part 14 • geekkawa

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The next morning, you are innocently eating the scrambled eggs Mei had made for breakfast, when there's a noisy knock on the door.

"I swear I didn't tell him to come up. I swear!" Mei has to say, as soon as she opens the door. You didn't believe her, and there's Oikawa standing at the entrance, with an ugly grin on his face, holding up a brochure in hand.

"[Name]-chan, look at this!" He waves it around, slipping into the seat beside yours. To show him that you didn't appreciate his presence then, you move your chair a little away from his and take a bite from your toast, and there's silence from the boy.

When you take a glance at him, he is looking down at you with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm trying, you know. I'm trying to make you happy. I know I'm failing, but I'm trying."

Suddenly, you feel very guilty, and even Mei, who overheard the conversation, lets out a small 'tsk-tsk' before putting more toast on the plate.

You take a sip of your mango juice before turning to face him again.

"What's that?"

The sad look on his face instantly turns into a big beam, and he shows all of his teeth while he opens up the brochure and shoves it into your face. "Look! I forgot I had to go to this event tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?"

"Event? What event? Like I said, I'm not-"

"It's from college."

With newfound curiosity, you put your toast back on your plate and take the paper from his hand.

"It's like... A viewing? How do I explain this... Like, the students who got in can go look around and see the entire campus, on this day. So I'll be going then. I was going to go with my parents, but," He pauses, and to your irritance, he steals a bite from your toast, "They said they can't make it, because of that date."

Your eyes dart to the top of the brochure, and you're surprised to know that they are holding a big event like this on Christmas Eve.

"So, will you go with me?"

There's an expectant smile on his face, and there are bits of bread all over his face - goddamit, what a messy eater he is, you weren't even going to tell him he had crumbs on his face - so you simply give a small nod.

"YES!" Oikawa cheers, wrapping both his arms around your shoulders. You let out a shriek, and you can hear him laughing, his eyes bubbling with excitement.

"We can go here! And then, after it's done, we can roam around since it's Christmas-eve, and we can do all romantic stuff-"

"Oh, Tooru." Mei is giggling to herself, and your face turns red when you shoot a glare at Oikawa-

Who darts his eyes to the floor, his own face a little crimson red while he bites his bottom lip.

Oikawa Tooru was flustered.

"U-Um. I'll.. I'll see you tomorrow, [Name]-chan!" He says loudly, and he walks outside just as fast as he had first stepped in. Mei is still grinning with an ugly expression on her face, and you want to haul a pillow at her face for being such a jerk of a sister.


The reason why Oikawa said 'see you tomorrow', was because he was so piled with assignments in class. You found this out yesterday when all he had time for was to give you a simple nod when you passed by him carrying a stack of notebooks with another friend from his class during lunch.

There was a part of your heart that broke when you saw him that way, because that was how busy Oikawa was even before he went off to college. The thought of him not being around to bother you makes your heart sink a little, so you were in a sappy mood the next day; On Christmas Eve, where you tried to dress appropriately to go to an event of a famous private university in the city.

Oikawa is wearing a pair of glasses and a hat, checkered shirt paired with long trousers making him look like a fresh model who just stepped out from the cover of a magazine.

You weren't sure if it was ironic, that he's been featured in the magazine, Sports Weekly, multiple times. Oikawa has a smile on his face when he sees you neatly dressed and ready to go, and he steps aside to let you put on your shoes, not speaking but instead greeting you with a little wave instead. You nod, and after putting on your shoes - and trying your best to ignore Mei who's cooing at the background - you close the door shut and walk alongside the taller male.

"We'll have to take a train," Oikawa informs, reaching into his pocket and taking out a map in hand. You take a peek at the coloured paper, and find that the train station is a bus ride away, as well.

"I was going to race you to the bus stop, but you look really pretty today, so I'm not going to." Oikawa has to say, and you purse your lips, not knowing how else to take the compliment.

"Wait, [Name]-chan no-"

You are wondering just how stupid you were, because, in embarrassment, you break into a run. Oikawa catches up to you within a matter of seconds, and you had to admit, that by the time you both reach the bus stop (he wins, of course), you both are panting, out of breath, but you manage to exchange a goofy grin with the boy.

"Look what you've done. Now you look ugly because you ran." Oikawa has to say, reaching for his backpack and pulling out a tissue. You step on his shoe with all your might, and he yelps, still snickering while he watches you wipe off the sweat on your face.

The bus arrives after a few minutes of your bickering with the geek, and you step on, Oikawa following you behind and sitting on one side of the bus in silence. He takes the window seat, and you sigh a little, checking the time on your phone; 11.50am. The bus ride would take ten minutes to go, and you peer out of the window at the amount of traffic outside.

After a while, the noise is so loud that the boy plugs in his earphones and hands you one earbud, which you accept, and he plays a soft song which talks about... a bird? You weren't sure what it was about, but it sounds very soothing, and you have a small smile on your face while you listened to the vocals and look out of the window.

At least, until Oikawa pokes your shoulder and leans in to whisper something in your ear.

"I know you're listening to romantic music and looking at my reflection on the window because you love me so much."

"Shut up, oh my god." You hiss, snatching his phone from his grip. Using the music keys, you press the next button, and pop music begins to play.

"You'd think I would get tired of you always denying being in love with me, but you're just so cute, [Name]-chan. Please remember to tell me that you love me, soon, okay?"

The bus comes to a halt, and you hurry to get off from the bus instead of answering him. Oikawa sighs, putting his earphones away and following you out.

"It's this way. I've been here before, once." He has to say, taking your wrist and pulling you to the opposite direction from where you were heading off to. His hand feels a little cold, and you had to admit that you liked how it felt anyways, and you decide to shut up and follow his lead.

The train ride to the campus took only ten minutes, and it's a little more silent that you would have wished for. Oikawa takes the lead and holds your hand the entire time after getting off the train.

A few minutes later, the two of you approach a large building, the gates having been opened and you can see the same name on the brochure, written in cursive, on the front of the gate. The two of you exchange excited glances, and hurry to the information counter at the right-side corner of the porch.

"Hello. My name is Oikawa Tooru, and I'm here for the introductory program for new students in the upcoming semester." He speaks fluent English, and you blink in surprise, because you could swear that his voice sounds five times deeper - If that was possible. The woman at the counter nods, turning to see you, before she nods.

"And along with you, is that your guardian?"

"No. She's my girlfriend."

Your cheeks feel like it is burning, when the woman looks at you with a little smile on her face. Oikawa seems pleased when the woman hands card holders for the two of you. When out of earshot, you look up at the boy who is putting his card holder around his neck with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Why would you say that?!" You cry, and Oikawa looks very confused while he puts the next one over your neck.

"Say what?"

"... That?"

"That you're my girlfriend? Do you expect me to lie first thing on Christmas Eve, [Name]-chan?"

You can only blink at him, baffled at what a stupid geek he is, and he takes his glasses off and tucks it on the collar of his shirt. Innocently, the boy takes hold of your hand, smiling as he leads you to the hall where the event was going to start taking place.

The day barely started, and you wonder just how on Earth you can pass by the rest of the day.



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