page 23 • wussykawa

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The next morning when you wake up, Oikawa is not in your room anymore.

The mattress is rolled up and set to the side, and you instantly sit up so fast that you almost get whiplash.

Oikawa's duffel bags aren't around either, and you could feel your whole body trembling just at that thought.

He couldn't possibly have left after last night, could he...?

Not even bothering to see what you looked like, you jump off from your bed and run outside.

The minute you step outside your room, you're able to heave a loud sigh of relief.

Oikawa's voice hums a tune, and a sweet aroma fills the entire living room. You waddle in your slippers, out to the kitchen.

"[Name]-chan! Yahho~" He greets, smiling at you, then turning his attention back to the pan he has over the stove. Oikawa is busy cooking??


"Huhuhuhuuu~" He grins, glancing at your startled expression. "I'm an amazing cook, [Name]-chan! Unlike you!"

You squint your eyes at him, giving the side of his waist a pinch.

"Gah ow ow! That's mean!!!! Look, I'm making chicken bagels for you, why can't you just love me!?" He pouts after he flinches away, then turns to mix the spices and the meat in the pan.

"Do you want some help?" You ask, your glance going to the eggs that were cracked and seasoned, in a bowl. When you make your way around the counter and come near him, Oikawa is fast to swat you away with a wooden spoon.

"I know how much you stink at cooking, so leave it to the expert!" He looks smug, and when you make an annoyed face, he shakes his head and races the spoon up in a defensive motion.

"Okay fine I'm sorry!" He cries. "I just wanted to make you breakfast once before I left, since you probably never ate anything I made, ever."

This makes you blink in surprise, a little emotional while you watch the way his smile widens at your reaction. Oikawa takes the eggs, pouring it into another pan on the stove and frying it as if he does that multiple times each day.

"You actually do know how to cook, but you just come here because you're lazy, don't you?"

"No, I come here because I love seeing your face first thing every morning."

This statement earns a baffled expression from you. But you decide to let it go this time, especially since he doesn't look at you and instead is busy completing the ingredients to assemble his special bagel for you.

"I'm sorry that I made you go out so many times when you were having breakfast you paid for."

Oikawa almost drops his spoon to the floor when you say that.

"W-What!? What do you- Did Mei-chan... Ah, I was hoping she wouldn't have a big mouth, like you do!" He facepalms. It's a little impressive how he's able to always include a subtle insult whenever he speaks to you, enough to warrant irritant looks from you each time.

"I'm sorry."

"Well... I wanted you to make me stay with you for meals on your own... I guess I won your heart, since you really let me eat with you for most of the past month!~" He gives you a wink before he turns the stove off and sets the ingredients on the counter. "We should go to my place together, I need to show you my room, too!"

As Oikawa goes on about how happy he knows his parents will be when they see you again, you can't help but to just stare at the man in front of you.

You still feel super regretful about it, and you've actually really re-evaluated the way you treated Oikawa ever since you met him. Sure, he did a lot of mean things to you, but so did you - and you even called him names each chance you got.

To some extent, you still believe that he had earned it... even though he had been talking so fondly to you since he started liking you.

Maybe I should be nicer to him from now onwards... You're thinking this to yourself, watching Oikawa cut the bagels in half and spreading the mayo on it. He really does look really attractive, and you can understand why the girls just can't help but to call out to him in overly cutesy voices and fall for his good looks.

It still annoyed you though.

Maybe that was jealousy?


His brown hair is brushed neatly, a little piece of his fringe touching his eyebrow which was a little furrowed while he was doing his task. His lips re a little upturned, and it's a little funny how he looks as if his entire concentration is on the piece of bread he was putting slices of cut chicken on.

And it's entirely your unconsciousness that makes you reach towards his face, brushing the fringe away from his eyes and stroking his hair. It's really soft, which surprises you, especially when you get a little whiff of a fruity smell, right afterwards.

Only while you're about to brush off another lock of his, do you notice that his eyebrows are raised super high while he looks at you with widened eyes, jaw dropped open.

"[N-N-Name]-ch-ch-chaaaaaaaan!" It comes out as a low whine, and you come to your senses, talking at least four feet back and looking at him with eyes wider than his, almost.

Perhaps it's the delicious smell of food that actually makes you say what you have in your heart, and you blink in embarrassment while you look at the floor and fumble with your fingers.

"M-My heart is beating so, so hard."

Oikawa's eyes are still wide, but he now has on a big smile while he takes a look at the bagels he'd prepared.

"Oh, [Name]-chan, why would you do something like that to my heart when my hands are dirty and I can't go to kiss you?" He wants to know, smile turning into a pout and scoffing. "So annoying, hmff!"

It still surprises you. Maybe it was your new short hair. Maybe it's the smell of the freshly baked and prepared bagels. Maybe it's the peachy scent of Oikawa's hair, or the way his lips had a bit of glow to it - perhaps from what he was cooking - or maybe it was just the way you could see the fond awe on his face while he looks at you while gleaming in delight.

You knew you looked terrible, but here Oikawa was, accepting you exactly as you were, and claiming to love you even more, now.

Whichever thing it was, it makes you take your steps around the counter once again, standing next to Oikawa and standing on your toes to kiss him.

Now, Oikawa's eyes are wide again, and when you lean in to kiss him, he takes a single step back in bafflement.

"Oikawa-san, don't be such a Wussykawa!" You say, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and pressing your lips against his.

It always feels so nice like this, to feel the way his lips can't help but take in more and more of you, to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you as if he doesn't know when he'd get the chance again because of how stubborn you are.

And to some extent, that was true too, so you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him and your actions must have surprised Oikawa so much, because he almost loses his balance, finally backing up against the counter before you finally lean away.

The two of you are out of breath after the kiss, and you feel embarrassed now that you've gone ahead and done it instead of thinking about it for much.

Oikawa looks at you, dumbfounded, and he's silent for the longest time before he finally manages to say something.

He wipes his lips, parted a little as he is finally able to catch his breath. Oikawa then looks down at you, eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"Ew, [Name]-chan. You have drool from your sleep and your breath stinks!"




as usual, suggest insult names for oikawa, I love hearing them and using them in my chapters LOLOLOL YAYYYY

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