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Nighttime: Mystic

Curled in a ball, I was sleeping until I heard the clicking of shoes. This energy coming towards me was feeling familiar. That energy power, I haven't felt in about 17 years. I prop my head floating, expecting to see the being I've been waiting for, but all I see is an inky black goo version of Emalia. The inky black goo was forming bubbles that grew and popped like a balloon. More inky bubbles formed, which disgusts me seeing the holder of our power like this creepy being. The being's eyes glowed a dark violet leaving a smoky trail behind it. An eery grin appeared on the being's inky version of Emalia. The smile formed a bubble that grew and popped the forming back to repeat the cycle.

"That is disgusting! Get out of that form if you want to address me, Mystic," I announce with a displeased look on my face.

"Mystic old friend, you are like always no fun! After almost 17 years of us splitting, you still don't have a funny bone in your scaly body?" Mystic transform into his real appearance.

Mystic, a black dragon with its body coiled like a spiral staircase. Its tips were yellow, and Mystic lack pupils since we both fuse together. I'll provide it. The same smoky trail leaked from its eyes. The outline of his body was burnt orange. His inky claws were sharp along with his teeth that poked out his snout.

"How was your 17-year vacation?" I snarled. "Are you ready to fuse back, Mystic?"

"Great, just great Mystic, but that was not the reason for my return!" Mystic replied, licking his lips in delight.

"Then what was the reason for your return if it's not to fuse?"

"I want you to show you the new power I obtain, we obtain!"

Mystic formed a huge black ball, and it was surging with energy as it was pulsing like life was breathing inside the ball. It was the same black ball that I have seen Emalia formed two days ago. Mystic let go of the black sphere as it flew up to the roof of Emalia's mind. Emalia's thought shook violently as I felt the pain. Dark debris fell, and I watched Mystic form another one of those orbs. Mystic launched that one and then another one like a mindless broken mechanical suspender. More and more debris fell like snow, while more pain came back like a repeating heartbeat.

"S-stop it! Y-you are giving both of us and Emalia pain!!" I warned Mystic floated down curled into a tight ball.

"You're so weak, and I don't feel this pain, but we are not fused!" Mystic snickered. "Remember, we are two separate magical semi-powerful beings!"

"W-where did y-you get this d-dark power from because it d-didn't come from your o-own half of our power?"

I forced one of my yellow eyes open to look at Mystic. Mystic smirked and glided around me as I try to recover from the pain. Mystic twisted his body, trying to tease the awaiting answer I want to know. When will he ever stop playing around like this?

"The answer to that question is a surprise, of course!" Mystic laughed. "Did you think I was going to give you that answer? Did you believe that I have changed within the 17 years of being apart?"

"I wished you did?" I replied, slowly regaining my energy. "That was the same amount of power I witness Emalia presenting, and I'm assuming that you and whoever gave that power were behind it?"

"You are correct like always Mystic, but for a long while, now you are wrong!"

Mystic chuckled, still gliding around me in circles. Does he find this amusing?

"What you got wrong, my other half, is that this power I display was accidentally given to us!" Mystic chimes leaving his answer vague like he always did.

"Us? Do you mean both of us or all three of us?" I replied, shocked.

"Yes, to those questions, but it's different because I took most of the hit of this new surge of power will you and Emalia took the small amount that combines!"

So Mystic was here inside Emalia all this time with me? How could he hide from me? Where was he during the attack of the Trix? A sudden wave surge within my body. A cloudy white, a baby blue, a pale cotton candy pink, and a dark pink sprinkle fell within Emalia's mind like snow. My eyes were growing heavy as it was hard to keep them wide awake. Mystic was swatting the sprinkles from around him like they were flies invading his privacy.

"What is this power?" Mystic swatting was being slowed down by the sprinkles taking over his body.

I couldn't reply to Mystic's question because I fell asleep thanks to Serenity's Inner Peace spell.

Morning in the cafeteria: Emalia

My head is still pounding from last night. Where did this headache come from? Did I do something last night that could hurt my head this badly? I was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends. We were eating and enjoying our breakfast. Tecna was reading a book along with Digit. I was slowly eating my plate of food with Serenity lying on my head, eating a mini version of my apple that I cut just for Serenity to eat. The other pixies were gone doing their things while their own bonded fairies were eating their breakfast, expect Stella, who was violently eating her breakfast, finishing it in one scarf.

"They never give us enough food around here!" Stella lightly yelled, causing tired or wide awake eyes to land on her as she acted like a child. "My breakfast is gone, and I'm still hungry!"

"Hey, now this is interesting!" Tecna was ignoring Stella's fussy fit, with her eyes still locked on her book. "The Count of Monster Dame predicted the New Babylons Renaissance by observing the planet!"

"There's an easy scientific explanation for that the rotation of one planet didn't match its chromatic spectrum!" Digit chimed with the explanation as no one at the table, let alone Tecna's friends didn't understand what they were talking about.

Stella tried to sneak Tecna's untouched plate of food away from Tecna. Without Tecna's eyes leaving the page, Tecna gently slide her plate back to her side of the table as Digit was explaining the last part of Tecna's finding in the book.

"Come on Tecna! I'm starving?" Stella whined again. "I can't even concentrate on what you're talking about!"

"I'm surprised you're still hungry, your highness!" I lightly teased, tossing a breakfast roll in my mouth.

"Leave me alone, you Slouch," Stella turned her head at me as I tiredly snickered. "But please, Tecna, let me have your breakfast?"

"Okay, you can have it," Tecna had a bothered look in her eyes as she was still reading her book, sliding her plate of food across the table at Stella.

Stella had the sudden gleam sparkles in her eyes as she is finally going to get more food to satisfy her stomach. Stella went in to get the apple, but it fazed right through her fingers like the apple was a ghost. Again Stella went to grab the apple, but still, it disappeared, causing two more apples to appear on the table. Everyone at the table watched in amazement of vanishing and multiplying apple, but to Serenity and I, we were snickering under our breaths at Stella's misfortune.

"If this is a joke, I do not appreciate this," Stella declaring, watching the three apples multiply into a dozen piling on her new plate.

"Look at the bright side Stella things are stacking up to your favor," one of the girls in our Charmix classes joked, which prompt Serenity and I to laugh out loud, but I stopped as the pounding in my head was growing stronger.

"Very funny, and that's what you get Emalia!" Stella barked. "Tecna, are you doing this?"

"What?" Tecna questioned with an uninteresting look in her eyes.

"Relax, Lassie!" A familiarize Irish accent cut the tension between Stella and the irritated Tecna.

The attention was on Professor Wiz-Giz. The short and strange Professor held an unknown device in his hands. The device popped out some clear crystals with a small puff of gray smoke coming out of the mysterious device.

"You were the subject of an experiment. The apples fool the eyes of the fairy of light!" Professor Wiz-Giz was spinning the metal top, making the fazing apples to disappear. "My work is improving; however, practice makes perfect!"

Professor Wiz-Giz's device made all the apples disappear, revealing there was no such apple on Stella's second plate. Stella gasped in shock while everyone else wasn't saying a word. I laughed loudly again, only to be dismissed by my violent pain.

"Enjoy your breakfast, lassies!" Professor Wiz-Giz waved goodbye.


I watched Stella scarf down the breakfast rolls that used to be on Tecna's plate. Once Stella was finished with a clean plate, she mopes with her head on the table. Crumbs of the breakfast rolls surrounded the corner of her lips and cheeks.

"This is the worst day ever: my hair's all frizzy, breakfast is disappearing, and we have seven hours of classes waiting for us!" Stella whined. "Nothing can cheer me up now,"

"It's starting to be the worst day ever hearing your endless whining!" Musa declared, causing Emalia to laugh hard but shortly stopping when her hand rested on her head like she had a brain freeze.

Then a beautiful five-petal lilac purple flower appeared in front of Stella, prompting her out of her mopping behavior. Then another flower seemed to be next in front of Musa and Aisha. Soon every fairy in the cafeteria had a flower in front of them! Gasps and awws filled the once quiet lunch room! I picked up the delicate, beautiful flower and smelled the rich and exotic aroma that leaked from the bud of the flower! Walking in with a smile on his face was Professor Avalon!

"Good morning!" Professor Avalon beamed.

"Good morning Professor Avalon!" Everyone in the cafeteria replied in chorus.

"I hope the flowers start your day off with a cheery start!"

Professor Avalon had his arms behind his back as he was walking through the aisle way between two long lunchroom tables. But the Professor stopped over at Bloom as he smiled at her.

"How thoughtful of you!" Bloom beamed as she was smelling the flower. "Thank you, Professor, purple is my favorite color!"

"Yes, it's mine too!" I chimed with a warm glow.

"Bloom, you had a dream last night that touched your heart, didn't you?" Professor Avalon asked with a smile as his hand rested on Bloom's shoulder.

"Professor, it was about my real parents. I'd like to find out what happened to them," Bloom replied sadly to her flower. "Would you help me find the answers I seek?"

My eyes turned over to Emalia, whose eyes were budged out. She was shocked that Bloom spilled out all that information in front of everyone and to the Professor.

"Certainly, meet me in my office after class!" Professor Avalon nodded. "Also, Emalia!"

Professor Avalon shifted his attention to Emalia. Emalia's eyes went back to normal as she moved her attention as well to Professor Avalon. She was shocked by Professor Avalon calling her name, knocking her out of her thoughts.

"Your powers are the root problem to your headache like symptoms," Professor Avalon declared with a smile.

"E-excuse me?" Emalia looked confused.

"Your powers are spilled into two separate beings speak to me if you want further details about your powers at any time!"

Professor Avalon continued his walk to the teacher's lunch table as everyone, but Emalia was swooning over him. Professor Avalon is such a charmer!

"I think this is the best day ever!" Stella blushed, holding the flower close to her chest.

"Wow, what a quick change, Stella!" Aisha gleamed at the beautiful flower.

"This is going to be the start of the problem for the whole semester," Emalia snarled.

"What do you mean, Emalia?" Bloom asked, surprised. "Do you mean Professor Avalon?"

"Yes, I get a funny feeling about him that is not right!" Emalia declares, staring hard at Professor Avalon, who is now enjoying his breakfast.

"Wait, do you have your powers back to feel for these things?" Stella asked, trying to be funny.

"Stella, Emalia do not need her powers to feel for something bad to happen," I clarified, studying this beautiful flower in my hand!

"You need to have Emalia's awareness, and then you would have known that Apple was a dud!" Tecna laughed along with Digit.

"Oh shush Digit and Tecna!" Stella barked.

"I'm just saying it's weird Professor Avalon figured out things about Bloom and me without us even saying anything to him!" Emalia turned her attention to her friends. "We just need to watch him,"

"You all can watch Professor Avalon while I can daydream about him!" Stella swoon.

"Emalia does have a point now that I think about," Musa had her hand under her chin. "It was kinda weird that Professor Avalon was the one Professor to notice the problems between Bloom and Emalia, why didn't Headmistress Faragonda know about this or Professor Wjz-Giz when he was doing his experiment?"

"Maybe he is good at spotting things within his students?" Aisha beamed at the flower.

"Maybe we can stop giving this mysterious teacher a leeway and found out why he is here?" Emalia said, staring darkly at the flower as it slowly curling back into its pre-blossoming state.

A/n: I hope you guys can enjoy the thus overdue chapter! I'm sorry for missing last week as again college swept me under my feet back. Now that the coronavirus is out and I'm out of college due to the outbreak, I will post again this coming up week! Also due to the coronavirus, I know that everyone is scared and since the President or other officials in our government is not helping the situation by finding the cure (as I heard of not one word about a treatment came out there mouths)  or trying to downplay the panic within their national people, let's try to uplift ourselves and the people around us. Know that if our country (America) is not finding the cure for this deadly disease, know that another state is picking up the slack of finding it. Try not to scare the other people into doing something that could be harmful to you or others because people are getting hurt because they are panicking and scared of the unknown outcome of the coronavirus. Have hope in your heart for the end and please be safe out there!!

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