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I was standing right in front of Professor Avalon's office door. The jitters filled and bounced inside my body. My hand trembled, reaching from the door. Luckily the door opened, revealing the other side of the door. Professor Avalon smiled at me, gesturing me to step into his office. I was in awe seeing all the fresh and exciting articles that bestowed in Professor Avalon's office.

"Bloom, it's nice to see out you outside of class!" Professor Avalon beamed, walking to the other side of his desk. "How can I help you?"

"Thanks, Professor Avalon, I just want to know something about my birth parents?" I replied with a light smile.

"Of course, I can tell something about your birth parents, but let's start with this crystal first!"

Professor Avalon pulled out a crystal from his desk drawers. The gem was a misty gray. Wrapped around the crystal was a purple string. The crystal reminded me of something the Trix or maybe other witches will use, but I didn't think much of it. The glass soon begins to rise in the air as the string turned a glowing purple.

"Reveal your name to the crystal," Professor Avalon gently ordered.

"Bloom," I announced to the crystal as it begins to glow bright, but this time using a whitish blue light causing me to gasp.

I shielded my eyes with my arms feeling the hot rays of the crystal on my arms. The rays died down, making my arms more relaxed than it was before. I took the opportunity to look at the crystal only to see a golden yellow boxed filled words. Those words turned to unrecognizable names that seem unfamiliar to me. The boxes had lines following through to different boxes like a family tree.

"What's all that, Professor?" I asked, confused by what I'm seeing.

"That's your family tree, Bloom!" Professor Avalon exclaimed, using his index finger to point at the random box in the middle of the family tree. "This is you, right here!"

I inched forward to the box with my name in it. I stared at it with excitement! I can't believe this long "tree" is my family tree!

"It is!" I beamed. "My sister Daphne is here as well as my birth parents Oirtel and Mariam!"

I gasped again, but this time my eyes widen as I saw a familiar emblem appearing right in front of my face.

"That's the coat of arms! I saw this in my dreams!" I exclaimed, studying the cost of arms carefully like it was the last thing to consider.

"I'm sorry Bloom that I can't help you further, but I have a class in a few minutes," Professor Avalon informed me of shutting the crystal off.

"Aww, man!" I frowned.

"But if you want to know more about your parents, please don't hesitate to come and find me!" Professor Avalon beamed at me, grabbing his professor's bag. "I'll be happy to assist you on your journey of truth about yourself!"

"Thanks again, Professor Avalon! Enjoy your class!"


"It's hard to believe Avalon is an intellectual cuz he's such a pretty boy," I said to my friends leaning against the column that holds Alfea up with my wedge sandal touching the column.

"You're worrying about the wrong thing Stella like always," Emalia rolled her eyes, shaking her head at me.

"I hope in vacation class will be easy," Flora spoke her mind until a voice scared the girls and me.

"That all depends on how hard you work!" A voice spoke, responding to Flora's thoughts about the class.

I turned my attention to the voice for it to revealed to be Professor Palladium. He looked totally different as he built up some more meat on his bones. Not to forget that Professor Palladium has gotten extremely tall over the summer holiday.

"Hi, girls! It's me, Professor Palladium!" Professor Palladium was walking down the stairs. "Astonishing, isn't it! I'm back into one of my many teacher transformations!"

I gathered the girls that looped in front of Palladium. I still shocked by his new look. That is what I called an upgraded look!

"This year, I'll be teaching magic invocation! Please step inside the classroom, and let's get started!" Professor Palladium beamed, stepping aside gesturing for the fairies to come inside the classroom.

Class in session

"Professor Avalon will teach you to understand magic, and I'll teach you to make it!" Professor Palladium beamed.

Maybe with these newfound powers, I can make me some killer clothes and shoes! With these powers, I can be the hottest fairy in all of Magix or be the hottest fairy designer in all of Magix! There are endless possibilities I can do with my powers!

"Now that I have your attention," Professor Palladium started his lesson. "I'd like to take a moment to discuss technical charms!"

I guess my ideas of being the hottest was balled in a piece of paper and threw to the trash can and into the swears of broken dreams.

"Gather yourself, today we are going to do something exciting!" Professor Palladium raised his arms, gesturing to the class to rise out of our seats and follow him to a different section of the course.

Professor Palladium

I went over the basics forms lesson with my young fairy students. They all seemed to understand or remember the basics from the last school term. I smiled, clapping my hands loudly together, beginning to form the Plasma Sphere.

"Now, you know the basics let's begin!" I closed my eyes, thinking of what I wan to form in my hands. "Plasma Sphere!"

A greenish-yellow sphere appeared between the gap of my hands. The orb floated peacefully on its own as I remained focusing on the sphere at the side. The girls gasp in shock, in disbelief that something like this appeared in my hands.

"This is a Plasma Sphere summoned straight through direct invocation! Someone like to give it a try?" I explained and asked one of my students, hoping the sphere in one of my hands.

"I like to give it a try!" Stella popped out of her seat like a rocket flying off into space while her other classmates stared at her with worry.

"Alright, Stella be my guest, but remember one small syllable in the wrong place could be enough to burn all the air right out of here," I forewarned Stella causing her to sit right back down in her seat between Musa and Tecna.

"You know what on second thought I changed my mind; if it goes wrong, it will be bad for my hair!"

Stella beamed with a nervous smile covering her face. I shook my head at the silly sun fairy but went back to my usual hopeful facial expression.

"Would anyone else volunteer to be my guest?" I asked the class again this time, no one popping up at the chance to demonstrate the same spell I performed.

"Emerald, why don't you give it a go, sweetie!" Stella beamed.

"Stella, you didn't have to throw Emerald under the bus like that!" Emalia scolded her cheerful friend.

"I'll get you for this!" Emerald growled under her breath so Stella and the class could hear.

Emerald stepped forward, clasping her hands together, waiting for my instructions.

"Once the image is well-defined in your head, you may invoke it," I explained to Emerald as her eyes closed.

"Hmm," Emerald mumbled, causing her hands to turn to that same greenish-yellow color of the Plasma Sphere.

"Stay focused, let your mind penetrate it," I encouraged.

"Plasma Sphere," Emerald chanted the invocation.

"Imagine you are inside the sphere, then imagine it was illuminating within you," I instructed further. "You are one with the sphere! This visualization is called inversion, and now Emerald spread your hands!"

Emerald pulled her hands apart, letting the Plasma Sphere show itself to the class. The other girls said wow at Emerald as she stared at it will excitement, knowing she can do it.

"Now choose your target, but keep your focus or your classmates wished they wore sunscreen to class!"

I turned my attention to the awaiting targets. I heard a little growl under Emerald's breath, causing me to face her to see what the young fairy was planning on doing. Emerald threw her Plasma Sphere in the direction of Stella. Stella and her pother classmates stared it the sphere in horror, waiting for it to land on Stella's face.

"Desist!" I chanted as I glowed a bright yellow glow around my body, holding the Plasma Sphere in mid-throw.

I balled my fist, letting the Plasma Sphere disappeared out of Stella's viewpoint. I walked up to Emerald as she had a nervous look on her face.

"Emerald! I scolded.

"Darn it!" Emerald exclaimed as my shadow towered the young fairy.

"Do that again, and I'll have you expelled from Alfea!" I warned Emerald was getting in her face causing Emerald to bend back. "That's clear, I hope?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Okay, who else wants to try?"

Library: Musa

Aisha, Tecna, Stella, Flora, and Emalia gathered around, sitting in a circle at the library table. Our bonded pixies were at the table with us waiting for Tecna to tell us what's going on. All around us, no one was in the library except for Librarian Barbatea, but she was at the front desk checking in library books. This gives us time to talk about what we want to discuss freely without being private about the topic.

"Data Dump Girls, what have you found?" Tecna asked Chatta, Lockette, and Tune.

"Not very much, I'm afraid," Chatta spoke for Tune and Lockette.

"We know that Avalon had a career at Malik Oi Academy in Gloria," Aisha spilled her information on Avalon.

"And in 17 years ago villages in the surrounding areas were attacked by a winged man," I chimed.

"And this is Zinger, Gloria's destruction happened exactly when the three planets aligned," Zing flew into the scene.

Tecna placed her hand under her chin. Tecna was thinking and analyzing the information that the Data Dump Girls has placed on the table.

"That sounds just like the prophecy still we need more information," Tecna declared until a cheerful voice came swooping in on the scene.

"I have some!" Livy stopped flying on her postcard board. "Faragonda said we should consult Professor Griffin, and she's a world's expert on astrology in prophecy,"

"Alright I'll go, you keep an eye on Bloom and Avalon," Tecna ordered.

"Wait, no matter what the news Professor Griffin gives you, Tecna, please don't act upon thinking of the situation at hand," Emalia informed Tecna with a hard glare in her eyes.

"Why shouldn't we? If Avalon is a threat, then we need to take him out now!" Tecna quietly exclaimed.

"Yes, Avalon should be taken out, but in due time," Emalia declared, then chimed. "Right now it's the first of the semester for us and the teachers if we attack Avalon now after receiving the horrible news about him then we will get in trouble for it plus Avalon have the teachers and Headmistress Faragonda on his side so they won't see now evil with him,"

"Emalia put in a way that I should agree with her, and we need to wait furthermore so we can gain more information on him before we go on the offense!" Flora explained.

"I'm not making no promises," Tecna declared, walking away from the table.

"Well, girls, let us go to our next class with Bloom," I hurry back in the chair I was sitting in and walking towards the exit with Tune following after me.

Avalon's class

Me and the other students was outside. Avalon had two different swords wedged within the ground. I wonder what he wanted us to do with those words?

"Let's try an exercise with these enchanted swords, alright," Professor Avalon explained."Who will be my first victim?"

Victim? Does he mean volunteer, guest, or demonstration example? Avalon sure does have a way with words.

"Me!" Bloom hollered, raising her arms, wanting to be called on.

This caused everyone in the class to gasp in shock at Bloom's excitement. Bloom, didn't you hear this Professor calling you a victim? Bloom walked up to be the victim, I mean volunteer to Avalon's demonstration,  the Stella stopped her from going up next to Avalon by holding her wrist.

"Why shouldn't I?" Bloom questioned. "Let go of me, Stella!"

"Sorry, go ahead!" Stella nervously chuckled.

"One suspicious move, and we clobber him!" I informed the girls not caring if the other fairies were given us strange looks.

Later on that night: Professor Griffin

The weather was gloomy over here by Cloud Tower. My eye was the glue to my telescope, shifting the turning Val to the position I need it to be. The pixies that belong to the Alfea fairies kept me company in my search for something strange going on with the planet. The last time I saw the pixies, they had mini notepads that fit within their hands, writing down things that I'm saying. With my telescope, I studied the three planets: Oryx, Pallet, and Rot. They were staggered as Pallet was in the middle sticking out the line behind Oryx and Rot. Within my range of vision, Pallet went into formation, sliding to the space between Rot and Oryx.

  "Oryx, Pallet, and Rot will align tonight at 11:59, bringing a curse upon the fairies of Alfea!" I informed the pixies taking my eye away from the telescope. "You only have ten minutes!"

"That means Sirius's prophecies were true!" Digit exclaimed, shocked. "Avalon is the creature of destruction!!"

A/n: Hello guys, sorry for the 2 - 3-week wait for this chapter. Since the Coronavirus has taken place and schools and colleges being canceled until the summer semester or to most of you till the next fall season for class, I have been stuck with online school work. This online school work is no joke, but hopefully, after this summer semester, I'll be done with my associate's degree and on to the next stage of my learning, which is the actual field of work I want to go into. But enough about me, how about you guys? I hope the quarantine has been kind to you guys, and I hope you guys are safe and well!

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