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A/n: I want to say before I started the chapter that I didn't forget about you guys! My college teachers wanted to have tests, quizzes, and finals the week we came back from a Thanksgiving break. Also, I want to know how you guys thanksgiving was and as well as a happy belated thanksgiving!!!! Last thing, thanks for the 1k reads!!!! 😘 Now onto the story!!!


I walked down the hallways of this underground palace. On both sides of me were guards of Princess Amentia's military, they hooked their arms around my arms so I wouldn't run away like before. I should have left with Stella when I had the chance too, but I wanted to pay respect to Sponsí for helping Stella and I. I held my slightly downward as I didn't want to be in this situation and marry Princess Amentia. My body was clothed the traditional clothing of a groom in Down Land. They were taking me to see Princess Amentia in her room. I just hoped that Stella and the others could come back and crash this unplanned and unloved wedding.

The guards were coming closer to Princess Amentia's room as I could hear some off-key humming echoing through the corridors of the palace. I glanced out the window imagining Stella would burst in here and blind the guards with her sun magic. Nothing happened, and no Stella insight. The guards silently opened the doors to the Princess room, and I see her sitting in front of her makeup mirror, putting on her lipstick. She was still humming that lawful made up tune she created.

"Your Highness, we have brought you your fiancé," the guard to my left announced as his and his partner's arms hooked around mine's.

"Good, leave him with me," Princess Amentia ordered as I gulped while the guards pushed me forward. "I hope everything for the wedding is properly in order?"

"We're doing everything in our power, ma'am," the guard that used to be on my right replied, sounding scared and unsure. "But there is a slight delay,"

A delay? Perfect time for Stella and our friends to swoop in and save me!!

"A delay? Did I make myself clear?" Princess Amentia stomped over to the guards as they almost trembled in their sandals. "I WANTED EVERYTHING TO BE PERFECT, AND I EXPECT PERFECTION!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WHEN IT GOES WRONG???"

Princess Amentia drew a big X on the right guard's half helmet with her red lipstick. The other guard stood there, frozen and shock. I pray that this delay keeps on extending as it buys more time for my friends and Stella to get here. But for the time being, I'll stall to add additional time for them to do this rescue.

"Yes, ma'am!" The guards saluted her holding their weapons tightly on their other hand as they were shoved out by Princess Amentia.

Princess Amentia's hands were on the door as she closed it shut. She then turned around so she can face me. On Princess Amentia's face, she had a bashful smile like she was embarrassed. An unattractive laughed erupted from her throat while her eyes sparkled over at me. I slightly marched over to the bed as I knew it was my time to buy my future heroes some time to save me.

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness, that our wedding delayed!" I almost laughed with pure joy as I quickly remembered I have to stay in character.

Princess Amentia eyes twinkled for a strange reason. She then glided like a feather in the wind over to me with a loving smile on her lips. Princess Amentia was coming towards me swiftly as I circled her as I tried my best to block her affectionate gesture. I couldn't prevent it since I stumbled on the bed as Princess Amentia was on top of me. She begged me to 'kiss her' while I was hoping I didn't throw up on the Princess's face.

"Why wait for the wedding to kiss me!" Princess Amentia asked with this strange look on her face.

My face started beating with sweat. I was scared to kiss her, let alone have her in this dangerous position. Princess Amentia puckered her lips as she was going in to kiss me.

Down Land: Bloom

Stella finally calmed down and let the way to Down Land. She turned the flashlight off once we saw the light on the other side of the cave. I gasped once I officially saw Down Land with my own eyes. It looks like a town in the Magix Dimension. The difference is that the houses I saw were built out of stone. A few of the houses were light as the window, and front porch torch of the house illuminated with fire.

"Stella, is this the place Brandon is being held captive?" Emalia asked, stepping forward as she was the back tail of the group.

"Yes, this is the place, but I could have sworn I was on the different part of town," Stella questioned herself.

"It doesn't matter as long as we're in the same destination to save Brandon!" Falen commented with a severe tone in his voice.

Sky was going to say something until we heard the crumbling of gravel coming towards us. All of our eyes widen even the pixies had the same reaction as us.

"Guys, someone coming!" Sky whispered, yelled.

"Pixies take cover!" Zing panicked, flying to one of the large rocks that were on the side.

Everyone else ran or flew to where Zing was hiding. Coming out from the other side of the rock was a massive creature, he walked on two legs like me. But the creature wore a warrior outfit with a gigantic club in his hand. Once the warrior passes by, the pixies peeked from their spots in the crack of rocks.

"What big fella he is!" Chatta commented as she stared at the warrior's colossal back.

"That was a close one guys, we can continue onward, but make sure we are not seen," I came out of my spot and dashed forward.

I hid behind another set of rocks following in the direction of that warrior. Sky soon came after me then, Aisha and Stella. Lastly, Emalia and Falen came through as the pixies peeked around the corner, waiting for Aisha's orders.

"Come on, guys," Aisha whispered over to the Pixies.

They flew high out of their hiding spots causing Aisha to grumbled to them to fly over. Once the Pixies were in the same hiding spot, we moved over to the house, still keeping our distance from the warrior, but enough to follow the guy. We stopped moving when our leaders, Sky and Falen, stopped moving.

"What's the matter?" Stella whispered to the boys.

"Our trail has stopped moving!" Falen whispered, glancing to the side.

"There's no way we could pass him without him noticing us!" Sky announced. "We need a distraction to turn his attention.

"How about this?" Aisha said with a rock in her hands.

"That's perfect, Aisha!" Emalia cheered quietly.

Sky grabbed the rock and threw it to the other side of the dusty road. The little impact of the foundation got the warrior's attention as he went over to the sound of the rock. The group and I ran or flew by the wandering warrior going down the road. I was right behind Stella until she tripped on her own footing.

"Stella!" I mumbled as I glanced off to the side, hoping the warrior didn't see us.

"Here come this way!" Falen whispered as there was an opened door for us to sneak inside.

I picked Stella up from the ground as the pixies flew inside the house. Once Stella and I were inside the house, Emalia closed the door and hid somewhere away from the open windows.

"Guys, nobody makes a sound," Aisha whispered.

The warrior's footsteps were coming towards the door as the ground shook a little. Stella groaned, along with a mini-crash.

"Stella, what's the matter?" I asked Stella as I looked down at her while she sat on the ground.

"I'm getting those dizzy spells again," Stella replied as she sounded sickly.

Falen and Sky both got their swords out, ready to defend themselves if the warrior does barge into the house. Emalia formed a black orb in her hands which Falen dispel it by knocking her palms down. Aisha shook her hand, telling Sky that it wasn't a good idea until the warrior pass by the house. Sky and Falen let their sword blades disappeared as we all but Stella and the pixies let out a breath of relief until we heard another sound. Falen and Sky both jumped out of their hiding spots and into the front of the door as the door opened up. Walking calmly inside the house was a little Down Land cat. Once again, we sighed with relief as the pixies came out of their hiding spots one by one under pots.


We followed after Aisha and the others down further into Down Land once Stella got her energy up. The Pixies and I have decided that it was best to keep the pots over us just in case we had to hide again. We continued to fly even after Aisha gave us the green light.

"Work, work, and more work!!" One woman villager said as she was complaining.

"Nothing ever happens down here!" Another woman villager said to the other as she was complaining too.

"Huh?? Hey, look, there are some flying pots!" The first villager announced as the pixies, and I flew past them.

"Pots and pans, that's all you talk about!"

Oh dang it, we have been spotted!!!

"I think they're your pots!"

"Oh, dear, they are!!!"

"Every Pixie for herself!!!" Chatta shouted as she took her pot off of her.

Then we all took the pots off ourselves and flew down the path. One of the villager ladies was after us as they were screaming for the warrior to take us away. Tune grumbled as we were flying fast around a corner, trying to find our way safely back to the others.

"Where's Amore?" Chatta asked once Lockette flew next to me with Tune flying next to Lockette.

"I don't know I haven't seen her. Maybe she with Stella and the others," Lockette replied, sounding worried.

"Let's try and catch up to the others!" Serenity announced calmly like these villagers are not chasing us.

"TOOOOO FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOM!" I yelled, changing my facial appearance to some war paint stripes. "COME ON LETS MOVE!!"

We flew until we reached a dead end. A vast wall blocked the other path, which caused Lockette to panic.


"Calm yourself, Lockette, you're going to make yourself hyperventilate if you don't breath!" Serenity placed her Inner Peace necklace around Lockette's neck.

"No worries where we're going we don't need road!" I said confidently as I changed my warrior paint to some trendy shades and flew above the wall.

The other pixies followed behind me, flying above and pass the wall. We continued to fly, and we made a right by some houses. Then before my very eyes, Aisha and the others stood a few meters away from us. Aisha waved us over to where they were as she smiled.

"There they are!" Digit cheesed, flying over to the left where the group had stopped.

"Hey, guys, it's the Pixies!" Aisha sounded smiled.

"I told you they'd be able to find us!" Emalia beamed with her hands on her hips.

We made another turn to the right, coming in front of the group. Baby Glim still in her can hit the corner of the wall and get knocked to the ground while the can was facing up. Tune being the last one to whip knocked the can over hoping to get Baby Glim out.

"There you go!" Tune cheered but stopped when only Glim's feet were poking out of the can.

"Hey, the little guy happened to you? Sky asked as he picked up the can.

Sky shook the can a little causing Baby Glim to land on her but as she was free from the can.


I sat at the edge of a random building. A few people pass me as I was drinking a jug of grape juice and crying my eyes out. I can't believe Princess Amentia will marry Brandon after all the years I've spent chasing and pleasing her with gifts. Soon my ears were filled with jingle as I glanced up to see a small little creature with little wings on her back. The tiny creature reminded me of Stella and Brandon's human-like features. She had long, ruby red hair, and she wore this dark and light pink color dress. The tiny creature had a pink rose-like flower over her head, acting as a headband.

"And who are you?" The tiny creature asked me with a shock and sad look on her face.

"The saddest being in all of Down Land!" I cried, holding the grape juice tightly in my hands.

"You can't drink grape juice on an empty stomach. That's you get acid reflux!"

"MY LOVE!!!"

I drunk the grape juice and nearly choked as it almost went down the wrong pipe. The little creature stopped flying and walked towards me on its tiny legs.

"Did you say, love?" The creature asked me with a tiny smile. "Love should be a happy thing, not a sad one,"

"It was even written in the crystals that we were to be married!" I finally stopped crying and looking at the dark caved ceiling of Down Land.


"She doesn't love me!!!"

Once I said that I started crying again. I couldn't believe the love of my life swept under my feet.

"She who?" The tiny creature repeated confused as this mystery she I was crying about as she was searching around the now empty street for someone. "She who?"

"The Princess," I cried.

"Oh!! I have just the thing for you!" The tiny creature said happily as I popped another jug of grape juice, and she had a pink bag that appeared shoved her hand.

She plucked one of the pink rose head from her headband as it floated next to her. She pours whatever substance from the bag onto the rose head as it magically grew to a stem rose.

"Here you go!" The tiny creature cheered.

I grabbed the rose and pulled it up to my nose to smell it. The tiny creature sounded happy as she swings back and forth gently.

"Doesn't it smell nice!" She beamed.

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