🌲Under The Mistletoe - Christmas Party Alternate Version 🌲

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Jaxtyn holds my hand as we make our way through the halls of his parent's house. When we get to his bedroom he kicks the door shut with his foot. We quickly pull each other's clothes off in quick succession, before he's driving into me.

Lifting me up, he places me against the cold cream coloured walls of his bedrooms. There's posters of football teams that he liked when we were growing up. The room hasn't changed since the last time I was in here.

Wrapping my legs around him I say. "I love you, Jaxtyn."

He looks me in the eyes and says. "You better. Because after tonight our life together will begin. The first thing I intend to do is put a ring on that finger, followed by a baby in this sexy body of yours."

A smile spreads across my face. "You could have already put a baby inside me. We haven't used protection since the first time we had sex and that was in the lift at the apartment."

"Fine, it will be a baby first, engagement ring, wedding and then the baby will be here. That's the way 2020 will happen for us and I'm looking forward to it."

"Me, too. Does that mean I should be looking at wedding dresses tomorrow?"

He shakes his head. "No, we're having Christmas lunch here and then going to your Grandparents for dinner. You can't look into that until I ask you to marry me."

"When will that be?" I ask, being curious like I usually am.

"You'll have to wait and see, baby. I'm not going to give everything away to you. You should know that." He continues to drive into me, until I feel the orgasm approaching.

Throwing my head back I say. "I'm about to come, Jaxtyn."

"Me, too." my juices explode around his cock and he follows closely behind. He pulls out of me and walks us to the bed.

Jaxtyn pulls the covers over us and pulls me closer to him on the bed. Resting his head against my neck he whispers. "We'll rest for a bit before heading back downstairs."

"Okay, I close my eye and fall asleep next to the man I love.

Both phones start ringing, waking us up from our nap. I reach across to the nightstand and pull my phone towards me. Pulling the device in front of my eyes I see 'Aunt Mariana' flash across the screen.

Answering it I say. "Hey, Aunt Mariana."

Mariana: You better get downstairs now.

She rushes out and then hangs up on me. Letting me know that whatever is happening down there is important and that I need to see it.

Jaxtyn's eyes widen and he says. "We need to leave the room don't we?"

I nod. "It's serious if our phones are going off. Aunt Mariana said it was important." Turning the bedside lamp on I look towards the door where my dress and black thong was discarded when we first entered the room. Grabbing my stuff off the floor I quickly put my clothes on. Reaching for the black heels I put them on too.

When I look up Jaxtyn is standing next to the door and his hand is held out to me. "Let's see what's going on down there."

As soon as we enter the room there's a huge screen in front of us playing a video of Jaxtyn and I. It was filmed when I lost my virginity to him.

Oh, shit. Nicole is the one that had this video.

Jaxtyn tries to pull me into his side and I won't allow him to do it as I'm really pissed off that Nicole would show this intimate moment between Jaxtyn and I.

"Don't touch me." I yell at him.

He holds his hands up and backs away from me, like I want him to. "This wasn't me." He pleads with me to believe him.

The thing is I know it wasn't him. I look around the room for the two people who did. When my eyes land on that person they dash through a side door. "Don't follow me, Jaxtyn. I want to be left alone." I walk away from and out of the house.

Leaning against the side of the side is where I find Nicole. She has a smirk on her face. "You know I feel nearly bad for Jaxtyn. Wanting to date someone like you."

I smirk and say something similar to her. "You know I nearly feel bad for..." cutting myself off I finish with. "Nah, actually I don't feel anything for him. Because he deserves everything that's coming to him just like you."

She throws her head back and laughs. "You're not going to get me, Skye. I'm better prepared than you when it comes to fighting you." Pulling a colt out of her back pocket she aims it at me.

The safety is still on and I can tell she doesn't know how to use a weapon like that. Grabbing my from the concealment garner I point it at her. Making sure to take the safety off. "I don't think you're going to shoot me, Nicole."

"Don't test me, Skye." She yells. "I'm not in the mood for your shit."

Taking a step forward I begin to taunt her. "Don't be a chicken, Nicole. Pull the fucking trigger." Her finger presses against it and nothing happens. "See you don't know how to shoot me."

Pulling the trigger I shoot her in the arm and she falls to the ground. After that all hell breaks loose and people that Nicole has on her side comes after me.

Aunt Mariana helps me up and we start attacking the people that have come after us.

When I'm done with the enemy I see Nicole jump into a car and she speeds along the driveway. Then she crashes into the gate. I run up to the gate and see a man trapped against the car and gate.

Looking closely I see that it's my father. "Daddy," tears begin to fall down my face. "Don't leave me."

He opens his eyes and looks into my brown eyes. "I don't want to leave you, baby. But, with the way the car is against me it's a matter of time before I do. I'm not feeling any pain. Which is unusual for something like this."

"Please, don't leave me. You're the only parent I have left. Who's going to walk me down the aisle when I get married?"

Dad start coughing and blood comes out his mouth. "Your Grandfather will do that for you. I love you, Skye." He closes his eyes.

People start rushing over to us and they start to question me, but I can't comprehend what they're saying as I feel broken. I push my way through the crowd and walk through the gate.

I don't know how I managed to safely get home after what happened to my father, but I did. I lock myself up in my room and climb into bed. Dialling Dad's phone I wait for the voice message to pick up and listen to his voice.

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