🌲Under The Mistletoe - 24 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

Opening the app for the camera's I have placed in my brother I check the footage and see one that captures my attention. He's on the phone. Turning up the volume I listen closely to it. "My stupid brother has fallen for it, Nikki. Hannah and you are all safe at that location."

"Thanks, Josh. Don't tell anyone that we're at our childhood hideout."

Really? That's where she chose to hideout with her mother. There's one other person that knows where it is. She's been there plenty of times with them too. Joey, is going to love this piece of information.

"I won't, baby. Everyone thinks I'm on their side after I told them that you cleaned me out. Did use get what you needed out of the Reeve's house?"

"Not, yet. When Skye goes there we'll be able to have access to everything. She's the one that holds all the pieces to the house. Darius, (Daddy) won't be going back and we can't use him again. Skye is the new piece in the game and she's going to lose."

He's not going to get away with this. I'm going to call Joey and give him the latest update. My father should know about this too. Unless, he's already listened to it.

Dad and I both have the recordings send to us. So, we're not surprised with what's going on with Josh. He's a lot more involved than I thought he'd be.

How can he do this to his childhood best friend? She was there for him all their lives and he turned his back on her the moment that Nicole entered their lives.

I'm as bad as them, but for me there was more involved with me ending the friendship. To tell you the truth I knew that girl would have been an end game for me. I could have loved her with everything I had, but I would have given up a lot to provide for her if we stayed together.

When I got injured during the basketball sophomore year of college I wanted her with me. I checked her Facebook page and she looked like she was having a lot of fun with other people.

"She was going to lose everything the moment your family walked into her life. How many families have you done this too?"

She's done this before? No wonder the Reeves were an easy target for them. Especially, since Darius lost his wife.

"Three..." it goes quiet for a bit and then she says. "I'll see you tonight. Just sneak in through the window. I'll leave it unlocked."

"Okay, love you, Nikki."

"Love you too, Joshy Boo Boo."

That's a terrible pet name for my brother.

He hangs up the phone and sits behind his desk. Placing his hands behind his he says. "Everything's falling into place." A smirk cover his face.

I close the app and then call Dad. It rings a couple time before he answers it.

Dad: Hey, Jaxtyn. What's going on, son?

Me: Have you watched the video from Josh's office?

Dad: No, I haven't. Should I be worried?

Me: Very. The mess he made in the office was to make us believe that Nikki stole everything from him. It was a lie. He knows where she is and everything that's being planned.

Dad: That's not good. You should call Joey and let him know what's going on. That family needs all the protection they can get.

Yes, they do. I'll be helping them as much as I can.

Me: I have to go. I'll see you, later.

Dad: Okay,

I hang up the phone and then make my next call to Joey.

He needs to know everything I do. Maybe, he can find out the secret place from Skye. I know she won't tell me about it.

Joey: Hello, this is Joey.

Me: Hey, Joey. It's Jaxtyn.

Joey: What do you know now?

I laugh.

Me: How did you know I have information?

Joey: You call with bad news only. I wish you'd call for something other than telling me what's going on.

Me: In the future we'll have a proper conversation on the phone. Until then it's just us talking about what your son's wife and stepdaughter are up to.

Joey: Lay it on me.

Me: Okay, as you know after my brother's melt down I caught him on camera talking to Nikki and everything he said was a lie, about her robbing him. However, the small bit of information is true and that's Nikki and her mother have run away.

Joey: Okay, did you hear where they're at?

Me: It's a place they went to when they were growing up. I'm pretty sure Skye knows the place. I remember her taking them some place before, but I never went with them because Skye didn't want me to.

Joey: I'll ask her about it when she comes by the Country Club.

She seems to be spending a lot of time there. Just like me.

Me: Okay, can you keep me in the loop about what's going on?

Joey: Of course. I have to tell my Granddaughter that you're helping us. If she doesn't find out now I have a feeling things aren't going to go according to plan.

Me: I know. Bye, Joey.

Joey: Bye, Jaxtyn.

Ending the call, I put the phone in my back pocket and then grab my wallet off the nightstand before walking out of the apartment.

I walk down the hall and press the button for the lift. The door opens and I step inside. Looking up I see the mistletoe is finally up.

A smile spreads across my face.

I hope Skye enters the lift with me. It would be great to kiss her and then we'll finally be able to put the past behind us.

Stepping inside I press the button for the basement and it takes me down. I watch as the number pass as the lift takes me down. It stops on the twelfths floor.

That's Skye's floor.

The doors open revealing Skye standing on the other side. She steps into the lift with me.

She can't hide from me now.

A smirk appears on my face and I say. "Well, well, look at what we have here. It's my neighbour, Skye Reeves. What are you doing in this place?"

I pretend that I didn't know she lived here.

"I live here." She says, with disgust.

I move closer to her and place my hand on her face. "Do you remember what I told you when we were growing up?"

She nods. "You said that we'll always be enemies and it didn't matter how much time we were apart you were going to ruin my life."

Lowering my voice I sat. "And I keep my promises. Now, that I know you're living lose by I'm going to do exactly that." I lift my eyes to the mistletoe and hers follows mine. Like I wanted it too.

With force I lift her head and bring my lips towards her. My lips brush softly against hers, before I demand entrance into her mouth. The kiss becomes heated.

Fuck, I should have done that earlier.

In the background we hear a 'ping' and the doors open on the lobby floor. She pulls away from me and says. "I'm taking the stairs from now on." She shoves past me and rushes out of the building.

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