🌲Under The Mistletoe - 33 🌲

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Skye's POV

My phone rings, waking me up from sleep. Reaching over to it I see my bosses name on the screen. I start coughing and answer the phone.

Me: Hello?

Hendrickson: when are you coming back to the office? We need you desperately here.

Me: I have a doctor's certificate saying I'm unwell to work for the rest of the two weeks I have left working for you.

Hendrickson: I need you to bring in that certificate today.

Me: Okay,

I start coughing again.

Me: I'll see you at 10am.

Hanging up the phone I walk over to Chelsea's door and knock on it. She opens the door and looks at me. "What do you need?"

"Is your make-up artist available to do a quick job for me in the next hour?"

Chelsea pulls her phone out of her pocket and she calls her friend. She puts it on loudspeaker.

Mina: Hello, this is Mina.

Chelsea: Hey, Mina. It's Chelsea. A friend needs help with something ASAP. Can you swing by the apartment in the next thirty minutes?

Mina: Sure, I can do that. I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

Chelsea: Thanks.

She hangs up the phone and looks at me. "Why do you need her to do make-up for you?"

"I want her to make me look unwell. I'm not going back to work and I got a doctors certificate to make sure that I don't return at all to the workplace I gave my two weeks' notice too."

Chelsea laughs. "Only you could pull something off like this." She looks at the clock on her nightstand. "Shit, I'm going to be late." She quickly starts getting ready and walks out the door.

Going through my phone I look for Jaxtyn's number and call him. He answers after a couple rings.

Jaxtyn: Hello, this is Jaxtyn.

Me: Jaxtyn, I need your help. Can you swing by the apartment at 9:30am?

Jaxtyn: Sure, are you going to tell me what's going on?

Me: When you get here I'll let you know.

Jaxtyn: Okay, I'll see you soon.

Me: Bye, Jaxtyn.

I hang up the phone and then walk over to living room. Turning the TV on I start to watch an episode of Supergirl. Halfway, into the episode there's a knock on the door and I walk over to it. Opening it I see Mina. "Hey, I'm Skye."

She shakes my hand. "I'm Mina. I supposed you're the one I'm meeting with today as I don't see Chelsea around."

"That's right. So, I need you to make it look like I'm sick with a cold. My former boss wants to see me today and I can't walk into the building looking like I'm healthy."

"Alright, I can do that for you." She starts getting to work on me and it takes about 30 minutes before she's finished. "You look good. Is there anyone that's going to come here and look after you while you fake it at work?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I have a friend coming over. He's going to take me to work and then home, once it's done."

"Is he just a friend or a little more?"

There's a knock on the door and I walk over to it. Opening it I see Jaxtyn. "You look like shit, Skye. Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. I just got someone to do my make-up to make it look like I'm sick. I don't want to go back to my office job and the only way I don't have to show up for my two week notice is to pretend to be sick. I'll still get paid for not working for them. I worked my ass off for a company that couldn't give a shit about me."

He laughs. "So how sick do you want to be? The kind that I carry you into the office? Or where you hold my hand and people take notice of us?"

Mina walks over with her bags and looks between Jaxtyn and I. "You two aren't just friends. Looking at the two of you I can see the steam around you two." She holds her hand out to Jaxtyn. "I'm Mina Halliwell."

Jaxtyn takes her hand. "That's a beautiful name. I've heard of the Halliwell's aren't you the daughter that emancipated from your parents at sixteen because you didn't want to live up to their expectations?"

A smile spreads across her face. "You're right. I'm that Halliwell. I'm glad my parents still talk about me."

Jaxtyn shakes his head. "That's not how I know you. We went to school together and everyone made it a huge day. I was in the same class as you. I played football."

She taps a finger on her chin trying to remember a Jaxtyn that was in her class. "The only Jaxtyn I knew was Jaxtyn Emmanuel. He could have gone pro, but an injury ruined his career."

"That's me." Jaxtyn says. "You probably heard about my neighbour Skye Reeves?"

She shakes her head. "I've never heard of her, but I did hear about Nicole Jameson. She was one of the best cheerleaders. Whatever happened to that girl?"

"She got together with my brother and married him." Jaxtyn says. Putting his hand in mine he looks at Mina. "We better get going."

Jaxtyn pulls the car into the parking lot of the office building. He parks the car in a CEO spot and then helps me out of the car. "Are you ready to put you're acting skills to the test?"

"Yes, I am." Stepping out is the car I let him wrap his arms around my waist and we enter the building.

As soon as we walk through the door, people look at us and someone yells. "That's Jaxtyn Emmanuel and Skye Reeves."

The crowd begin to flock around us and I pretend to collapse. Jaxtyn catches me and carries me towards the lift. "I'm sorry, we can't chat. I have to take Skye up to the boss's office." Pressing the button we wait for the lift to come.

When the doors open Jaxtyn steps into the lift with me in his arms. I press the button for the top floor. It takes us up.

I whisper in Jaxtyn's ear. "You can put me down now. I don't want people on my floor to see you carrying me."

A smile spreads across his face. "They already know. With the amount of cameras down there someone would have sent it to the entire floor before we reach it."

I hit his stomach. "That's not helping one bit, Jaxtyn. I..." I'm cut off when his lips claim mine.

I can't believe he cut my blubbering off again by kissing me.

The door opens and I pull away from him. "Can I walk to my boss's office, please?"

"Sure," he sets me on the ground and I walk towards Hendrickson's office.

When I get to the door I knock and wait for him to answer it. The door opens and Hendrickson looks at me. "Skye, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not and you send me down here to give you the certificate." I start coughing again and then grasp onto the door, trying to hold myself up.

Jaxtyn runs down the hall and he pulls me against him. Placing his hands around me he says. "You shouldn't have asked her to come down with the proof. It would have been easier for us to email it through. Skye, shouldn't be out of bed and she fought me to come here." He looks at me. "I'm taking her back home where she belongs with this flu. I just hope none of you get it." He lifts me up and carries me out of the building.

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