page 27 • logheadkawa

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Just as Oikawa was scary while he was playing volleyball, he's just as scary as a tutor.

"As I said," he visibly huffs, "Please, please use the substitution method for these kinds of simultaneous equations, [Name]-chan!"

It's a couple of days after Karasuno's match, and Mei has been supportive of your decision to apply to her school, going so far as to collect the forms for you, preparing your documents and bringing a copy of last year's entrance exams for your reference.

As you and Oikawa sit at the table in your living room, the sprawled out textbooks - most of which have gathered so much dust from abandonment - make a permanent pout become plastered onto your face.

"Stop looking at other places, look here!!!" Oikawa taps on the sheet in front of you, and you let out a fake sob. Why must maths be this hard?

"Has this loghead learned a single formula, Tooru?" Mei calls from where she stands, stirring a large pot of curry by the stove.

"Actually, she has made a one-percent progress, because she got a couple of questions I gave earlier right, so let's see if that's [Name]-chan's maximum potential." Oikawa shrugs, getting up and taking a step back right in time to dodge your outgoing punch towards him. "While she's doing that question, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I got it all under control, don't worry, Tooru~" Mei responds, smiling at your boyfriend. It makes you feel a little weird to refer to Oikawa as your boyfriend, not after all the history you two were notorious for having.

Oikawa's school notes are just as pretty as his face, and this irks you even further. Your notes felt like claw marks in comparison to Oikawa's neatly sub-categorized notes; how on Earth did he even get the time to do all this work when he spends so much time after school at his club, and come home so late?


A baffled Mei and Oikawa both turn their heads to look at you, eyes wide in shock, at hearing the way you were addressing the setter. When you raise an eyebrow and ask 'what?!' Mei lets out a groan in defeat and stomps towards her room while Oikawa crosses his arms over his chest with a smug expression on his face.


"Here's your stupid 20 bucks, Shittykawa!" Mei has to say, storming back out and placing a cash note on Oikawa's hand.

"Now, now, don't be salty and start calling me the names [Name]-chan has finally stopped calling me, Mei-chan!~"

"What's going on here?"

"Well, Mei-chan and I had a bet where she said you wouldn't call me by my first name before the end of January, and she lost her bet just now!" Oikawa cheers in victory, waving the note in front of your face like a little kid. "I won!! I won I won I won! Beat that, Mei-chan!~"

"This is low-key bullying, Tooru."

"Yeah. I can't believe you're taking money from freshmen, your reputation is really gonna go down the drain, you Logheadkawa."

"I-It was a bet!" Oikawa whines, and he has such a constipated pout on his face that it makes you giggle in response. 

Oikawa once again taps back on your math worksheet, glancing at you. "Now enough. Try and use your brain to figure out how to get the probability in question 56!"

"We've already done 55 questions, cut me some slack!" You whine in response at the now-serious-faces Oikawa. He shakes his head, tapping on the sheet in question.

"Do you remember what I said about these kinds of questions?"

"You have to... add these fractions?"

"... No. Multiply." He sighs loudly again, running a hand through his thick brown hair. Honestly, looking at Oikawa's features always made you feel super petty because why the heck do men get such pretty eyelashes like that? Why does he need those perfect brows?? And how does he not have acne when he spends so much time playing sports in the heat?

"What do you do for skincare?"

The question blurts out on its own and you wanted to die, because both Oikawa and Mei look at you as if you've just swallowed a sock right in front of them.


"[Name]-chan." He says, squinting his eyes at you. You grip tight onto your pencil, internally gulping because even you'd admit for yourself that you deserved a solid punch in the arm for good measure.

"Y-Yes, Sir." You don't intend to do so, but your hand comes up to the temple of your head, giving a big salute to the male who looks very much done with you right now.

"Stop being cute and do this question already."


Maybe this was a bad idea after all...


Five hours of maths, a hearty meal of curry and rice, and light bickering between you two later, you find yourself waiting by the bus stop for Oikawa's bus to arrive.

"Don't forget what I taught you, okay? Do the next fifteen questions, I'll check them for you, okay?"


That reminds me...

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"And for the core- What? You don't have your phone with you?" Oikawa wants to know, reaching for his pocket and pulling out his smartphone. "Here."

You take the device in your clutches, punching in your number and giving a ring for good measure. Your phone begins to play music, and Oikawa blinks at you with a perplexed expression on his face when you return his phone to him and take out your own.

"There. Now you have my number-"

"[Name]-chan!~" Oikawa cries out, wrapping his arms tightly around you and screeching into your ear like a chicken with its head cut off. "[Name]-chan, [Name]-chan, [Name]-chaaaaaan!!!!!!!"

"You're suffocating me!" You cry back, but it's amusing, the way he can get so excited and then glance at his smartphone with a big fat grin on his face.

"You really, really are in love with me now, aren't you?"

"If you know, why do you ask?"

Oikawa responds with a pouty 'tch', taking a look at his phone one more time before he puts it back in his pocket safely.

"Have you always been a tsundere, [Name]-chan? You always speak really nicely to others, though."

"I'm not a tsundere! It's because of you that my ego is fatter than your level of petty-ness."

Oikawa chuckles in response, ruffling the top of your hair before he softly places a kiss on your forehead.

"Well, I guess that's good. I would probably not have wanted to pursue you if you weren't as petty as I was."

"Wow, you actually have some brain cells?"

"So mean! As if you can talk, when you use your stupid calculator just to check if the square root of 16 is 4!"

"It never hurts to double-check!!"

The bus makes its turn towards the stop while you two pass comebacks at each other. Oikawa stops, mid-bicker and tells you he'll pick up the squabble where you two left off, tomorrow at school.

"Also, [Name]-chan?"

"Yeah?" You ask, watching him wave the 20 dollar bill in his hand.

"A date with me tomorrow?"

"Nice try."

"Dammit." Oikawa flails his hands around, the two of you walking near the doorway of the bus.

Your relationship with Oikawa was full of banters, that was for sure.

But being with him like this...

I guess my feelings for him are greater than my ego.

You watch Oikawa take an aisle seat, waving at you like a little child and mouthing '[Name]-chan' and other whatnot while the rest of the passengers pile on the bus.

So, when you cup you mouth the words 'I love you' while he sits flailing at you, the big-eyed - perhaps shook - expression on his face while the bus heads off before he can respond makes you giggle, watching him try to open the stupid window on the bus and failing.

A couple of seconds after you turn back to head home, your phone beeps to alert you of a new message.

'You can't just say you love me like that, I want to hear it, [Name]-chaaaaaaaan!!!!!!'


a/n: ayyy hi!!!! 4 more chapters for this book to reach its end aAh i'm so emO

the question is-

will there be a sequel for this, or nah-

that is the question- //slapped by semi eita

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