🌲Under The Mistletoe - 45 🌲

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Skye's POV

"I'm going to have a shower and then I want to know why she said that about you." Walking into the bathroom I close the door and turn the shower on. Stepping inside it I grab the soap and wash my body.

Once I'm cleaned I step out of the shower and grab a towel. Drying myself off I step into the room and put my clothes back on.

Jaxtyn is sitting on the chair with his back turned to me. "There's a reason why she said I'd break your heart, Skye. A couple weeks ago I had sex with her. We went to a party with Josh and she slipped him a drug and took him to a room to sleep it off. While I was at my weakest point she took advantage of me and steered me to an unoccupied room where we..."

"I don't need to hear it, Jaxtyn. "I'm going back to my apartment. See you tomorrow morning." I walk out of the apartment and head down a couple floor to mine. Knocking on the door I wait for Chelsea to open the door.

Chelsea pulls it open and looks at my face. She pulls me into her arms and says. "Tell me what happened?"

I tell her everything and she starts cursing at the last part.

"How the hell did that woman get in here? I thought Jaxtyn was going to make it impossible for her?"

"He did, but I think he's keeping something from me. It's just a gut feeling I have and I've never been wrong before." I head to my bedroom and close the door. Sitting on my bed is a box and I walk over to it.

Opening the box I look inside and see a card sitting on a bunch of stuff. I read the card.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You better be on the look-out
Cause I'm coming for you.

I'm going to have her before she gets to me. I'll be a lot smarter than her when it comes to do this job.

Looking inside the box I see doll that looks real and the mouth is sown shut. A rope is wrapped around her throat and hair is cut off.

How does she know this?

On the top of the baby it says 'Should have worn protection.'

Taking a picture of it I send it to Aunt Mariana and Grandma. A couple minutes later, my phone starts to ring. Looking at the caller ID I see it's my Aunt. Answering the call I say. "Hey, Aunt Mariana."

Aunt Mariana: You need to get out of that apartment tonight. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes. Tell your roommate it's not safe for her there either.

Me: I will. Did anything else happen?

I tell her everything that happened at Jaxtyn's place too.

Aunt Mariana: As much as I like that boy. I think its best that you two stay away from each other. I know your father wants to talk to both Jaxtyn and you, but it should wait until the threat is taken care of.

Me: Can Chelsea come with us if her boyfriend doesn't let her stay with him?

Aunt Mariana: That won't be a problem. Mom and Dad have enough rooms for you.

Me: Thanks, Aunt Mariana. I'll see you soon.

I start packing a few things into my bags and walk into the living where Chelsea is watching TV. She turns towards me and says. "Is everything alright."

Shaking my head I say. "When I got to my room I found a box with a doll in it and it had some freaky stuff done to it. I sent the picture to Grandma and Aunt Chelsea. They want me to stay with them for a while. They think it's not safe here."

She nods. "I don't think it is either, Skye. Where are we going?"

"My Grandparents place. Aunt Mariana is picking me up. If you don't have anywhere to go you should come with us."

"My boyfriend and I broke up tonight. So, I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She laughs. "You have bigger problems than me. I'm not upset about the break-up because I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Especially, with the wondering eyes he has. I caught him in bed with another woman and I told him that I won't be coming back ever. He didn't care and kept screwing her while I was in the bedroom."

I wrinkle up my nose. "Ew, he's disgusting. How could he do that to you?"

"I don't know. What I want right now is to enjoy being single for as long as I can." She stands up. "I should pack a bag for a couple of nights. When do you think everything will be over?"

"In a couple of days. It's going to end Christmas Eve. My stepsister likes to make a spectacle of everything. Trying to ruin my life in a public setting is her end game, but what she won't be able to do that because I have nothing to hide or lose. She's trying to ruin the one best thing in my life and that's my relationship with Jaxtyn."

"Do you think it's true that he slept with her last week?"

I shake my head. "He wants me to believe it. I think she's holding something over Jaxtyn and he's willing to let her demand whatever she wants until I take care of her myself."

"That's really messed up." she leads the way to her room and I sit on the bed while she packs a few things.

I look around the room and see a camera stuffed into one of her bears. Clearing my throat to get Chelsea's attention. She turns towards me and I sign to her that there's a camera in her room. Signing to me she asks 'Really?' I point to it and she grabs it off the shelf.

Pulling apart the camera she looks at it and says. "I think our entire apartment has been bugged. It's a good thing we're getting out of here tonight."

A smirk appears on my face as I see another camera in my room-mates room. Looking into it I say. "See you soon, Sis. It's been fun playing this game with you." I flip the camera off before walking out of the room with my best friend.

Grabbing our bags Chelsea and I lock the apartment door and head to the lift. Pressing the button we wait for it to arrive on our floor. Once it does we step inside and take it to the ground floor.

On the ground floor we walk past the night guard's station and out the front door. We don't stop and talk to anyone as we stop at the side of the road, where Aunt Mariana is waiting for us.

She pulls the window down and says. "Toss your stuff in the trunk and get in the car. I'm not supposed to be out on the streets as people are after me, but I couldn't risk your life being in danger from that crazy stepsister of yours.

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