page 12 • nerdkawa

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The next morning when Oikawa steps out of his apartment, you almost jump a foot and half.

Because Oikawa Tooru was wearing glasses.

And the fact that he would look good in anything, even glasses, made you more pissed than when you saw that he was sticking his tongue out.

"You nerd." You mumble under your breath.

"I'm a pretty nerd, right, [Name]-chan?" He wants to know, following you down. "You cannot resist me, [Name]-chan." He has to say, poking your shoulder. You furrow your eyebrows at him in annoyance, taking a couple steps away from him for good measure.

Oikawa frowns in response before he decides to quit annoying you any further.

"Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't eat lunch with you yesterday. Coach wanted to meet me then."

"Not like I was looking forward to eating with you, anyway." You mutter, which makes him furrow his eyebrows this time.

"I know I said I'll wait for you to say you love me, but I'm really starting to get impatient now." You hear him say. At the mention, your face flushes, and you cross your hands over your chest.

"Stop talking and let's hurry." You mumble again, earning a sigh from the brunette. The two of you race to the bus stop, barely managing to catch the vehicle before it begins to speed out to the main road.

When the bus reaches school, you follow the setter outside, only to see that there is a huge crowd gathering around Oikawa as soon as he steps foot outside.

"Kyaaaaa, Oikawa-senpai!"

"Oikawa-san, are you ready for tomorrow's match?"

"I made a bento for you, Senpai!"

The high-pitched squealing from various girls made you want to barf, but there was one thing that caught your attention.

"Tomorrow's match?" You repeat, glancing at the third-year. He glances back at you while his forehead starts to get drenched by sweat. The bags in his hand get clenched as he continues to look at you.

"Y-Yeah. A match, tomorrow." He responds.

"I see."

You weren't sure what you were feeling when you finally receive this information, but whatever it was, makes you filter your way through the crowd and walk off to meet your friend Misaki.

But Misaki doesn't even notice you approaching her. In fact, she is too busy arguing over the flavors of pudding the cafeteria serves, with Matsukawa and Hanamaki, to notice you.

It is Iwaizumi, who raises a hand to greet you.

"Yo. Where's Kusokawa?"

"Nerdkawa is busy with-"

"So mean!" Oikawa's voice interrupts. Misaki glances away from the seniors for the first time then, and everyone looks at Oikawa - who was busy glancing at you.

"Well, [Name]-chan, I didn't tell you because you wouldn't go with me even if I asked." The setter speaks in a low voice. "I... I asked Mei-chan to help me even, I swear."

You wondered if it was his glasses that made you gulp a little. Because for once, he looked genuine enough that you couldn't hep letting out a sigh.

You weren't sure if you wanted to actually go to give him moral support or to just go to see his face in case he lost. He conflicted you that much.

"Misaki, let's go." You say, grabbing the hand of your friend. The bob-haired friend of yours lets out a small yelp as she looks back at the seniors in confusion.

"[Name]-chan, I'll eat with you in lunch today, okay?" You can hear Oikawa's voice call, irritating you even further.

For once, even the pissed-off looks you were earning while Oikawa followed you up to class, does not make you as mad as you thought you would.

You actually find yourself smiling a little when you reach class and see that Oikawa has followed you up till there.

"Will I be seeing you later?" He wants to know, leaning his head against the doorpost and smiling a little. The girls entering class continue to shoot him confused glances, some even shooting dirty looks at you.

"Hey, [Name]-chan. Tell me."

"Fine. Now go and leave me alone."

Oikawa laughs a little, crossing his arms over his chest in victory. You wave him away before you hurry to step back inside the class, with hopes that he would leave already.

But Oikawa waits until you take your seat before he cups his hands over his mouth.

"[Name]-chan! I love you!"

Before you can stand up to go and punch him, Oikawa runs off, earning you a lot more of dirty looks from not just your classmates - but even your homeroom teacher!

Oikawa you jerk!


a/n; welp i need to update this more lololol xD

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