🌲Under The Mistletoe - 52 🌲

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Skye's POV

Jaxtyn pulls the car into the parking lot of an apartment building close to Venice Beach. He looks at me and says. "We're going to walk from here. The beach is two blocks from here and there's plenty of restaurants that we can go to, to grab something to eat." He steps out of the car rounds it.

The door opens and I step out. I grab my purse from the backseat and then close the door. Jaxtyn has two blankets in his hand. "It's to keep us warm when the sun sets. It's going to be cold at the beach."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm glad you thought about bringing blankets."

"I keep them in the car all the time. I've never had a reason to use them until you walked into my life, Skye."

"That's a good answer." I take his hand and we walk out of the parking lot and head in the direction of the beach. We stop in front of an Italian restaurant. "Can we get a pizza and some pasta for dinner? I feel like a bit of both."

"Anything you want, baby. I'll get it for you."

"Thanks." I grab the menu and go through the list until I find what I want. Showing the menu to Jaxtyn, he says. "I'll order those then. Do you want a soft drink too?"

Shaking my head I say. "Just a bottle of water, please. I haven't stayed hydrated much today."


"Jaxtyn," A female shrieks. "Is that you?"

He looks around the room and a blonde with blue eyes is jumping around in her seat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

Oh, god. This woman needs to get a clue.

She stands up and her top pulls down revealing some of her boobs. "Oh," she adjusts the top and makes her way over to us. "It is you, Jaxtyn." Rubbing herself against him. "You look as good as ever. Do you want to take me to the bathroom?"

Jaxtyn looks at me for help and then mouths. "Help me."

Crossing my arms I wait for the girl to notice me and she continues to talk to Jaxtyn like I'm not standing close to her. Clearing my throat I say. "Uh, hmmm."

She turns her attention to me. "Can I help you, darling?"

"Yes, you can get your hands off my fiancé. Before I show you what I'm capable of."

The girl throws her head back and laughs. "Yeah, right. Jaxtyn isn't the type to marry. The only woman he'd get close to marrying is a girl named, Skye. He's so hooked up that girl."

"I'm Skye. Who the hell are you?"

"Brittany," her friend calls. "Leave them alone. No, wonder Damien left you. You're too busy flirting with other men and not paying attention to him."

That was mean of her friend.

Jaxtyn walks over to the cashier and places our order.

Placing my hand on her arm I ask. "Is that true?"

She shakes her head, "No, he left me because I wasn't slutty enough and now that I'm acting like this he still won't take notice of me." She points at the table close to us. "That's him with his new girl. She looks exactly like me, but she's classier than me."

"Don't worry about him. You'll find someone that's going to like you for who you are. Burn this outfit. It's not doing you any favours and go back to the girl you were before. I think I'd like that girl."

She smiles. "You would. I'm sorry I was all over him."

"You just wanted Damien's attention. He never looked over because he's into the woman sitting across from him."

She sighs. "Yeah, I figured that." Brittany walks back over to her friend and sits in her seat. They have a small argument and Brittany walks away.

Jaxtyn walks over to me with our food in his hands. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I am." My stomach rumbles. "It smells great. I can't wait to eat this." It doesn't take long before we're on the beach and I put one of the blankets down on the sand.

We sit down and grab the forks out of the bag. I scoop some pasta onto my fork and eat the chicken fettuccini. "This is good." scooping another fork full I give it to Jaxtyn.

His lips wrap around the fork and then pulls back. He chews the food and then says. "It is good."

While we're eating the sun begins to set leaving all sorts of colours in the sky. Like purple, pink, blue, red, orange. It starts to get cold and I shiver.

Jaxtyn wraps a blanket around me and then moves me, so I'm sitting between his legs. We stay like that until the sky is black and stars appear. The moon is shining brightly on us and it's full. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yep," I stand and wait for him. "Stay with me tonight?"

A smile spreads across his face. "I would love that. I'll set the alarm early so we can have fun in the morning before we head to the Country Club for half a day." He takes my hand and we walk back through Venice.

At the car he opens the door for me and I climb inside. He puts the blankets in the back of the car and then climbs in. Starting the car, he pulls out of the parking lot.

At the house he parks in front of one of the garage door. The front door opens and Dad steps out. Looking at Jaxtyn he says. "You can park the car in the garage." He opens the door for us and Jaxtyn parks it in the garage.

Why does Dad want us to park in the garage? I'll ask him when we get inside. Unbuckling my seatbelt. I step out of the car and lead Jaxtyn to the main door of the house.

Grandpa and Grandma are sitting in the kitchen with Jay-Jay standing over a chocolate cake. He cuts it and gives some to them. "Thanks." My Grandparents take their slices of cake to the living room.

Chelsea looks over and says. "It's about time you got here. Jay-Jay's been trying to teach me how to make the perfect chocolate cake, but I burnt the first one I did because I went to the bathroom."

"Where was Jay-Jay when this took place?"

A smile spreads across her face. "Playing Checkers with your Grandfather. He kicked his ass a lot."

That's one board game that Grandpa's really good at playing.

I haven't played it in a long time, but I would love to have a game with him in the future.

Grabbing Jaxtyn's hand I say. "Let's go to bed I'm tired." I lead him up the stairs to my room. When we get there I shut the door and take my clothes off.

Jaxtyn isn't too far behind me when it comes to removing his clothes. He wraps his hand around me and pushes us both onto the bed. "I hope this was your plan before bed."

"Yes, it was."

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