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A/n: Before I start this chapter, I want to thank and give shoutouts to Onyrix999 and Moonchild365 for helping me come up with a concept of Emalia's new powers!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Without them, I'll probably be lost in my thoughts or overthinking it way too much and lose sight of the main point I want to talk about! So thank you, Moonchild365 and Onyrix999, for helping me! You guys are fantastic 😊😇❤️🙏🏾!!!

Headmistress Faragonda

I walked into the infirmary to check how Emalia is doing. I've heard from Nurse Ofelia that Kekipi and Serenity were around Emalia the whole day. Poor pixie and Gynoshpinx is so worried about their young fairy, the bond between a fairy, a fairy animal, and pixie is such a beautiful thing to witness. I walked to Emalia's cox and saw Serenity changing out Emalia's warm washcloth, placing it in the cold water bowl next to her cox. Kekipi was using his mouth to pull the covers over Emalia even though she was wide awake with a smile on her face. Emalia smiled brightly at me when she noticed I was here. I can assume that Serenity didn't tell the news to Emalia about what happened to her.

"Hello, Headmistress!" Emalia beamed.

"Hello, Emalia. I'm glad you're awake!" I beamed back, truly happy to see my student awake.

"Headmistress, do you know what happened to me because my head is beating like Musa's magic drum during her rock and roll practice!"

I sighed, taking an empty spot to sit on Emalia's cot. Kekipi now sadly rested on Emalia's lap while Serenity placed the cooling wet cloth on Emalia's forehead. Serenity had a sad look on her face as well, taking her place next to Kekipi in Emalia's lap. Lastly, I looked at Emalia, who had a confused look on her face; it truly hurt me to tell Emalia the news of what happened to her.

"Well, my dear, what happened was you lose control of your powers and yourself during Trix's attack on Red Fountain," I started while Emalia's mouth was shaped into an O.

"I did wh- what happened to Helia? Did I do something horrible to Falen?" Emalia asked with her amber-orange eyes running wild like a lot of questions were popping up in her mind. "Please tell me that Falen and Helia are okay?"

"Helia and Falen are okay, but you almost crushed their Crow ships during your time of losing yourself and your powers,"

Emalia leaned onto the small white headboard of the cox. I can tell she was speechless as her eyes wandered outside to see the beautiful white clouds and the chirping of the magical birds outside her window. Serenity flew over to Emalia and hugged her cheeks. I saw Serenity's tranquil powers washed over Emalia while Kekipi walked over to Emalia's chest and snuggled there. Emalia used one of her hand and gently hugged Serenity while her other hand rubbed Kekipi's electric blue fur as she lightly smiled at them.

"Can you tell me how I lost control of my powers?" Emalia asked as her small smile disappeared.

"From the report of Falen and a Helia being the same, they both said you were absorbing Trix's magic, then out of nowhere it exploded, and you weren't yourself afterward," I explained to Emalia.

"So, how did they stop me?"

"Riven has to shoot you with one of the monster tranquilizer darts to subdue you, Emalia,"

Emalia's eyes got glossy as she began to stare off into space. Serenity's magic washed over Emalia again, but I couldn't tell if it worked or not since Emalia's eyes were still glossy. Emalia got out of her train of thoughts and stared at me with those bright lost eyes. I hate seeing those glossy sad looks in my students' eyes, but Emalia's eyes almost shattered me.

"So, I'm a monster again, huh?" Emalia mumbled.

"No, you're not a monster Emalia, don't ever feel that way!" I expressed, placing my hand over Emalia's hand.

"How can I not feel like a monster when the specialists shot me down like I'm a monster,"

Emalia's eyes got glossier as tears escaped cascading over her freckled cheeks. Kekipi places his paw on Emalia's eye to stop the flow of tears running. Serenity used her small pixie hands to wipe away the tears on the other side.

"Emalia, please stop crying," Serenity asked sweetly as she was on the verge of crying too while Kekipi whined lightly.

"Emalia dear doesn't let your powers defy who you are on the inside," I explained to a Emalia that caused her to stop crying for a little bit.

"What do you mean, Headmistress Faragonda?" Emalia sniffed.

"Your powers shouldn't help you on how you see yourself as a person or a fairy; the purpose of your powers is to help defend yourself in the heat of battle!" I added on with a warm grin on my face. "Because you are the fairy of Darkness and Destruction, it doesn't mean you should be in Cloud Tower with the evil witches!"

Emalia smiled for the first time as she did before. Her eyes twinkled with relief, and Emalia's relief washed over Kekipi and Serenity.

"Always remember Emalia that something beautiful can come out of something destructive, and something or someone like yourself can come out of the darkness with enlightenment!" I grinned, sharing my philosophy with Emalia.

"I'll keep that in mind, Headmistress, but what can trigger me to lose myself in my powers?" Emalia asked with a worry expression.

"Well, I'm assuming it's because of your split powers of the Mystic Dragon Flame because your powers are split into two different beings one Mystic have darkness and the other have destruction,"

"So it was true?"

"What's true, Emalia?"

"While I was out I was speaking with a dragon named Mystic he explained to me the same thing to me that my powers were split into two as he was the only one to help me out,"

Emalia spoke with her other half of her powers! Emalia needs to watch her step when she talks with the other Mystic because

"He also said that when I absorb the power of Lord Darkar's gate, Mystic said he took most of Lord Darkar's magic," Emalia explained further. "Mystic said the only way I can get out of his part of my mind is I have to give myself to him,"

"So did you give yourself to him, Emalia?" I asked, worried about Emalia's answer.

"No Mystic was there to save me Headmistress, but I'm sure Mystic will come back,"

"In the meantime, I think it's time for you to learn an appropriate lesson about your powers,"

"What's the lesson going to be Headmistress?"

"The lesson is balanced,"

Emalia gave me a weird look. Serenity's wings fluttered with excitement

"Balance? Why do I need to learn balance?" Emalia asked, confused.

"The key to getting both Mystic to form back into their powerful fused being is balance not letting one have the power of the other,"

"How do I learn how to balance?"

"Emalia, you got the first step down, which is your lovely bonded pixie, Serenity!"

Serenity giggled as she snuggled against Emalia's cheeks. Emalia beamed, rubbing Serenity's back with her index finger.

"You said I have the first step what's the next step?" Emalia asked me with wonder in her eyes.

"The next step is seeking help from one of your fellow professors at Alfea, which is Professor Avalon," I replied with a smile.

"But Professor Avalon doesn't do my type of magic, and I thought you tell someone you know outside of school?"

"Emalia, my dear, Professor Avalon has a lot of specialties under his belt, so I'll recommend you communicate with your teacher once you get out of the infirmary!" I smiled. I must get to a class, but I'll see you for your lesson!"


The Winx girls and I walked into class. I said at an empty desk in the front, but I paused, noticing an empty desk and chair that would belong to Emalia if she was here in class. The girls and I were worried about Emalia as Nurse Ofelia or Headmistress Faragonda told us what happened to Emalia. We would visit Emalia, but Nurse Ofelia would say to us that Emalia is not allowed to have visitors until she wakes up. When class is over, maybe I'll ask Headmistress Faragonda to tell me the status of Emalia! Headmistress Faragonda walked inside the room with a warm smile on her face as she radiates the warmth of her smile throughout the class. Soon the school bell ringed indicating the start of course.

"Welcome to Apply Magical Convergence class!" Headmistress Faragonda beamed as she began the class. "The purpose of this subject is to enable you to improve the effectiveness of your spells!"

I placed my elbows on the desk as one of my arms was holding my head. I had a bored look on my face as my cheek nearly covered my eye.

"It is a complicated topic, and it will require a lot of work!" Headmistress Faragonda announced.

"Miss, what is a magical convergence?" Bloom asked as she put her hand back on the desk.

"It is the ability to combine the magic powers of two or more fairies into ultra-powerful spells," Headmistress Faragonda explained, walking around the front of the class.

"How?" Stella asked as she sounded interested in the lesson.

"First of all, superior spell casting skills are essential!" Headmistress Faragonda said, now standing in the center of the class. "You must also come to understand your magic better than ever before!"

"And why is that?" Bloom questioned again.

"It's easy enough to make mistakes by yourself combine magic is more complex, no room for error," Headmistress Faragonda clarifies.

"It's like it takes on a life of its own!" Flora beamed.

Headmistress Faragonda stroll up the aisles of desks. Headmistress Faragonda still had a smile on her face

When will the class be over? I want to see how Emalia is doing, but there was something else that was bothering me, which was my feelings about Riven. But I must not think about Riven; I have to think positive thoughts about Emalia's recovery, and mainly focus on this lesson on magic convergence.

"In a way, that's true, yes!" Headmistress Faragonda gave a warm smile to Flora.

"Miss!" Stella hollered in class. "Let me get this straight you're saying that all of us can combine powers?"

"Mm-hmmm," Headmistress Faragonda hummed happily.

  "Oh right, yes, a super Winx spell!" Stella cheered as she turned her back and faced Flora and Tecna with a smile.

I couldn't help but notice that Aisha had a gloomy look on her face. Aisha had enclosed herself like she was uncomfortable. I wonder what the matter with her is?

"Now, for your first assignment, you'll be working in pairs while one group will have a group of three!" Headmistress Faragonda announced with a smile.

"A group of three?" Tecna asked, confused. "Emalia is not in the class, and we do not know the status of her condition,"

"Luckily, I do as I visited her before class begun!" Headmistress Faragonda smiled. "She is awake and doing well, and I'll have to visit her after class so she can get caught up on the lesson so she can do the assignment,"

"She's awake!" I beamed, knowing I have one worry off my chest.

"Yes, Emalia is fine now let me assign the partners of this assignment!"

Outside: Bloom

The Winx girls and I were outside after we took a quick visit to Nurse Ofelia's quarters to see how Emalia is doing! Emalia was fine, but Serenity and Kekipi were all over her, which was the cutest thing to see! The visit, of course, was short as Nurse Ofelia and Headmistress Faragonda came over to Emalia to start her lesson. The girls and I thought it would be a good idea to start our homework, which took Stella and me a long time trying to find the best way to combine our magic to open the chest lid. It's hard to find common ground for light, fire, darkness, and destruction to begin a simple cap with charm. It was so peaceful outside despite the stress of homework weighing me. The sun shined bright, and I can see the cute little birds flying after each other playing. Stella was the first to sit on the school bench and sighed with relief. Aisha was leaning against a tree with one of her shoes planting on the bark. I took my place in the grass sitting in front of Flora as Musa was also leaning against a tree with her hands in her pockets.

"Oh, these exercises are too much work," Stella yawned as Tecna took the other empty spot on the bench.

"Did you check on the pixies are doing?" Flora asked me worriedly.

"Palladium is making sure the homesickness spell has completely worn off," I informed Flora as I can see Flora's relief washing over her. "He suggested that the pixies get proper rest on proper beds,"

"We should go and visit them a little later just how we did with Emalia!" Tecna gave a little smile.

"I'm so happy is doing okay because I need my old roommate to hear my problems with life and fashion!" Stella exclaimed.

"But you have Aisha as your roommate as well, Stella!" Flora giggled.

"It's not the same, I want Emalia to tell me 'to go to sleep' or 'she doesn't want to hear any more of it' after I go in with my complain!" Stella laughed.

I laughed, but I noticed Musa was missing from her spot on the tree. I glance around the little group and see Musa is talking to Aisha. Aisha had a sad look on her face as she had in Headmistress Faragonda's class. Then out the corner of my eye, I see a boy walk over towards Musa and Aisha. The boy had a nervous look on his face like he didn't want to mess up anything. The boy had dark blue hair as Musa, but it was darker than hers. He had a round face and soft orange eyes that matched his smooth appearance. The boy must come from Red Fountain by his body structure.

"Bloom, Flora, Tecna, do you see that little cutie trying to talk to Musa?" Stella held my arms close to her as whispered it to Tecna, Flora, and I.

"Stella, how do you know the boy wanted to talk to Musa?" Flora asked, coming to the other side of me as we all watched Musa, Aisha, and the boy.

"Yeah, he could be talking to Aisha for all we know!" I exclaimed, watching the scene as it plays out.

"The calculation for Jared to be speaking with Musa is a 99.9999999 percent chance because he is giving Musa eye contact!" Tecna beamed as she pulls down the calculator.

"Because I heard him say 'hi Musa' and he introduced himself as Jared!" Stella beamed. "This guy will be great for Musa because Musa needs to stop thinking about Riven anyways!"

Aisha awkwardly, but blushingly ran off from Musa and Jared as I'm guessing she can sense the tension between Jared and Musa. Stella, Flora, Tecna, and I hummed in delight watching Jared and Musa talk as we were liking the chemistry and shyness Jared was giving Musa. We watched Jared walked a little closer to Musa as he was explaining something to her. Then Musa's head tilted to the side like she was confused about something Jared said. Jared walked back, giving Musa a nervous smile. Then I heard the name that shouldn't be mention at this moment; it was the name Riven. Flora, Stella, Tecna, and I scrunched our faces as we saw Musa's body tensed up like a rock. Musa's fist was balled in frustration while I mentally smacked my head at the now weird movement between Musa and Jared. Musa quickly walked off from Jared, leaving him in the dust. Jared stood there frozen like he had the worst news of his life.

"What are you waiting for the chase after Musa!" Tecna shouted to Jared, who snapped out of his thoughts and going after Musa on his hoverbike.

"Tecna, instead of being called the techno fairy, you should be the motivational fairy!" Flora joked, causing Stella and me to laugh.

"Flora, we should get back to homework," Tecna got up from the bench with Flora following behind her walking back towards the school grounds.

With Tecna and Flora went, it leaves Stella and I. Stella, and I walked but stopped in the direction of where Jared and Musa went. Stella had a happy daze look in her eyes like she was thinking of something.

"That's gossip!" Stella grinned while I laughed.

Lord Darkar

I stood in my chambers, watching those stupid fairies smile and laugh in my magical scooping ball with the Trix. It disgusts me how nice and happy they are right now. Then my crystal ball switched to another scene of an infirmary. I see Emalia lying on a cox as a teacher explain some fairy magic crap to her. Funny think about those weakling fairies, and that teacher spoke about magical convergence. Those weak links learned and performed the magical convergence flawlessly; then, it will be the end of me. But I felt the power of the Trix flowing through Emalia, but mainly my energies are still coursing through her body. I believe I still have a chance of coming out on top of this and rule all of Magix!

"Our friends look like they are learning and having fun," Darcy commented in disgust as well.

"We should deal with them before they learn any convergence magic," Stormy grinned darkly.

"You must never reveal yourself at Alfea to will you dare disobey my orders!" I barked at the Trix. "You fools!"

Darcy walked over to me, confidently. She had a dark, tight tiny smile on her face like she came up with a good idea to stop those pesky fairies.

"But still Master, Musa's new friend has so much potential!" Darcy sparked that idea within me.

I remembered seeing that weak little boy trying to make his move on this Musa fairy, but she turned him down, leaving him a little heartbroken! He will be the perfect weak link to stop them from learning about magic convergence!

"It is certainly a wicked idea!" I had an evil grin. "Have fun!"

I laughed with the Trix laughing as well. I used my magic to appear in a different room far from the Trix as I abruptly stopped laughing. I made my vision ball spell as I see my minion in an empty classroom of Alfea. He bowed to me, showing me the respect I so rightfully deserve as I smiled darkly at the minion. The minion had the same look on his face coming up the bow to stare into my eyes.

"Master, what can I do for you at the moment?" The minion asked respectfully.

"I need you to do me a little favor!" I grinned. "The favor has something to do with Emalia, do you think you can handle that?"

"Of course, Master, I can handle anything you desire!"

"Good, here's what I need for you to do!!"

Next day, Faragonda's class: Aisha

Emalia was officially back in class as she hugged the girls and me. We were all happy to see her up and moving as the bell rang for class to start. Everyone got to their assigned desk as used our magic to set up for our spell to open the lid. It was time to present our magical convergence assignment while Headmistress Faragonda smiled, going over to Tecna and Flora first. I was nervous about showing the project to Headmistress Faragonda. The reason is I used my morphic wave magic to form a lasso around the lid. Musa will use her music magic to make the rope vibrate, which will open the cover. Musa and I tried it a bunch of times, and it didn't work one of those times. We decided to come up with something else that could work, but nothing came to mind. So we stuck with the lasso and vibration to miracle work this time. I couldn't help but feel like Musa would have a better chance of opening the lid magically with the other girls instead of me.

I snapped out of my sorrowful thoughts when I noticed Headmistress Faragonda's smiley face at Musa and me. I was nervous as I was almost shaking. I didn't want to present this project, especially if I know I'm going to fail this assignment. Musa flicked her finger, causing a small wave of vibration to hit my morphic wave lasso. The vibration expanded out of the rope and into the classroom, causing everyone to cover their ears during the loud vibrations. The vibrations circled the chest, and then it disappeared as the chest didn't open at all.

"I mean, I know it wasn't exactly a symphony, but I think the lid moved this time," Musa said as she turned to look at Headmistress Faragonda as she had a dull look on her face and walking to the next pair of students.

I sighed, placing my head down on my desk. I know Musa, and I didn't do good on the assignment as this failure helped me realize that if Musa were paired up with another fairy, then she would of ace the work. After a while, the bell ring signaling it was the end of the class period. Headmistress Faragonda walked to the head of the classroom with a disappointed look.

"Everyone didn't go so well with this classroom assignment, but I'll give everyone one more chance to get the assignment right in the simulator!" Headmistress Faragonda announced with a smile. "This time, the groups will be on a larger scale as Bloom, Tecna, Stella, Musa, Aisha, Flora, and Emalia will be the first group in the simulator. If those fairies please would follow me to the simulator room, class dismissed,"

Musa and I both got out of our chairs and walked towards Headmistress Faragonda. She smiled as all the other fairies walked out of the classroom, beginning to carry out their conversation. The other Winx girls walked over to Musa, and I, as Headmistress Faragonda, led the way to the simulator room of Alfea. Stella, Musa, Flora, Bloom, Tecna, and Emalia gathered around, forming a tight circle as they were laughing and giggling. I was walking behind them again, feeling left out of the group of close friends. Emalia smiled until she turned around, gazing behind her as her smile reached me.

"Hey, Aisha, what are you doing sauntering back there?!" Emalia smiled as she nudged her head forward, gesturing me to walk up to the tight friendship circle.

"Yeah, Aisha, come on, join us!" Bloom beamed as she made a space between her and Emalia so I can fit in the gap.

I shyly smiled and jogged over, feeling the gap as Bloom and Emalia wrap their arms around my neck, smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile feeling a bit better than I did before until I knew this lonely feeling would come back sooner or later. Once inside the simulator, everyone had piled at the center of the walking blue metal railed panel. Headmistress Faragonda stood in front of us with her arms behind her back.

"Tomorrow, we'll have a convergence test here in the simulator," Headmistress Faragonda announced to the girls and me as I can see the girls' bodies stiffening upon the news.

"Test tomorrow?" Stella said shockingly.

"You think we're ready for it?" Flora asked, worried.

"You should start practicing if you need help you can always to me!" Headmistress Faragonda smiled, walking towards the automatic sliding door until she turned her neck so she can see she had a stern look on her face. "But the key lies in each of you,"

Headmistress Faragonda walked through the door as it closed shut after her. This left the girls and me inside the simulator on our own.

"Hey, Musa, look who's here?" Stella teased Musa as Stella was leaning close to Musa's arm pointing behind them. "You think he came to see you, especially?"

Behind the window was the boy from earlier named Jared. He was the only one in the simulator control room. Jared has a blank look on his face as he was staring directly at Musa.

"Stella, he is here to learn about the simulator!" Musa explained, getting frustrated with Stella. "Faragonda gave him special permission access!"

"Guys, let's not argue! We need harmony!" Bloom stressed breaking the tension between Musa and Stella.

"Right for the simulator test," Flora chimed as she looked worried.

"And the six of us will cast one big mega spell all together!" Stella cheered as she pumped her fist.

I slowly backed away from the group of friends as I felt left out and alone. I quickly ran out of the simulator room, feeling hurt by what Stella said. I will always be alone.

Next day, the simulator test: Tecna

It was the start of the simulator magic convergence test. Palladium already told the girls and me everything that will be going to be in the simulator. Headmistress Faragonda described the setting of the place we will use our magic convergence powers at, which is: a quiet village on a bright summer's day. Once the simulation started, it was way different than what Headmistress Faragonda described to the girls and I. The sky was an ugly swamp green color. The trees were dead with no leaves sprouting on its branches. I didn't see not one animal insight. Maybe it's because of a gray fog was covering most of my vision of the simulation I was witnessing.

"Where in the world are we?" Musa asked, searching, seeing it's not in the testing site Faragonda said we were going to be in for the test.

"A quiet village on a bright summer's day," Stella replied smartly as her arms were wrapped around her trying to fight the chill that was coming.

"Brrrr, it's damp in here, it feels like we are near a swamp," Flora said as she was the next to cover her arms from the cold air.

"Look," Aisha pointed in the distance as a small portion of the fog cleared up, seeing the trees were upside down.

It was like the first the girls and I were standing in was reflecting the sky. I gasped as I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Oh my! If the sky is the forest, what are we walking on?" Bloom asked, surprised.

"I sensed a bit of dark magic in the simulator with us and outside of it," Emalia explained, looking it guessing for the dark source of magic or someone responsible or it.

I gazed at the ground seeing me and the girls are standing above the swamp floor. The more leafless tree began sprouting underneath the girls and I. Bloom and I had to jump out of the way just so the randomly growing trees would knock us over.

"What's going on here?" Musa asked, totally looking confused.

I touched the ground as I was expecting to feel the actual dirt of the swamp forest. But I didn't feel anything in my hand as I knew what the problem was.

"I've seen this before, it's kind of a system bug, but why is it happening now?" I questioned.

"Girls, I have no idea, the simulated crystals are not responding," Professor Palladium spoke to us through the simulator microphone.

It was silent for a while as we waited for Professor Palladium's orders on what to do next. The trees stopped sprouting as the roll continued to roll slowly by the girls and me.

"Girls, I've added the magical data of an exit program, but I don't know what form it will take," Professor Palladium said through the mic. "So search around for anything that doesn't fit the environment,"

"So, you mean something normal?" Stella asked with her arms folded.

I heard Musa gasped, causing me to turn and look at her. I then see a bodied-less wolf as it's head is the only thing I could see. The wolf was a dark shade of violet as its teeth bared out, showing me how sharp it is. Then the rest of the wolf's body appeared as he was facing upside down as well.

"A wolf in the woods is normal," Stella commented as she just stood there while Flora was taking a few steps away from the wolf walking towards the group.

"STELLA!" Aisha yelled, pushing Stella out of the way of the now charging wolf.

"Our first convergence!" Stella beamed at Aisha as they were on the ground.

My eye caught sight of something flying quickly by the trees. Then I got the view a faint multicolored ball of light as I'm assuming is the exiting program Palladium has installed!

"Look!" I exclaimed as the faint multicolored ball flew past my friends and me.

"Professor, is that the exit program?" Bloom asked with a stern look on her face.

"Yes, now you must come in contact with it," Professor Palladium informed my friends and me.

"Come on; girls, let's join together to form a big circle!" Emalia cheered eyeing the ball of light that is our ticket out of this simulation.

The light flew in the center of my friends, and I, as we all took turns stepping forward, blocking all the possible spaces the light can escape. Once we were all close to the back of the light, suddenly the ball of light formed an outline figure of someone that is so familiar to my friends and I. The character was Darcy wearing some gypsy merchant getup. The girls and I gasped, saying Darcy's name out loud.

"Its Darcy!" Musa announced surprised as my stare has darkened.

"Who else could have thought of something so nasty of a place," I grumbled angrily. 

The outline figure of Darcy transformed into the wolf as it swallowed the exiting program ball.

"Oh no, he swallowed it!" Flora panicked.

The wolf's eyes turned black. The wolf got on its hind legs as another set of arms formed underneath its front legs. The wolf grew more abundant than it was before as the wolf's face changed almost into a bull as its horns were sticking out the side of its head. It's clawed paws shifted into a crab's snapping claws. The final appearance of this shape-shifting wolf transformed into a bulk insect hybrid.

"Come on, girls magic, Winx!" Bloom triggered our fairy transformations.


We got out of our fairy transformation landing circling the hybrid monster expect for Musa as she used her wings to hold herself in the air. Musa began to glow purple, meaning she was going to cast a spell.

"SONIC BOMB!!" Musa chanted, throwing her spell at the monster.

I used my wings floating next to Musa. Musa's Sonic Bomb spell didn't leave a scratch on the hybrid beast. The hybrid animal looked at Musa, and I as I gasped that the spell was no use to it.

"It does not affect at all," Tecna said, surprised.

Then the hybrid monster used its sharp crab arm and extended out towards Musa and I causing the both of us to fly upwards to dodge its claw. The creature did the same thing with its arm underneath as Aisha flipped out of the claw's way. Aisha flew up as Tecna flew next to Aisha, giving her a smile, a wink, and a thumbs up.

"We have to thank Griselda for those dodging exercises!" Tecna beamed at Aisha.

"Come on, and everyone let's attack together!" Bloom hollered,

The girls and I flew around the creature. The creature was staring at us as he shifted his head to one fairy at a time confused about whose going to attack first. The Winx and I all struck as one as our spell orbs hit the beast all at once. Escaping out of the monster was this white-grayish smoke making it hard to see what happened to the creature.

"Yay, I think we got it!" Stella cheered not until the beast was directly behind her upside down again.

"The monster is completely immune to magic!" Palladium said through the simulator mic. "You've got to find another way to beat it!"

The monster howled using its retractable arm to hit Bloom, but luckily Bloom flew up, causing the creature to break a leafless tree off its tree trunk. This gave the girls and I an open chance to drift away from the monster so we can come up with another course of action. But the beast was flying closely behind us as he howled again as he was chasing us.

"Professor, if you cut the power to the crystals, it'll kill the simulation, right?" Tecna asked side, glancing at the monster while we fly away from the beats chasing us.

"Yes, but the backlash will burn out all your powers you got to think of something else Tecna!" Palladium replied.

"Like what?" I asked, worried.

"Well, never take it down without using magic!" Aisha stressed.

"And we're running out of time!" I worried even more as I dodged the broken tree in front of me.

"Professor, can I suggest we need to let the monster fight someone on its size?" Emalia asked with a smirk.

"Exactly!" Palladium replied, sounding like he was grinning through the microphone.

"Girls, we gotta use magic convergence!" Bloom informed use glaring at the monster. "It's our only way out!"

The monster landed on the ground, surrounded by the half-broken tree. The girls and I hid behind those trees so we can get our convergence spell ready.

"He's immune to direct magic, so let him fight someone on the same physical strength level!" Emalia restated her idea.

"Do you think magic convergence will help us?" I asked that this plan will not work.

"It will when we use the fundamentals of our powers," Tecna chimed. 

"Oh no, it found us!" Musa hollered as I heard the monster footsteps coming towards us.

"Aisha, you're the foundation!" Bloom told Aisha while Aisha gave her the thumbs up.

The monster came running directly at the tree, knocking it into pieces over the girls and I. Aisha began using her morphic wave magic to form a human body.

"Aisha, you have to make it bigger!" Bloom told Aisha as she squeezed her eyes, trying to make the body bigger.

Once the body got more significant matching in the size of the creature, the creature saw Aisha and the organization she made out of her magic. The beast used its retractable arm and pushed Aisha back into a tree.

"AISHA!" Stella yelled, worried about our injured friend.

I was going to check on Aisha, but I noticed her human body creation was melting like ice cream in the sun. If I let this creation melt, then I don't think Aisha will be able to handle making another creation just like this one.

"It needs some kind of skeletal support!" I exclaimed, holding out my hand to cast a nature spell. "Baring Branch!"

Green branches formed around the legs of Aisha's morphic body, then going to her midsection along with adding green flowery hair to the collection.

"This beautiful creature needs the power of a warrior!" Emalia beamed darkly. "Warrior's Heart Power!"

The morphic body used its arms and created muscles striking poses as I couldn't help but giggle. The monster came and knocked our creation on the ground as it landed face-first on the swamp ground. The beast again used its retractable arm and hit one of the rocks that was floating above Stella and I as we both shield ourselves from the tiny rock pieces.

"It needs a brain!" Tecna exclaimed as she flew into the air as she glowed green. "Central Processor, creature hurry, use the muscle in your body to stand up!"

A purple brain-shaped oval appeared around the creature's head as it followed Tecna's orders standing up. The creature absentmindedly walked hunched towards the beast, knowing it can't see anything.

"Stella can't see anything!" Bloom told Stella.

"Sun Vision!" Stella cast as the creation stood up straight like she can see the things around it.

The creation went back, walking towards the monster, almost like a programmed robot. It didn't move with a purpose as the creation moved on an order.

"Girls, it can't fight without a will of its own," Palladium informed the girls and me.

"The monster's gonna destroy it!" Musa stressed with worry.

The beast was running towards the creation while it was still walking like it got all the time in the world. Maybe this magic convergence wasn't a good idea, after all?

"My turn!" Bloom called as she burns a bright red and orange. "Flame of Life!"

Bloom's spell hit the creation as it too burns a bright red and orange color. The monster howled again, having its sight on destroying the Winx and my creation. The monster used its claw to try and hit the invention as it stood its ground by leaping back using its hands to stop the claw from attacking it.

"Yes, she's full of life now!" Bloom exclaimed as we all watched our creation go toe to toe with the beast.

Our creation kicked the monster under its chin, sending it flying back. Then the creation ran up to the beast as it was getting up, and it punched the creature. The creature crashed into a tree shattering the tree like it was glass.

"Yea, that's my girl!" Emalia cheered the creation on.

"Listen, you've got to get the light the monster swallowed," Bloom told our creation as our creation watched the monster pick itself up again.

"It defeating the monster is not enough, your creation has to say delima ilusaim to open the exit!" Palladium declared.

"Sound Screen Power of Words!" Musa cast her spell on our creation so that it can speak.

The creature and our creation ran towards each other. Once our creation was close to the monster, it dipped low, punching the beast in its stomach, causing it to open its mouth up wide. Our creation slipped its hand inside, grabbing the exiting program light within its grasp. The Winx girls and I flew in a line holding each other hands. We said the exiting program spell while the beast howled in defeat as we were all out of the simulator.

"They did!" Palladium smiled as we were now standing in the simulator walking panel.

"I'm very proud of you, girls!" Headmistress Faragonda praised us with a smile.

Emalia, Tecna, Stella, Bloom, Musa, and I formed our hands in a circle. There was a space missing where Aisha needs to be. Aisha shyly glances the other way like she didn't want to interrupt something the girls and I had. Stella playfully rolled her eyes and pulled Aisha in our circle with a smile.

"Magic Winx!" The girls and I cheered as we laughed, knowing we pass the simulator test!

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