🌲Under The Mistletoe - 48 🌲

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Skye's POV

After the revelation I had problems sleeping for the rest of the night. I tossed and turned, but I couldn't switch my mind off from the doll that was in my bedroom and the possibility that one of the tablets I was given was the morning after pill.

How could she take one home? When you're supposed to take it at the pharmacy.

Climbing out of bed I grab the blanket and move outside. I sit on the chair and watch the sky as the birds start waking up from their sleep. The sun starts to rise.

Chelsea steps onto the balcony and looks at me. "Morning. How did you sleep last night?"

"Like shit. I can't move past what she did to me. How could she do that to me? If I was supposed to have that child it should have been up to me. Not her. She took something away from me because she wanted it all to herself."

She moves over to me and wraps her arms around me. "It's okay, Skye. Now, that you know what happened you can make her pay for it. I'll be next to you when all this shit explodes in their faces. Even Jaxtyn will be next to you. I know that boy loves you and he'd be crushed to hear what happened the next morning."

"Are you sure?"

She nods. "I am. All that boy ever does is looks out for you. He wouldn't intentionally hurt you. During the day when you're ready I want you to turn on the phone and if there's a message from him I want you to listen to it and then make up your mind of what's going to happen next. Just remember the ball is in your court and not his."

"Thanks, Chels."

A smile spreads across her face. "Good, now let's watch the sunrise. It's going to be a beautiful day."

I laugh. "Thanks for that commentary. It's welcomed this early in the morning." Looking into the yard I see Mariana with a gun in her hand.

She looks up at the house and spots me on the balcony. She waves before disappearing into the garden.

What's she up to so early in the morning?

I look back at the ocean and see different colours. Down the bottom where the top part of the sun is an orange colour, above that it a lighter shade of orange, above that it a light blue and it has two more layers of blue, but it gets darker and above that is black.

As the sun starts rising more the colours change and the sky turns light blue with a few white fluffy clouds in the sky.

Chelsea stretches and then says. "I need to get ready for work. Can you show me to the kitchen soon?"

"Sure," I lie my head against the head rest and close my eyes. I'm not sure how long I'm out for before I'm woken up. "Skye," opening my eyes I look at Chelsea and say. "What?"

"You need to show me to the kitchen and then you can come back up here and sleep. I know you need it, Skye."

Standing up I walk back into the room and drop the blanket on my bed. Then I lead the way to the kitchen.

When we get there I see Dad with a cup in his hand. He smiles at me. "Morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?"

"Terribly. After what happened in the apartment I couldn't switch my brain off. I'm really tired and all I want to do is sleep."

He pulls me into his arms. "You can sleep shortly. There's something I want to tell you."

Bacon and eggs are placed on a plate by the chef and passed to Chelsea and I.

Chelsea looks at the plate and says. "These look good."

He smiles at her. "You should try them and give me your review once you're done." Looking at me he says. "Don't let the food get cold, Skye. You used to do that when my father cooked for you."

How does he know that?

Taking a closer look at him I notice he has the same features as the cook back at Dad's place. His name was Henry. He had a son called Jay-Jay who would spend a lot of time around the house before the step-monster moved in and then he disappeared because she wouldn't let him hang around our place anymore. A few years later, Henry was fired."

It looks like Dad found a great place for them to work after he let Henry go.


A smile spreads across his face. "For a moment I thought you'd forgotten who I was."

Shaking my head I say. "I didn't know you followed in his footsteps. How is Henry?"

"Good, he's retired and living in Miami with his new wife. They spend a lot of time cruising to Islands as well. He keeps telling me that I need to find a girl of my own and settle down."

Chelsea moans, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "This is so good, Jay-Jay. You need to come to my apartment and cook for me. I'm terrible at everything."

She is.

I remember coming home from work and seeing a pan on the stove smoking, turning the eggs into charcoal. She was passed out on the floor with cans all around her.

Looking at Jay-Jay I say. "She tried cooking once and nearly burnt the house down. She turned the eggs charcoal. Luckily, I walked into the house when I did. Or it would have caught on fire."

Jay-Jay throws his head back and laughs. "I can't believe she'd do that. It's just as bad as you."

"What did I do?" I ask, confused.

"You made some cookies for the boy next door and you forgot to set the timer for it and when Dad and I got to the kitchen we could smell something burning in the oven. Dad opened it to see charcoal cookies. While you were outside playing Dad cleaned everything and made a new batch for you."

Aw, that was sweet of him to do that. I wish I knew about it before now, but I supposed they wanted me to think I made them myself instead of the chef.

Jaxtyn loved the cookies and he told me that they were similar to the ones that Henry made. Now, I know they are the ones that he made because I burnt mine.

Dad has a smile on his face.

Chelsea looks at me with a shit eating grin. "See you weren't perfect at cooking. At least that has changed now and all the meals you make are great. When you move out of the apartment I'm going to miss you cooking for me."

Jay-Jay leans forward against the table and says. "Are you single, Chelsea?"

She looks at me before answering. "Yes,"

"Great, meet me here after work and I'll take you to a great place. So, you know this is me asking you on a date."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'd love to go out with you."

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