🌲Under The Mistletoe - 56 🌲

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Skye's POV

Jaxtyn and I are the last ones to walk through the door. All heads turn in our direction and they stop talking to the people at their table to watch us. He leans towards me and says. "We're sitting in the middle. Once we get there everyone will go back to talking about whatever they were talking about." We walk hand in hand to the table and he pulls the chair out for me.

Waiting for me to sit, Jaxtyn pushes the chair in before sitting in the one on my right. At the table is Mr and Mrs Emmanuel, Josh, Nicole, Hannah, Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Jaxtyn and I.

Well this dinner isn't going to be awkward.

Nicole grabs a piece of paper off the table and writes on it. She scrunches it up and throws it across the table at me.

Opening the piece of paper I look at it, before showing Jaxtyn.

Enjoy Dinner,
                 This will be the last meal you have before I ruin your life. No one is going to want to work closely with you. I've made sure of that. They're not going to believe a word that comes out of your mouth. I own LA.

-​ Nicole.

She can't ruin my life. I have more on her than she'll ever have on me.

Pushing my seat back I stand up and look her in the eyes. "Listen here, bitch..."

"Oh, Jaxtyn that feels so good. Please, go harder. Fuck, Jaxtyn." Turning around I see a video of Jaxtyn and I playing on the screen. It's us having sex after graduation.

People turn towards me and start laughing. "She looks like a dead fish." Some girl yelled. Followed by a male saying. "Send me the video."

A smirk appears on Nicole's face. "I've just sent it to you."

This shit needs to end now.

I walk over to her and throw a right hook and it connects with her face. She falls on the ground. "She's violent too." she yells for everyone to hear. Ignoring her I throw another right hook.

Someone grabs my arm and pulls me off Nicole. I fight the person off me and when I look at the ground there's a security guy on the floor.

Damn, I didn't know I can knock a grown ass man on his butt. At least people will know that they can't touch me without my permission.

During the commotion my attention is drawn to the door as Nicole walks out of it. No one has noticed that she's slipped out the door and they're not going to know that I went after her.

I just have to wait for something major to happen and then I'll be able to go after her. Knowing Nicole she will be waiting for me outside.

She used to do this a lot when we were growing up. She'd cause problems and then disappear while I had to clean up the mess she left behind.

Mrs Emmanuel stands up and she yells. "That's enough."

No one listens to her and Josh throws at punch at his brother. But, Jaxtyn being as fast as he is moved out of the way.

He tackles his brother to the ground and starts beating him up.

This is what Nicole wanted. She's just gutless to see the damage she causes to other people.

Standing up I head towards to the door. Before I can walk out grandma grabs my arm. "Please, be careful out there, Skye. I want you to come home on one piece."

A smile spreads across my face. "You know I'll be home in one piece. Besides, I have a Christmas dinner to look forward to tomorrow night." I place a kiss on her cheek and walk out the door.

Standing at the side of the building is Nicole. She has a She has a smirk on her face. "You know I feel nearly bad for Jaxtyn. Wanting to date someone like you."

I smirk and say something similar to her. "You know I nearly feel bad for..." cutting myself off I finish with. "Nah, actually I don't feel anything for him. Because he deserves everything that's coming to him just like you."

She throws her head back and laughs. "You're not going to get me, Skye. I'm better prepared than you when it comes to fighting you." Pulling a colt out of her back pocket she aims it at me.

The safety is still on and I can tell she doesn't know how to use a weapon like that. Grabbing my from the concealment garner I point it at her. Making sure to take the safety off. "I don't think you're going to shoot me, Nicole."

"Don't test me, Skye." She yells. "I'm not in the mood for your shit."

Taking a step forward I begin to taunt her. "Don't be a chicken, Nicole. Pull the fucking trigger." Her finger presses against it and nothing happens. "See you don't know how to shoot me."

Pulling the trigger I shoot her in the arm and she falls to the ground. After that all hell breaks loose and the people that are on her side comes after me.

A woman with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes throws a fist at me and I block her punch. Lifting my right foot I kick her in the stomach hard and she grabs it. "Fuck," she comes for me and I throw a right hook and she goes down.

When she doesn't get up I move to the next person that's coming for me. I don't give him enough time before he's down on the ground holding his family jewels. "You shouldn't be on the side of a person that wants to ruin other people's lives. I bet she has something on you and that's the only reason why you're doing this to me."

His face pales. "She does. How did you know?"

Shaking my head I say. "She's my stepsister. Since, she became a part of my family she's been trying to ruin my life. But, nothing has worked and now that we're older she still thinks its going work."

More people come for me and Aunt Mariana walks out the door with a few people including Grandma. Aunt Mariana looks at me and says. "What are you waiting for, Skye. Get the girl."

"Okay," looking at my family I says. "Stay safe and look for me when this is over. I want to make sure you're all good." Through the woods I see Nicole start running and I'm close on her heels. I jump over fallen trees as we head to the tree house that's located close to Dad's property.

As soon as I reach the tree house there's a loud bang and there's a burning feeling to my arm. Looking at it I see blood.

Nicole stands above me with the pistol in her hand. "Do you have anything to say before I kill you?"

"See you in hell, Nicole."

She throws her head back and laughs. "It's not the first time I've heard someone say that to me." Her finger is on the trigger.

Grabbing my gun I aim it at her.


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