🌲Under The Mistletoe - 3 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

Mom presses the intercom button and we wait for someone to pick up. When they do the voice says. "Who is it?" Mom looks at me before saying. "It's Amber and Jaxtyn Emmanuel."

"Give me a moment. I'll buzz you in." In the next second the gate it is opening and we walk down the cemented driveway. Going past heaps of trees and a flower bed, that has different kinds of roses in it.

Skye's favourite flower was the black rose. She told me once that black was her favourite colour and that if a guy was to take her on a date he was supposed to show up with a bunch of those roses.

Sometimes I wonder if she was hinting at me to be the one to bring them to her. Maybe, she had feelings for me and I was too much of an asshole to see that. Just so you know. I'm not really a bad guy. I just don't have time to be used by woman.

When I was growing up Nicole would fill my head up with all this stuff about Skye being in love with my brother and it turned me off from being friends with me. All I could think about was when she would make her move on him. I didn't want anything to do with that.

The front door opens of the freshly maroon coloured mansion. Skye's stepmother is at the door and she has a smile on her face. "Welcome back, Jaxtyn. I was waiting for you to darken my doorstep again."

I laugh. "It's good to see you again Mrs. Reeves. How's everything going?"

Her smile drops slightly. "Alright, it would be so much better if my stepdaughter would come by the house once in a while. Her father is breaking, not seeing his little girl."

She better not be thinking I can bring Skye home to them.

"Do you think you can reach out to her?"

"I'm sorry. I can't reach out to her. We didn't leave under good circumstances."

Mrs. Reeves drops into the seat next to the front door. "You were my last shot at this." She looks defeated as well. "What did she do to have all of you hate her? My daughter, Nicole, hates her too. They were close until she started to date your brother. Do you think Skye did something to them?"

I shake my head. "Skye wouldn't do anything to them. She was innocent in all the shit pulled on her. Nicole was the instigator on everything that happened to her. That's probably why Skye stays away. She knows that Nicole will show up when she pleases. It's best that Skye stays where she is."

I do believe that's best for everyone.

When Christmas comes they will be in the same room together. They can reconnect than.

She looks at Mom and asks. "Did you invite Skye to the Christmas Party?"

Mom walks up the three steps that leads to the balcony and takes a seat next to her. Placing her hand on Mrs. Reeves arm, she says. "Yes, we did. She'll have her invite by Tuesday. I hope she comes to this one."

I'll make sure she does. I just have to find out where she lives and then we can go from there.

Mr. Reeves opens the door and says. "Honey, who was at the door?"

"Jaxtyn and Amber."

"Oh," he sounds disappointed. "I was hoping that my daughter would come by. Has anyone told her that I have cancer?"

Mrs. Reeves takes a sharp intake of breath and says. "She won't take my calls. She won't take yours and there's no one else we can turn to, to reach out for us."

He turns his attention to me. "Jaxtyn, I need you to go to Skye and tell her that I'm dying. My last wish is to see her before I pass away."

Shit, I wasn't expecting this when I came over. How come they haven't just shown up on her doorstep and camped out until she came down. I would have done that if I were them.

"I'll help you out. After all you've done a great job with raising Nicole who has made my brother the happiest I've ever seen him."

Mr. Reeves snorts. "They're not happy being together. It's something they are used to and they're afraid to be alone. That's why they went through with the farce of a wedding. Also, they wanted to shove another thing in my daughter's face. Before, we know it. She's going to announce her pregnancy and expect us all to be happy for them. To tell you the truth, I won't be supportive." With that he slams the door and heads somewhere in the house.

Looking at Mom and Mrs. Reeves I say. "I'll talk to him. I'm sure he needs someone to lean on." Opening the door I head into the house. "Mr. Reeves." I call.

"In the living room." he replies.

I walk down the hallway and see pictures of Nicole and Skye when they growing up. Some of the pictures they were happy together and towards the end it looked like they wanted to kill each other.

Entering the living room I take a seat opposite Mr. Reeves. "Do you have Skye's number?"

"Sure," he grabs his phone off the table and gives it to me. "What are you going to do with her number?"

"I'm calling her. She'll probably answer it when she sees a number a different phone number." Putting the number into the phone I call her. It rings a couple of time before she answers it.

"Hello, this Skye."

Me: Skye, its Jaxtyn. Please don't hang up.

Beep, beep, beep.

Damn, it. She didn't give me enough time to talk.

I try again and the phone rings.

She picks up again and says. "Damn it, Jaxtyn. What do you want?"

Me: I want to talk about your Dad.

Skye: Why?

Me: He's not doing well. You should come home to see him.

Skye: Can I talk to him?

Me: Sure,

I give the phone to Mr. Reeves and he starts talking to his daughter.

A smile spreads across his face as he talks to her.

I need to give them some privacy.

Walking out of the room I head back down the hall and out the door. Mom and Mrs. Reeves looks at me. "Well?" Mom asks.

"Skye's talking to Mr. Reeves now. She's been screening your calls. She cursed me out before I told her that her Dad's not doing well and that she needs to come home."

"Do you think she will come by?" Mrs. Reeves asks.

"I'm not sure. The ball is in her court with what happens. You could always visit her yourself, so she doesn't have to see, Nicole."

A car pulls in front of the house and Nicole steps out. Her brown hair flows down her back and there's a bunch of shopping bags in the backseat. She looks at me. "I'm surprised to see you again, Jaxtyn. Why are you here?"

Pointing to the cookies I say. "I came with Mom to drop those off."

She looks into the house. "Where's Dad?"

"On the phone."

She crosses her arms and says. "Who's he on the phone to?"

"Your sister." Mrs. Reeves says.

Nicole stamps up the steps and pulls the door open. It hits the side of the house, causing a dent in the wall. "Daddy, you need to get off the phone now." Something is thrown against the wall and I'm guessing that it was my phone.

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