🌲Under The Mistletoe - 1. 🌲

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Skye's POV

Pounding... that's all I feel as I open my eyes. My mouth has a foul after taste to it, reminding me of the night out, I had with my best friend and roommate, Chelsea Clarke.

Chelsea is the type of girl that loves to party and drink all night. She's a beautiful blonde with blue eyes. When she asks you to do something you should drop it and do what she wants. She's led me astray a few times and it's made my life interesting.

Rolling over in bed, I lose gravity and fall straight onto the crate I had next to the bed. I try to lift my body off it, but my back and legs are hanging off it. I can't move myself out of the box and I yell for my roommate. "Chelsea," I yell.

"What?" She hollers back.

"I need your help." I try moving again and the crate scraps my back as a part of it broke off. The light turns on and Chelsea stands near the door. "Can you help me up?"

She holds out a hand for me and tries to pull me out and that doesn't work. She helps me with two hands and I'm out of the crate. "Are you Okay?" She asks worriedly.

"I'm fine." I tell her, honestly. Moving around I show her how fine I am. "Thanks,"

She waves a hand dismissively. Turning toward the door she says. "You're welcome. Next time stay in the middle of the bed. That way you won't fall off it again."

"Yeah, Mom." I mutter and she pulls a funny face as she walks out of the bedroom door. Walking over to the ensuite I step into the bathroom and grab the cup I keep on the counter. Filling it up I drink some water and strip out of my clothes. Stepping into the shower I wash away the smoke from the night before.

When I finish in the shower I grab the towel from the rack and head back into my bedroom. I search the closet for something to wear and I find a pair of jeans with holes in the legs, a black singlet top, white fleece jumper and a matching pair of black underwear.

I quickly get changed and head out the bedroom. Walking down the hallway there's heaps of photos of Chelsea and I from over the years.

One of them is when we went to Cancun for Spring Break and we're holding beers in our hands, while we were in the pool at the hotel we were staying at. I stop at the picture and look at it. In the background I see my enemy, Jaxtyn, standing with a girl.

Why didn't I notice him there until now?

Chelsea looks down the hall and says. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking at the pictures of us in Cancun and other places we've visited since we became friends." I see her walk down the hall and she stops next to me.

"We should go back to Cancun. I really need a girl's weekend away."

A smile spreads across my face. "Sounds like a plan. We should book it for 4th July."

"That will work for me. I'll just have to tell my boyfriend to do something else that weekend. That's if we're still together when that time comes."

Chelsea's had a lot of boyfriends and there's been a revolving door of men coming into the apartment. A couple of times she's been with woman, but she prefers to have a boyfriend on her arms, everywhere she goes.

For me I haven't been involved with someone since senior year of College. Things didn't work out for us and he packed his bags and left. The last thing I heard about my Ex, is that he has a family with a woman he met at the office he works at.

He used to tell me that he didn't want to do date someone that worked in the same sector as him, because he thought he would have anything in common with them. Looks like he was wrong about that.

Moving away from the picture I head to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I look around the room and see boxes upon boxes in the dining room. Pointing to them I ask. "What's all this?"

"We're putting the Christmas tree up. It's the 1st December and it's time that the festive season begins." She wraps her arms around me and says. "I believe this holiday season is yours for the taking. You're going to find a guy and he's going to take the rug from right under your feet."

Nah, that's not going to happen.

Taking a sip of the elixir a smile spreads across my face. "What's going on top of the tree an angel or a bell?"

"An angel of course. It's made out of Gold. My Great something Grandfather gave it to my Great something Grandmother and it's been handed down to the woman of the family. I wish I got to meet my ancestors, but having something they cherished makes me happy."

After breakfast, Chelsea and I set up the tree on a milk crate. I tape the stand to the crate and shake it, to make sure that it won't tip over. Once I know it's secure I start decorating the tree with Chelsea.

There's a knock on the front door and Chelsea stands. "That's for me." Grabbing the mistletoe from a black garbage bag. She walks down the hall and talks to the person at the door.

A couple minutes later, Chelsea returns with her boyfriend on her arms. She looks at the tree and then at me. "Everything looks great. Thanks for your help, Skye." A look crosses her face and I notice it as the get out of the apartment look.

Grabbing my bag I say. "I'll see you later." I head out the door and see a queue for the lift.

I'm not waiting for that thing.

I take the stairs down twelve flights before I exit the stairs and stand on the ground floor. Miguel the security guy looks up from the paper he's reading and a smile spreads across his face. "Good morning, Miss Reeves."

"Morning, Miguel. How are the wife and kids?"

A smile spreads across his face. "They're great. Julie, wants to stop by this afternoon with some goodies. Are you going to be in?"

"Probably not, but you should send me a message when she stops by. That way I'll be here before she is. I love the Christmas stuff she makes. Can you tell her that her desserts are the best part of Christmas?" I walk out the door and head towards the theatre. When I get to the theatre I read the screen to find out what's on.

Settling on a movie I pay for it and then walk to the concession stand to pay for the food. Taking the food into the theatre. I look for my seat before sitting in it. The screen curtain opens a little and a preview starts on the screen. Pulling my phone out of my bag, I turn it onto silent before watching the screen.

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