🌲Under The Mistletoe - 9 🌲

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Skye's POV

Walking into my boss's office at 12:30pm, I say. "I'm not feeling well. Can I go home?"

He looks me up down and notices my pale face. "Sure, take a couple days off and get yourself better. We need you until Christmas."

"Yes, Sir."

I exit his office and walk to my desk. Grabbing my bag from the table I head out of the office.

When I get outside the building I see a guy dressed up as Santa and he has a donation tin with him.

He looks up when the door closes behind me. "Hello,"

A smile spreads across my face. "Hello, Santa." I pull out a couple 1 dollar bills and put it into the tin."

"Thanks," He says.

"You're welcome." I walk to the Main Street and hold my hand out, waving down a taxi.

One pulls in front of me and I open the door. Stepping inside I give the driver the address to the Country Club, where I'm meeting my Grandparents.

The taxi pulls in front of the country club. A valet opens the door for me and I step out. "Welcome to the Country Club. I hope you have a great day."

A smile spreads across my face. "You too, Noah."

He has blonde hair that's spiked up, brown eyes, he's tall around 6 ft. 2 inches.

Noah watches me as I head to the entrance of the Country Club. Opening the door I head in the direction of the dining area.

A blonde behind the desk stands up and walks over to me. "Excuse me." Turning towards her I wait for her to continue. "You shouldn't be here." Her lips are curled in discuss as she looks at the outfit I'm wearing.

Looking at her I say. "I'm in the right place. I'm here to meet my Grandfather." Lowering my voice I add. "You could lose your job if I told him you weren't letting me in."

Just then Grandpa rounds the corner and sees the woman standing close to me. "Margaret, is everything okay?"

She swallows and looks away from him. "It's all good."

Running over to him I wrap him in a hug and say. "It's been forever since I've last seen you."

He laughs. "I know it has been. How's your old man doing?"

"He's got cancer."

Grandpa keeps his arms wrapped around me. "I couldn't believe it when he told us of the diagnosis. The last time I spoke to him he said that he hadn't told you."

"I was told a couple days ago. Everyone kept it a secret from me. I was made a fool of by my stepmother and step monster of a sister."

Grandpa laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder. "We should get to the restaurant. You're Grandmother Wants something to eat and she demanded that I see what was taking you so long."

Looking at my watch I say. "I'm ten minutes early. I remember the saying you told me when I was growing."

His eyes twinkle as I say that. "Please, remind me what I used to say?"

"The early bird catches the worm. Which is why I am never late to anything. Mom used to hurry us out the door ten minutes before we were supposed to leave and she told me that you had the best sayings in the world. Even if others have used it before." We walk past rows of pictures of presidents of the clubs and the last picture is of my Grandfather.

He has a smile on his face and he's wearing a blue jacket with the word "President" on it. Just like the one he's wearing right now.

Stopping in front of it he says. "I got the president job after the last one past away. There was no one else they wanted to help run this place. Which is why I get to spend a lot of time here and eat for free."

"This place is amazing. Dad used to tell me stories about all the times you brought him here. He met Mom by the pool one afternoon and that's how they fell in love."

A smile spreads across his face. "I remember that day. He stood next to me and declared that he was going to marry her. This was when he was sixteen and I didn't believe it. Years, after they first met they kept in touch and when it was time to go to University, they chose the same school and moved in with each other during their second year there. She fell pregnant with your brother Bronson, but he died from SIDS six weeks after he was brought home."

I place my hand over my heart. "My parents never told me I had another sibling."

"That's because losing him was so devastating for them. They wanted everything to work out when they had you, but you came six weeks earlier and was placed in an incubator until you were fully developed. When they took you home you're mother spent all the time in the bedroom watching over you, while you slept. She didn't want what happened to Bronson to happen to you." His eyes begin to water and I hug him.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. I bet you fell in love with him too and the loss for you was just as great as my parents."

"It was. He was my first Grandchild and he was supposed to inherit everything we had, but then your Uncle Ralf had a son, who's supposed to inherit everything. You're Grandmother and I have spoken and we want to talk to you about it."

"Okay," Grandpa and I start walking back down the hall and we pass workers wearing polo shirts with Country Club written on it.

Just before you enter the restaurant there's a Christmas tree with presents underneath it. Next to it is a sign that says. 'Donations for Children's Hospital.'

"Is there a party tonight for children's hospital?"

"Yes, there is. The Country Club is looking for volunteers to serve drinks during the night. Are you interested in doing that?"

"Sure, it beats spending another night in the apartment watching movies with my roommate. Would it be alright if she helps out too?"

He nods. "The more, the merrier. If you know anyone else that would like to spend their night doing something for charity can help out."

We enter the restaurant and Grandma stands at the table when spots me across from the room.

I run towards her and wrap my arms around her. "Hey, Grandma. How have you been?"

"I'm good. What about you, sweetheart?"

"Good. Are you going to the Emmanuel Christmas Party?"

A smile spreads across her face. "I wouldn't miss that party for anything. There's been a lot of things happening at that party over the last six years. Men have been caught out by their wives. A guy was caught urinating on a picture of the Emmanuel's."

Grandpa laughs and then kisses her on the lips. "I remember that one. That guy hasn't been back to a party since then. I heard the Emmanuel boys are going to be there. Does that mean you'll make an appearance?"

"Yes," I sit down. "I want to spend some time with Dad."

The waitress walks over and gives us the menu. She takes our drink orders and walks away. Returning a couple minutes later with our order.

When we're ready to place our order we do. While we wait for our food my Grandparents tell me that they want to leave everything to me and I talk to them about my fathers Will.

After lunch I hug my grandparents and head back to the apartment.

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