🌲Under The Mistletoe - 43 🌲

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Skye's POV

Unlocking the door to my apartment I step inside and see my roommate Chelsea sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and soft drink. She looks up as I place my bag on the table. "Hey, Skye. How was the date?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Walking over to the couch I sit next to her and grab a handful of popcorn. "It looks like this will be my dinner for tonight."

She looks at me properly and says. "I thought you didn't want to talk about it? I saw Jaxtyn earlier. He was pissed about something and told me to ask you. Looking at you now I can see something happened on the way up here?"

"It did. We had a blackout and I was stuck in that goddamn awful lift with Jaxtyn."

A smirk appears on her face. "So you got down and with your boyfriend in the lift. How was the make-up sex? I heard those a great to experience."

I pull a face at her. "I'm not going to give you details on it."

Knock, knock.

Saved by the person on the other side.

Standing up I say. "I'll get it."

"You should. The person on the other side wouldn't be waiting to see me, Skye." She waves at me, before grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth. "Hap pun." She says, around a mouthful of popcorn.

Ignoring her I walk to the door and open it.

Jaxtyn has a Chinese takeaway bag in his hands. "Will you join me for dinner in my apartment? I promise to be a gentleman while we're at place."

Placing a finger over his mouth I say. "Forget about it, Jaxtyn. You had every right to be mad at me. I did stuff to sabotage our first date, by inviting your friends and helping out mine, but I'm not going to apologise for it because it revealed some stuff to me and I still have to text my aunt. She needs to know what happened."

"Mariana, is staying with your Grandfather. I'll give him a call when we get to the apartment. I'm sure the entire family needs to hear what you have to say."

"Okay," I place my hand in his and we head to the lift. The door opens once I've pressed the up button. We step inside and the lift takes us up a couple floors.

When the doors open again we step out and walk down the hall to Jaxtyn's apartment. He opens the door for me and I step inside. There's a maroon desk pushes against the wall and on it are a bunch of photos.

One captures my attention and it's the one that was taken before Nicole came a permanent fixture in my family.

I'm standing between Joshua and Jaxtyn, with a fishing net in my hands. While the boys have fishing rods. They're both holding up there fish on the rod and I have five fishes moving around in the net

A smile spreads across my face as I remember that day.

Jaxtyn's breath hits the back of my neck as he whispers in my ear. "That was my favourite day. You catching all those fish while Josh and I caught one each. When you were told that we were going to eat it you threw yours back."

I remember that, but I also heard that they caught the fish again and put it back into the esky.

Looking at him I say. "Who caught my fish and put it back into the esky with the other fish we caught that day?"

"Me," he looks sheepish as he admits to it. "The fish were already dead when you threw them back. I didn't want perfectly good fish to go to waste."

"On the way home your Dad stopped by McDonald's for me and I got the happy meal. You wanted the toy car that was in it and when I had my back turned you stole it from me."

"You were crying all the way home. Once I gave it back. You were quiet and played with it for a couple minutes before you threw it at my head and told me I could have it."

I laugh. "I was just teaching you a lesson that it's not polite to steal things from me."

Jaxtyn lifts my head up slightly and places his lips on mine. Pulling back he says. "I'm still stealing from you. How many kisses have I taken from you since I stole to first one thanks to the mistletoe?"

I don't how many he's taken, but I know I want him to be the last.

Walking over to the cupboard I pull out plates and glasses. I place them in front of us. While Jaxtyn puts the food onto the plate. He lights the candle on the table and we talk over dinner.

This is the way the date should have gone.

"Do you want to stay and watch a movie?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Sure, I'd like that."

After dinner I help Jaxtyn with the dishes and the. We head over to the couch where he puts a movie on.

During the movie I get bored and straddle Jaxtyn. I place light kisses on his neck. Looking at me he says. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"You're distracting me from the movie and it seems like you're ready to have me in the sack. Wasn't what happened in the lift enough for the day?"

"No," grabbing the hem of the shirt I lift it over his head and he doesn't stop me. "I want you to make love to me on the couch. We'll make it the bed eventually."

Jaxtyn doesn't waste any time as he pulls my clothes off me. Reaching over to the table he grabs a condom.

Taking it from him I say. "You didn't use one in the lift. What makes you think I want you to use one now."

He opens and closes his mouth a few times before saying. "Shit, protection was the last thing on my mind when I fucked you. Now, my mind is clear I want to use it. Are you on anything?"

Shaking my head I say. "I haven't needed the pill in a while. Not dating and having sex was the last thing in my mind over the last couple of years."

"So, I could have knocked you up?"

"Probably, do you want to be Dad in the future?"

"Yes, without a doubt and I want you to be the mother of them, but not just yet."

"I could go to the pharmacy and get the morning after pill tomorrow?"

Jaxtyn doesn't reply. He shoves his cock into me. "You don't have to get the morning after pill. If you get pregnant you get pregnant. If not we get to practice more." He winks at me.

As he keeps ploughing into me a phone starts ringing. I look at the table where the phone is sitting and see Grandpa's name on the screen. "Why's my Grandfather calling you?"

He looks at me as he says. "He calls me every night at this time."

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