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"But think about it, theoretically, if you were a vampire you're immortal. You'd have infinite time for hobbies."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, time lapse of a bonsai tree over the years? I'm not a vampire."

"With the way you leave hickeys, I wouldn't doubt if you were."

Minho groaned and covered his ears, "If you two are going to talk about this please stand next to each other."

"You don't want to hear about us and our relationship?" Seungmin teased, struggling to pull the shorter's hand away from his ear. His boyfriend who stood on the other side of Minho did something similar, clinging to that side and prying the arm down. He sung again, "Well, you see Minho because we love you dearly,"

He was off. The two were mercifuless, yanking this way and that while spouting nonesense. They were dangerous, and once the couple started they wouldn't stop. And it made it worse when it seemed they could read each other's minds. That was one thing he'd never get use to.

Other university students scowled at the three, them taking up a large portion of the already crowded sidewalk. Luckily they were pushing their way through the quad so there weren't many people. That and the fact lectures were very much active, some running late or scheduled for a normal being's lunchtime. Mentioning lunch, Seungmin and Hyunjin managed to corner the older as he was exiting a lecture hall, nearly dragging him by the ears as they forced him to go to with them to the corner store for lunch. The two had been planning to eat out in the quad but with the ruckus the couple were causing, Minho wasn't sure they'd even make it to the store.

"Let's discuss, if you were a vampire, what hobby would you have?" Hyunjin let go of the arm, asking as if nothing bad happened. The other followed suit and shifted around to squeeze between Minho and his boyfriend, taking the latters hand in his own and intertwining their fingers together tightly.

He rolled his eyes at the action that wasn't very subtle, disregarding the small smile on his face. To Hyunjin's question he shrugged, "I think I'd collect old movies, buy a rundown theater or something and show the classics."

"That seems kind of boring," Seungmin hummed.

"I'd have to disagree with you there," Minho chuckled, not hiding the twinge of irritation from the blow. The younger already knows how to press his buttons. Regardless, he said somewhat reluctantly as they rounded the corner, "Anyway, I wouldn't want to be a vampire."



They ducked around another corner and power walked the final stretch. The glass doors slid open to the unintended paradise of cheap food, air conditioner smacking each in the face when they filed in. This haven was the single reason the students have survived this long. With that in mind, the three split off to divide and conquer. Seungmin and Hyunjin being conjoined at the hip went for the aisle stuffed with practical to-go meals. In contrast Minho lunged for the chips. Not entirely healthy to live off of but it would have to do. Once Minho grabbed what he wanted and met back up with the couple, they paid and left the corner store in a hurry.

"So, let me get this right," Hyunjin continued once the three found a spot in the quad to eat. It was pushed off to the edge of the sidewalk, a slab of cement that functioned like a berm but was tall enough to be considered a seat. He did his best to talk while fiddling with the plastic wrapping to his steamed bun, "You wouldn't want to be a vampire, even though you would be immortal and its kind of hot."

"Why am I still having this conversation with you?"

"Fine. Then what would you be?"

Minho tapped a finger against his unopened soda bottle in thought. He shrugged, "It would be fun to be a werewolf."


"Being able to turn into a wolf is awesome."

"It's tragic but your opinion is going to cause a rift in this family," Seungmin sighed dramatically, "The war of werewolf versus vampire has plagued our modest homestead."

"Werewolves are cool," Minho rolled his eyes in a playful way. He opened the bottle and took a quick swig of it, tossing his head to accentuate the fact he was very serious. 'Serious', even though he was clearly choking on the drink because of a laugh.

Hyunjin made the quick comment, "I would think you'd want to be a merman. You know, since you're so keen on hanging out with Jisung."

"No," Minho lowered the drink from his lips, glaring at the bright red label as his grip on the bottle tightened. He decided, "If being a merman meant I had to be in his situation, I wouldn't want to."

The couple quieted as they shared a strange look between themselves, though Minho would never have caught it, his eyes instead focused on the red of the bottle label. Scarlet. He quickly shook the thought from his head, barely managing to recall himself from his spacing before either of them could make a comment about his staring. Though with the way they chose to focus more on each other in that moment, he doubt they would've.

Seungmin twisted back to Minho, quietly inquiring as he lilted, "And how is it going with Jisung?"

"Better," The older shrugged, "I'm starting to talk with him."

"Through the glass?"

Minho tapped his bottom lip as he told, "Lip reading. It's the only way we can."

"Wow. I'm impressed you can do that."

"I've had some practice."

"Do you ever realize you say some shady things?" Hyunjin scrunched his nose, "With no explanation?"

Minho hummed as he took another sip from his drink. He furrowed his eyebrows together in consideration before finalizing, "Guess I do."

"And he proceeds to not say anything about it," Hyunjin quipped quietly to Seungmin, to which his boyfriend snickered. Minho was fairly sure he was not supposed to overhear them but chose to make no comment towards it. He'll bring it up another day, on a day they are least expecting it.

Seungmin quickly hushed Hyunjin as he turned back to the older, "Well, I wanted to know if you were interested in staying with us for a few days. Felix was saying the commute from the aquarium to your apartment is a bit long and you don't get home till some ungodly hours. Jinnie and I are a bit closer so it might be easier on you, at least until you finish your research."

"Thanks," Minho shrugged "But-"

"No, seriously," Hyunjin promptly cut him off, face deadpanning as he took the half empty soda bottle from his hands, "You need it."

"Who are you to decide what I need?"

And despite making an argument against it, that night he found himself collapsing on the couple's living room couch as soon as he touched the soft cushions.


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