( Whitefox_cx is the person who actually created the design for Bart's villain costume! Go check out her books! That where I got my inspiration for this!)

They both look up there parental figures and smile. They pull them all into a hug. "Thank you, Momma and Mom/Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy and Mum/ Auntie Selina!" They spoke in unison.

The girls smiled and hugged back.

After the Bart and Tim had pulled away, Selina put down some rules.

"You can go out when we tell you to for the first week or so." Tim and Bart grown slightly. "You are not allowed to use your weapons in the house unless you are being attacked by someone you don't know or you are training with us present."

They both nod. Selina smiles.

"Alright Catlad and Poison Sumac. Dinner will be ready in a bit. Then it's off to bed."

They, again, nod and start to head up to Tim's room. "Bart, I still have someone for you."

Bart, confused, turns around and looks at Ivy. "Someone?"

Ivy nods and ushers him closer. She motions for him to give her the belt. He hands it to her. Harley smiles and wraps and arm around Bart's shoulder. "Hear is a friend who'll help you." Ivy says, pulling up a smaller version of her Venus FlyTrap.

She opens a latch to the inside of the belt and places him in the dirt. The FlyTrap roots sink in the with the Earth and you could see a smile.

Bart smiles as he takes his belt back and watches as the plant slither around his arm up to his shoulder.

"Thank you!" Bart said hurriedly, pulling Ivy into a quick hug before running back to Tim, who could also be seen smiling.

Both boys run up the stairs to Tim's room.

Poison Ivy and Harley look at each other and smile. "Lets go help, Selina in he kitchen, baby." Harley says, kissing Ivy's cheek.

Ivy nods in reply and walks out with Harley, petting a hyena on the way out.


I finally updated! Hell Yea!

Sorry for the late update. As some of you have heard, school had once again started, leaving me barely able to write. Most of the time, it's also me being lazy and just wanting to read.

Anyways, no Spanish yet. I'm hoping that the next chapter I do need to use Spanish. But it's mainly French right now.


Tu es prêt? - You ready?

Je suis née prête - I was born ready

Supérieure ou inférieure? - Above or below?

Ci-dessous, duh. Rouler sur mon dos sur trois - Below, duh. On the count of three

Un... - One...

Deux... - Two...

Trois! - Three...

That's all for today/now! I hope to get another chapter out later!

Until the next chapter, friends!

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