part 20 • foolkawa

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The tray in your hands shake while Oikawa kisses you, right on the lips.

Not because it's your first time being kissed by him, no, but because the entire student body of Aoba Johsai would see this.

He did that on purpose, you could just tell. Using the moment you wouldn't have been able to back away, or swat him away using your now-full hands.

The tray keeps on shaking, up until your mind explodes in anger and you lift the tray up, hurling it right at Oikawa's chest.

"W-What?!" Oikawa screeches, and the two of you - and every single student inside the cafeteria - stare at your tray of food upside down on the floor, the curry, rice and your tea spilt all over the floor. Looking back at the way Oikawa looks genuinely surprised at this action makes you so angry, and you knew you had to get out of there to make sure you don't burst out crying from embarrassment.

You could hear Oikawa calling your name profusely, but you pay no heed and you are glad he doesn't follow you.


You had taken your bag and headed straight home after the incident, and you refuse to open the door when Oikawa comes right after school let out for the day.

"[Name]-chan?" He calls, knocking continuously on the door. You refuse to respond, but the knocking does not stop.

"Please, just hear me out. I really know you're in there, I know you can hear me, so please listen to what I have to say. Please open the door, I'm so, so sorry."

His apology sounds genuine, but someone who was genuine in the first place would not have done that.

You can hear the sound of footsteps and Mei's voice outside the door.

"Already fighting, huh? It lasted what? An hour?"

"I screwed up big time, Mei-chan, can you open the door for me?"

Hearing this, you run to hurry into your room so that you won't have to see Oikawa's face when she lets him in.

When Mei opens the door and lets Oikawa in, and even when he leaves and it is just her knocking, you refuse to talk to anyone.


It's the coward's way out, but you don't get out of your room until Mei leaves the house the next morning after expressing extreme frustration because you were not listening to her.

When she leaves to head off to Karasuno, you get out of your bed and get ready for school, knowing full well what kind of a rocky day today will play out to be as soon as you reach there.

You're a bit late to class, and you can feel a large portion of the girls in the class eyeing you in menacing ways when you enter.

"What do you think she did to get Oikawa senpai to like her?"

"Probably seduced him or forced herself on him. Why else would he like her?

"[Name] is so rude. Oikawa-senpai was just showing how much he liked her, I would consider myself lucky if he kissed me, but she was such a bitch and made a huge fuss out of it."

"She's probably a two-faced bitch and is using Oikawa-senpai to be famous."

"Oikawa-san is such a gentleman, he doesn't deserve someone like her."

The comments you hear throughout the day are endless. It continues even when it's lunchtime and you head out to the hall to buy yourself a snack. There was no way you could go to the cafeteria, not just yet. It's when you're downstairs and making your way to go out of the porch when you get pulled into the gym by multiple people.

"What is going on?" You yell, scared by the darkness of the gym and the number of girls standing in front of you. There would have been at least eight of them, in addition to the three that were holding your hands back.

What the hell was this, a kidnapping?

"Why are you such a bitch?" One of the girls from the crowd asks, coming close to you. You roll your eyes, because Oikawa's fangirls were just as petty as he was. You don't even have the energy to move, so you stay still while the three hold your hands back.

"Did she just roll her eyes at me? What the heck does Oikawa-senpai even see in her?"

"Or does he know what kind of a bitch you are?"

It makes you laugh, because there was no one else who you would be a bitch to in the first place, except Oikawa. The irony makes you chuckle, and this makes the girls standing in front of you get even more angry with you.

"We don't have time to deal with her for longer, Kai-san, just go ahead with it."

One of the girls from the bunch come up to you, smiling in a very menacing way before she goes behind you. What could she mean, to get ahead with.. what?

When you feel someone grab hold of your braid only, do you understand what is really going on. By this point, you can't budge, and you find tears streaming down your eyes when the girl chops off a huge chunk from your hair and throws it to the ground with a loud 'plop' sound.

The gym is dark again, the lights are off, and you find yourself crying your eyes out for god knows how long.


A loud metallic ringing sound makes you wake up, and you realize that you had dozed off while leaning against the gym wall.

You see the silhouette at the entrance and you can recognize the person even before he walks to the side of the gym and turns on the light switches.

"[Name]?!" Oikawa looks absolutely flabbergasted when he sees that it is you in the gym.

"What's going on... Oh my God." Oikawa's eyes dart to the chunk of hair that is beside you, and he hurries to grab your arm and haul you up.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and when you don't respond, he grabs the chunk of hair and takes you with him to the storage cabinet.

"I'm sorry. The others usually come by a few minutes after I do, so I had to take you here." He explains, watching you take a seat on one of the chairs there. "What happened? I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened."

"Do you not see? I don't need your help, I need you to back off from me. There are reasons why I ask you to leave me alone, but you never listen. You don't understand my side of this, you don't understand the kind of things people are calling me, and the horrible things people have done to me. You just do what you want."

There is silence as Oikawa listens to what you say, and he looks so lorn that it hurts your heart to say the things that were building up.

"If you're too childish to understand the weight of your actions, then you're not supposed to do them. Especially if they end up hurting someone else and not you."

"[Name]-chan, I'm so, so sorry, I swear I'm going to go and find the person who did this and get them expelled-"

"You will do no such thing." You interrupt, getting up on your feet and throwing the chunk of hair into a wastebasket. "I just want you to leave me alone."

Oikawa looks shocked at what you say, and he follows you out to the gym. Some of his friends have started to pile into the gym and you catch Iwaizumi's wide eyes when you head out of the gym after grabbing your bag.

This time, Oikawa does follow you.

"[Name]-chan, please! I love you, and we can solve this so please don't leave like this!"

"I love you too, but I can't do this anymore." You find yourself saying. Oikawa's eyes are wide, worried and you can see guilt and sadness in them when you brush his hand away from your wrist.

"The one time you tell me you love me, you say something like that right afterwards..." Oikawa says with a hurtful expression on his face. "[Name]-chan... I promise I'll be careful next time, and-"

"There won't be a next time." You hiss angrily. You were sure that people were staring at you two even now, and mocking your appearance which you were pretty sure looked horrible. "This relationship is doing nothing but ruining my life."

But here Oikawa was, eyes in tears as he continues to try to get you to look at him. And that hurts your heart because you love him so much, but...

"[Name]-chan, I promise I won't let anyone ruin your life..."

"No, Oikawa Tooru, you've got it wrong." You correct him. "Because you're the one ruining my life."

The tears fall down onto his cheeks when you say this and walk away.


a/n: is it really a book by een if it doesn't have angst in it ehHEHEHEHEHEH ISN'T THIS G R 8
it's my birthdayyyy!!!!!!!!!
also ! happy birthday, kageyama 💙

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