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A/n: I want to say thanks for the 11k read for this story and come to find out One of the Winx stories is at 91k reads!!!!! I'm so happy for the 91k reads and pretty soon One of the Winx will be at 100k reads!!!! This will be my first 100k reads on a book, but if it don't then I'm happy that people are enjoying the story and I hope the new people from One of the Winx can enjoy this book as well. Thanks for listening to my ranting, but let's start this chapter up!


 It felt like hours since I heard the news of Emalia's disappearance, but really it only been a couple of minutes. Everyone gathered in Professor Palladium's classroom as we was trying to come up with a plan to save Bloom and Emalia. My chest ached as I sensed Emalia's power. Emalia's power were darker than ever before and its something she can't handle just yet. I can feel Emalia's body in pain wanting to be released from the hurt she is enduring.  

 "I don't care what anyone says I'm going to save Bloom and that final!" Lockette said strongly with her hands on her hips. 

 "I need to save Emalia right now and I don't care either, if I get hurt I want to save my bonded fairy!" I chimed understanding how Lockette feels. 

 "Lockette, I thought you never wanted to see that scary place again?" Flora asked Lockette with a teasing smile. 

 "Remember all those shadow monsters lurking everywhere ready to eat you?" Aisha said in a scary voice as she arched her back with her hands in the form of a something sinister ready to get Lockette. 

 Lockette shrieked swiftly flew behind Flora's back scared. Lockette peeked from behind Flora's back as she had an intense gleam into her eyes. 

 "Like what Serenity and I just said we especially I don't care Bloom needs me!" Lockette declared. 

 "Emalia needs me as well as I can feel Emalia going through pain right now!" I chimed as I touched my heart feeling the ache of Emalia's body intensify. 

 "Lockette and Serenity, we know you want to save Emalia and Bloom, but walking in blind could be dangerous to us all!" Falen explained with concern to Lockette and I. 

 "I agree with Falen along with the fact that Emalia and Bloom needs both of you to be alive just think back to the time you two were in Darkar's place," Aisha chimed having me think about the horrible time being captive. 

 Thinking about my time in Darkar's cage makes me want to fly over to Darkar's castle and get my bonded fairy back! 

 "Hmmm," Sky nodded his head agreeing with Aisha's statement. 

 "Lockette, Serenity, Darkar's castle is made out of pure evil!" Musa reminded Lockette and I. 

 "The negative energy found there could reduce pixie effectiveness and vitality by 77%," Tecna said having her mini laptop in hand calculating the numbers of how defective the pixies will be when we get to Darkar's domain. "Isn't that right Digit?" 

 "More like 84%," Digit replied having her digital scanner up looking at the graph and numbers appearing in front of her. 

 Who side is Digit is on?

 "I don't care if I have to fly with my own four wings, I'm going!" Lockette declared flying herself in front of Aisha's face. 

 "And so am I, Emalia wouldn't be sitting here if she knew I was kidnapped or missing!" I chimed with Lockette nodding agreeing with what I was saying. "Emalia would be out there reading havoc to find me and make sure I'm safe in her arms, so I'll be doing the same for Emalia!" 

 "You girls love for your bonded fairies are so beautiful, I'm coming with you!" Amore beamed gliding her way over to Lockette. 

 "AMORE!!!" Stella hollered her name with her arms crossed. "You can't!" 

 "Sorry Stella we all love Bloom, Lockette, Emalia, and Serenity!" Amore turned to face Stella. 

 Piff did her usual baby bamble which sometimes can be hard to understand, but this time I understood what Piff was saying. I'm sure Piff was saying that she wanted to rescue Bloom and Emalia too!

 "Whatever Piff says goes double for me!" Chatta smiled which quickly transformed into a confuse look. "What did Piff say again?"

 "I have the faintest idea," Tune shrugged her shoulders. 

 "Piff said she wants to help rescue Emalia and Bloom!" I translated Piff's words causing the other Pixies to cheer with joy expect for Digit.

 "Digit reason with them, if Pixies come with us chances are they'll never return," Tecna warned Digit. 

 I was fearful of what Digit is going to do. Digit could easily side with Tecna and have the Pixies and I not go on the rescue mission to save my bonded fairy. But then again Tecna and Digit weren't on the same page when it came down to their calculations. Maybe the Pixies and I have a chance of going to save Bloom and Emalia!?

 "Maybe so, but looking at the numbers," Digit pulled up her calculations that was on her digital scanner. "Neither will the Winx or the Specialists," 

 When Digit was done telling her report, the Specialists and Winx were silent. I had to contain myself from getting overly excited as I knew Digit was on our side to save Emalia and Bloom! The Winx nor the Specialists can't deny our help or wanting us to go!

 "So, then what's the big deal!" Digit cheered. 

 "Alright, we can't ignore their request now," Riven grumbled. 

 "We have to take the Pixies with us since we are at odds of not making it as well," Helia commented rubbing the back of his neck nervous. 

 "Okay Pixies and Winx let's load up on the ship," Brandon waved the Pixies, Winx, and I over to the stairs. 


 I was locked up against a table by my wrists and ankles. There was a muzzle on my mouth to keep me quiet like I was a wild dog ready to attack anything that caught my eyes. Professor Ava- I mean Darkar's minion was standing over me with an evil smile on his face. Darkar was sitting on his throne amused at the fact he captured me. Emalia was just standing on the side of the table like a guard protecting something important. I tried to wiggle my out of the cuffs or even used my magic, but it was no use as my powers were blocked and the cuffs had a tight hold on me. 

 "Are you afraid of me Bloom?" Darkar's minion asked me still in his evil knight angel get up, but used his magic to change into his Avalon disguise. "You weren't afraid of me when I looked like this!" 

 I tried to speak, but the muzzle on my mouth muffled my words. 

 "Stop bothering the young lady slave!" Darkar barked at his minion. "She along with Emalia is much more important to me than you could ever imagine," 

 When Darkar said that his eyes twinkled a red flash. My words were muffled as I shook my head side to side hoping to get this muzzle off my mouth, but it was no use. My blue eyes landed on Emalia as I muffled her name, but of course she couldn't hear me. Emalia why did you let this happen to me? 

 "Once I have transformed this custodian of the Dragon Fire into Dark Bloom, the natural consort of the Shadow Phoenix and Mystic Dragon Fire should be released together the power of the Relics which I alone would yield!" Darkar said flying over to the table looking down at me. 

 "Mmmmmm- Dream on Darkar!" I exclaimed once the muzzle was magically off my face. "It will never happen!" 

 "Forgive me my dear Winx, but isn't it my dream," Darkar snickered. "Its your nightmare!"

 "Lord Darkar will be triumphant with his plan and make everyone in the Magic Dimension bow to him!" Emalia grinned sinisterly. 

(A/n: The bold, italic, and underline words are Emalia, Mystic, and Mystic talking all at once like one person.)

 I noticed that Emalia's voice sounded distorted like she has two other people speaking at the same time as her. My eyes widen when I instantly thought about last school term when Mystic got ahold of Emalia's body. Mystic was speaking with Emalia before Falen freed Emalia. Could Emalia's powers finally took over her body and her powers are in control and not Emalia? How can I save Emalia and myself from Darkar's evil hands? 

 "Bloom you looking scared lets see what your friends have cooking to save you and Emalia!" Darkar said using his magic to make an image of my friends and Sky appear. "Maybe this will cheer you up or not!"

 I see my friends and Sky out in the courtyard of Alfea. Everyone even the Pixies were lined up with Headmistress Faragonda in front of them talking about the game plan to infiltrate Darkar's castle and save Emalia and I. I wanted to smile knowing that my friends and Sky are instantly on their way to save Emalia and I from Darkar, but my want for smiling vanished as I wondered how long it will take for them to get here. Sky and Brandon rode out on their Hover bikes with Aisha tailing behind them, but Darkar closed the magic image of my friends with a snicker.

 "That's their pathetic plan?! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Darkar chuckled until he abruptly stopped. "SHADOWS!!!! I have a job for you and I think the Trix are useful as well!" 

 "Do I need to join the fight Lord Darkar?" Emalia asked stepping forward. "I could be more effective than the Trix along side of your shadow monsters!" 

 Emalia was going to say something else until she squatted down holding her stomach in pain. Emalia what is Lord Darkar doing to you? Emalia screamed having Darkar's minion squatted down next to her to have Emalia's weight in his arms. Is this Emalia trying to fight her way out of this power struggle she is in?

 "Lord Darkar what's the matter with Emalia?" Darkar's minion asked worried. "Did I performed the spell right?" 

 "Of course you did slave, its just Emalia wanting to be the host of her own body again!" Darkar grabbed hold of Emalia's jaw and have her look up at him. "No worries Mystic Dragon Flame you will be the host of this pesky fairy's body and be under my complete control!"

 "Be careful everyone," I mumbled to myself hoping my friends and Sky be safe and sound on their journey to save Emalia and I. 


 Brandon, Falen, Aisha and I were on our way to see Princess Amentia to ask for her help to defeat Darkar and save Bloom and Emalia. When I spoke on the idea of Brandon going to talk to his ex-finacée Amentia for some backup with Falen teasing and laughing behind me. I didn't expect Headmistress Faragonda to add me and Falen on to the ride. We all turned a left riding off the edge of the hillside down to the entrance to Princess Amentia's kingdom. I hope we have a better experience in Down Land than we did before, but having a taste of Princess Amentia's personality says otherwise. When we saw the entrance in sight, all of us parked our bikes taking our helmets off with a sigh.

 "Well guys that's definitely the way in" Aisha said swinging her other leg so she can get off the Hover bike. 

 "Princess Amentia here we come," Brandon said determine to get inside the kingdom. 

 "You must really want to see your ex-finacée to apologize to her?" Falen teased with a chuckle. 

 "Aww shut up Falen," Brandon shook his head getting off his Hover bike. 

 Then the sound of growling rang through the rocky hill landscape. I tried to search for the animal that was making the noise, but I didn't see it until Aisha was looking up across the open hillside. 

 "Guys!!!! LOOK OUT!!!" Aisha hollered as Falen, Brandon, and I turned in the direction Aisha was gazing at. 

 As soon as all three of us turned around to get a look at the monsters, the monsters were leaping off the hillside pouncing on Brandon, Falen, and I. Luckily, thanks to our battle ready reflexes we were able to toss those three monsters off of us. The monsters landed on their feet growling baring its sharp teeth at us. Then one of the monsters came charging at me as my hands were instantly trying to push the beast away from my face. This action causing Falen, Brandon, and I to be separated from each other to fight our own monster. The beast knocked me down on my back with the beast standing over me as we have a power struggle of the monster trying to bite my head off to me pulling the monster off of me. Once there was enough space from me pushing the beast away, I kicked the monster out of my face as the monster landed on its back then flipped one more time on its feet. 

 "Sorry ugly I'm out of here!" I said to the monster as I pulled out Hover Sphere riding it away from the monster. 

 The monster charged at me, but it missed when I began flying on the other side of the monster. I was making my way to the closest Specialist to get on my Hover Sphere which was Brandon. Brandon pulled put his dual Phanta-sword and used it to trap the monster's mouth so it won't bite his head off either. 

 "Man, you ought use a better mouthwash!" Brandon getting into his own power struggle with the monster he was fighting. 

 "GET ON!!!" I yelled scooping Brandon on the Hover Sphere. 

 Last, but not least it was Falen's turn. Falen was using his Phanta-staff to keep a safe distance between him and the beast. Every time the beast got closer, Falen would swing his staff around to push the beast back. 

 "You know what I'm tired of you guys coming for my girlfriend and my friends!!" Falen hollered as he went closer to the beast swing his staff around landing hits on his monster. 

 "YOU GET ON AS WELL!" I hollered adding Falen to the pile. 

 Falen, Brandon, and I were flying to the entrance of Princess Amentia's kingdom with Aisha on the side of the entrance waiting for us. I thought we was home free until the monster I pushed off of me stepped a few meters in front of Aisha. 

 "GUYS OVER HERE!!!" Aisha yelled waving her arms jumping to unblock herself from the monster. 

 "Sky, we have a big boy quickly gaining behind us!" Falen informed me as I took a glance to the side and see the monster he was speaking of. 

 I glided the flying sphere right in front of the monster charging at us. Once I was close enough to the monster, I shifted the direction of the sphere to dodge the monster. The monster headbutted the monster tailing behind us knocking each other out. 

 "Brandon, you still got that flashlight?" I asked Brandon glancing back at him. 

 "Yea," Brandon replied. 

 I flew in the cracked triangle entrance of Princess Amentia's kingdom. I sighed with relief knowing those monsters are now off our tails. I landed the Hover Sphere as Falen and Brandon hopped off. 

 "Perfect we made it!" Falen cheered. 

 "Take a look, you guys ready?" Aisha asked gesturing her arm down the side of the cliff. 

 "Uh .... sure," Brandon looked at down the cliff funny before sliding down. "WHOA!!!"

 "Come on," I said nudging Falen taking my turn to slide down the cliff along with Aisha. 

 I heard Falen yelling knowing he was following behind Aisha and I. Once Brandon got nearly to the end of the cliff, Brandon slid in the air and landed on the ground. Then Aisha and I were at the bottom of the cliff thanks to the speed of sliding, we caught some air too. Aisha and I landed coughing trying to get rid of the dust particles from around us. Lastly, Falen landed as he groaned in pain from the landing impact. 

 "You see piece of cake!" Brandon said with a smile. 

 "Is this a typical day for you Specialists?" Aisha asked dusting herself off. 

 "Nearly depending on the mission," Falen replied to Aisha as he had his arms out to the side and shrugged. 

 "Look their crystals!" Brandon pointed to the end of the cave. 

 I followed the direction of Brandon's index finger and see true enough its the Down Land crystals. Down Land's crystals were glowing in the not so dark cave providing enough light to see around the cave. 

 "See, I told you I know my way around this cave!" Aisha winked with a smile. 

 "Princess Amentia's kingdom can't be too far from here," Brandon said. 

 It was silent between the four of us until there was a loud pounding that erupted the quietness. Then Brandon, Falen, and I were surprised by this creature grabbing our capes with our feet off the ground. Aisha 

 "When will you Up Landers learn to show proper respect?" A deep voice of a creature asked with Brandon and I in one hand while Falen was in the other, but the creature decided to put us down on our feet again. "It's Queendom not Kingdom!" 

 Falen, Brandon, and I turned around to see one of the Down Land's guard was the one to pick us up and was talking to us. I took a relieved breath as I was trying to calm my body from the shock. 

 "Hang on a sec, I know you, your name is Abrupto," Brandon said to the Down Land guard. "Hey you don't remember me?"

 "Abrupto, my brother don't remember," Abrupto said back to Brandon causing him to take a little step back in shock. 

 "Excuse me, but we have some unfinished Up Land business to take care of first," Aisha said stepping up to make herself present to the guard. 

 Before we can take the next step of action, there was a growling coming from above us. I turned around to see the three monsters from outside coming running down the cliff side. I thought those monsters won't be able to fit through the cracks of Princess Amentia's Queendom. Brandon, Falen, and I got our weapons ready to finish them off once and for all. 

 "Ready guys?" I asked Brandon and Falen ready to swing my weapon at the charging monsters. 

 The monsters ran up to Falen, Brandon, and I, but they were bopped on their heads by a huge stick embedded with spikes. The monsters disappeared turning into goop then that goop dissolved. I looked to see who the blunt weapon belongs too and I see Abrupto at the end of the weapon hilt. 

 "Oh nice shot!" Brandon exclaimed. 

 "You're a lifesaver Aburpto!" Falen exclaimed putting his staff up. 

 "We deal quickly with trespassers in Down Land state your business," Abrupto declared holding his huge blunt weapon on his shoulders. 

 "Uh we're seeking an audience with Princess Amentia," I replied, but I can see the anger rushing through Abrupto's eyes. 


 I saw the anger quickly rushing through Abrupto's eyes. I was going to step back so I won't be hit with Abrupto's anger, but I frozen under his hard stare. Then I wondered why am I hear in this moment with an angry Down Land guard that can wack me in the head like he did Darkar's monsters causing me to turn into goop. My eyes wondered to Sky as it was his fault for bring up the idea of Princess Amentia, but it was also my fault for teasing Brandon, but I don't want to turn into goop. 

 "First you leave Princess standing at the alter then you slink back wanting audience, who do you think you are?" Abrupto stated recalling the time of Brandon being engaged to Princess Amentia. 

 "I thought she left you at the alter?" I whispered over to Brandon as he nodded. 

 "Actually the Princess left me at the alter not the other way around," Brandon replied to Abrupto with a slight grin on his face. 

 "I say were lucky because if so Down Land would be stuck with you as the next King instead of Sponsì," 

 I took a side ways glance at Sky and Brandon. Brandon was looking at Sky because Sky took a step forward with a smile on his face. 

 "So you see, the entire Queendom owes my friend my friend a debt of gratitude for not being your King," Sky said being the natural born royal diplomat, he is. 

 "True, okay then you can see Princess, but here's dress code," Abrupto said pulling out a scroll with a drawn picture of the dress code of Down Land. "Most items are optional, but for men Katella's are your feathers essentials,"

 I took a good look at the diagram of the dress code. I have to say say it, but those clothes for the men isn't my style. The clothes for the men don't even look like what a warrior would wear unless you stuck in the jungles of Reino fighting to survive the wild animals and plants that wants to end your life. Sky, Brandon, and I looked at each other with a cringe look on our faces as we was all gritting our teeth. When this mission is over I'm going to spare with Sky for putting me in this.

 "This just for men right?" Aisha asked Abrupto. "I think I'll sit out on this,"

 "That's fine, but these three boys will have to get a Katella's feathers," 

 "Do we really have to get the feathers and wear that outfit?" I asked whining. 

 "Do you want to have an audience with Princess Amentia then I guess you will get those feathers and dress in our dress code," Abrupto said with a stern look on his face. 

 Aburpto went to telling Brandon, Sky, and I the location of the Katella creature. I'm really not in the mood to fight no creature when Emalia is out there being under Darkar's control. But if this is the only way for me to get Princess Amentia on our side to fight against the Trix and Darkar to save Emalia then so be it. Right now, Sky, Brandon, and I were climbing up this tall rock as we was one look away from seeing this Katella creature. We took one last grip away at the top of the rock to check out the landscape of the cave until I saw the Katella creature. Katella was asleep curled up into a circle. This creature had red colored skin with what looks like to be bleached spots around its body. Katella had dark crimson red sharp ends sticking out on top of its tail. Then I saw the feathers sticking out on top of its head and at the middle of its back. I glared over at Sky who had a nervous smile on his face. I swear I'm going to beat Sky to a pulp in this sparing match we are going to have. 

 "Well there's the critter and the feathers," Sky said as he pointed over to the creature. 

 "I don't see the big deal is let's just grab a couple of nice ones and get out here," Brandon declared with a little smile. 

 "This won't be easy fighting a beast in its natural habitat," I informed the boys. 

 "How do you know?" Brandon asked me squinting his eyes. 

 "Because it's the same goes for the animals in Reino and they are brutal," I said pulling myself on top of the rock. 

 "Come on what can this thing do to us?" Sky questioned as well having the same loo on his, but he had his arms out. 

 "This Katella looks like a dinosaur what do you think its going to do when it catches us plucking its feathers?" I replied studying the Katella as it sleep. 

 "Nothing if we are stealthy enough to get our hands on some feathers!" Brandon said with a cocky smile. 

 I rolled my eyes as Brandon as I watched Brandon and Sky slide down the rock hill. I followed them knowing getting this feather will not be the easiest of things to do. Sky, Brandon, and I began to pluck the feathers each one of us taking turns, it was Brandon's turn to pluck his second feather as he was the last one to get his second colored feather. Brandon grabbed a light bleached red feather and he tried to gently plucked it like he did before, but it wasn't working. Brandon took a deep breath as he had this look in his eyes that says he is going to mess it up for everyone.

 "Brandon don't you do it," I whispered shaking my head. 

 "All this feather needs is a little bit of elbow grease," Brandon said as he had a tight grip on the feather. 

 "Brandon I suggest, you listen to Falen and take it easy," Sky agreed with me. 

 "Don't worry y'all I got this!" Brandon flashed his signature smile as I knew this will not end well for us all. 

 I tapped Sky's shoulder signaling him to go ahead and take a couple of steps back so we can get ready to run from this dinosaur. Brandon quickly and harshly plucked the feather out of the Katella causing it to spring out of its sleep roaring. 

 "Maybe you're right Falen, maybe I shouldn't have done that!!!" Brandon exclaimed running to Sky and I side of the Katella. "RUUUUNNNN!!!!"

 "AHHHHHH!" Sky and I yelled running away from the Katella.  


 The Winx, the Pixies, Helia, Timmy, and Riven were in the ship flying over to the destination of Brandon, Sky, Falen, and Aisha's location. We was flying through the huge rocky gap of the hillside getting closer to the meet-up point. I was getting worried about Bloom and Emalia as I felt like it was last year all over again. I thought Emalia had a good handle on her powers, but there seem to be another surprise always waiting around the corner when it comes to something being evil. In the case of Bloom, I thought she was safe knowing that the Trix are no where near her, Emalia, or anyone in the Magic Dimension as far I knew. I just the mission with Brandon, Falen, Aisha, and Sky is successful. Then the ship finally landed with Timmy, Riven, and Helia looking so displeased. I looked out the window to see why the boys were making those faces until I saw about four Hover bikes destroyed. The Hover bikes at claw and bite marks across the unused machines as I knew they were safe from those monsters that attacked him. 

 "Well looks like the rock worm is late for lunch," Timmy said looking outside with an unhappy look. 

 "Look at the Wind Riders!" Helia pointed at his screen to see the damaged bikes. 

 "Say someone tried to chew those up," Timmy chimed as the screen on Helia side was panning around to show the other bikes damages. 

 Did Helia, Riven, and Timmy think they didn't make it? 

 "I just know Sky, Falen, Brandon, and Aisha will come through okay!" I said determine knowing my feelings about their safety was never questioned. 

"Hey it's not that we don't have faith in the guys, I know they will get the job done!" Timmy said with a smile turning himself around in the chair so I can see him. 

 "It's just we hate to see good Wind Riders get ruined," Riven said sternly glaring at the broken Hover bikes. 

 Is the bikes all these boys care about? What about the safety of our friends or my Brandon? 

 "Where are your values, it's only machinery it's not something valuable like a new party dress!" I said trying to think of something that is valuable to me. 

 "I hope Sky and the others hurry," Flora said worriedly as she was frowning. 

 "Right, there's nothing I hate more than doing nothing," Riven said with with a hard glare on his face. 

 It was silent once again on the ship as Timmy pushed a few button causing the ship to get back into the air. I'm guessing they are giving the guys time to come out with some news from Down Land. I looked at the sky to see it quickly change from blue to dark gray and black color. I find it strange as the weather should be sunny today, but I didn't say anything thinking the weather reports for today could be different. Then after a few minutes Timmy navigate the ship back to the meet-up location and the guys were still not out. What could they be doing inside the ratchet kingdom of dirt? 

 "There's still no sign of Sky and others," Riven said frowning. 

 "All we're doing now is providing our enemies with excellent target," Helia informed Timmy glaring at the fact we were sitting ducks. 

 "Okay guys we'll wait at a safer altitude!" Timmy exclaimed as he pushed the button to rev up the turbos of the ship. 

 As Timmy was getting the ship off the ground again, there was a huge lightning strike that zapped the air then the ship. Once the lightning hit the ship, the ship started having turbulence which was strange as we wasn't high up in the sky. Everyone was screaming surprised by the fact a sudden lightning strike hit this ship and nothing else in the surrounding areas.I knew something funny was going on with the sky, but I wished Emalia was here to detect that the sky turning ugly was what I expect it to be dark magic. 

 "WHOA!!!" Tecna hollered. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" 

 Purple lightning was visible on the dashboards of the ship as it was zapping the ship's system. This lightning wasn't no ordinary, it was lightning strike from Stormy. I looked out the window to see the Trix outside with an evil smirk on their evil faces. 

 "Oh no, we were hit with multiple lightning strikes!" Timmy said to everyone on the ship. 

 "And I bet I know where they come from!" I glared darkly at the three evil witches. 

 "Guy sorry, but I got to reroute some damaged circuits," Timmy said opening up one of the circuit boxes. "The main computers down," 

 "TECNA MAGIC WINX!!" Tecna said activating her fairy powers. 

 A bright light formed around Tecna. I was thankful that she transformed because if not the ship would of crashed. 

 "Tecna why you transformed?" Timmy asked confused. 

 "Meet your new main computer," Tecna replied as she was floating in the air with bright green circuit wires sticking out of her and hooking herself to the ship's system. 

 Once Tecna hooked herself to the ship's system the beeping warning sound was gone as well as Stormy's lightning magic. I looked back over at the Trix as I was grinning, but it quickly left my lips when Icy used her ice magic to create a huge snowfall trapping the ship. Along with trapping the ship in snow, Icy created a huge ice block with the tip of the ice holding a gigantic ice rock looming over the ship. 

 "Flora, we're all going to be squished!" Chatta said to Flora in concern. "Just like all the little trees out there!!"

 "Not if I can help it!" Flora barked with an angry look on her face. 

 Flora ran to the hanger door of the aircraft as the aircraft automatically opened up for her. Outside was the snow and ice block in front of Flora. 

 "MAGIC WINX!" Flora hollered transforming into her full fairy powers. 

 A bright light formed around Flora and then disappeared as she swiftly flew out of the aircraft and outside to stop the ice block from crushed us. Once outside the ship, I saw Flora transformed into her Charmix's powers. I wanted to smile, but the huge ice block above us was breaking into smaller, but huge pieces of its own. Flora used her plant magic to make some strong sturdy roots grow out of the ground to grab hold of the ice. The ice block continued to break into smaller pieces and some of the plants were missing them as the huge ice rock was about to fall over until the roots grew some more to hold the huge ice rock up. Flora flew back inside the ship and she transformed out of her Charmix's powers back into her regular clothes. Everyone was cheering for Flora as she had just saved our lives from being a flat pancake!

 "YAY!!!!" Everyone was cheering knowing that Flora have saved us 


 After successfully escaping the Katella, we just so happened to be at the front steps of Princess Amentia's palace. We had our audience with Princess Amentia and now crowned Prince, Prince Sponsì. Princess Amentia tried to say that I was in love with her, but we all know it was Amentia who was in love with me. Amentia is lucky that Falen and Sky had stopped me for stating a true fact of what actually happened at the beginning of the school year. Long story short, Princess Amentia thought it would be the best idea for her and I to have a duel along with Sky and Falen to fight both of her heavy guards. I thought it was kind of fun that Amentia wanted to fight me because I don't know of any female besides of Emalia (thanks to Falen's stories) to be a fighter. Now Falen, Sky, and I were line up in front of the Down Land guards and Amentia while Prince Sponsì and Aisha standing off to the side. 

 "What are you waiting for Your Majesty, bring it on!" I challenged Princess Amentia holding my sword blade up ready for an attack against or defense from Amentia's attacks. 

 "Very well!" Princess Amentia twirled her three point staff. 

 Princess Amentia finished twirling her staff and came charging at me at full speed. Once she was close to me, Amentia instantly start jabbing her pointed staff at me quickly while I was somewhat able to block them with my sword. 

 "Stop it before I have to really fight back!" I said taking a step back. 

 "Do you even know how?" Princess Amentia asked me as she used her long staff to sweep me off my feet with my sword scattering and gliding away from me on the floor. 

 Princess Amentia jumped into the air about to jab her staff into my body. Luckily, I was able to roll out of the way, but a part of my cape was tore stuck under the jagged pointed of Amentia's staff. Princess Amentia was back to where we were standing in front of the other, but this time I don't have my sword in hand. 

 "I'll have you stuff and mounted before you can say pad quizzer nuck," Princess Amentia growled at me. 

 "Now why would I say that?" I looked at her confused. 

 Princess Amentia didn't say anything after that while I grew even more confused on what she meant. Then Amentia continued to move her arms like she was preparing for an attack, but Amentia's arms was moving in slow motion. When Amentia moved her arms it left an after image of where her arms used to be at. I instantly blocked using my arms to cover my face as I crouched down. Amentia began firing off lightning fast punched around my stomach and face which pushed me back until I heard a cling of my shoe hitting something metal. I glance down to see that Amentia pushed me back against my sword. I quickly picked it up having it in my ready position. 

 "Pad quizzer nuck is how you say I surrender in Down Landish language," Princess Amentia said going back to twirling her staff. 

 "Hey you said it not me!" I fired back getting for an attack. 

 "Bad joke funny boy!" Amentia pointed her staff at me. 

 I was going in for an attack until Falen guard opponent knocked over Princess Amentia along with Sky's opponent on top of Falen's. I put my sword down knowing that this fight was over. 

 "You guys had to knock your opponents into mine?" I unequipped my sword blade back into the sword's hilt. 

 "I told you for months to join my combat training that I've been having with Helia!" Falen laughed. 

 "My dear Amentia!" Sponsì hollered. 

 Princess Amentia used her might to push both of the heavy weighted guards off of her getting on her feet. Amentia growled at her guards which they trembled in fear, but Amentia sighed and waved for her to follow her to another room. Once in another room, Amentia had a smile on her face as she looked at me. 

 "Formidable strategy Brandon!" Princess Amentia smiled as I looked at her with a weary face. "You pretended to be incompetent and then won! You flattened me so fast I never saw it coming! Want to make it two out of three?" 

 "No way, a deal's a deal!" I exclaimed shaking my head. 

 "Of course perhaps another time, but I will help you declare war against Lord Darkar!" Princess Amentia continued to smile. 

Mystic Emalia 

 "Now I will cast my Enchanted Darkness over you heart!" Darkar said turning over to Bloom trapped on the table and I me standing over her. 

 "My friends will never let you get away with this!" Bloom barked still struggling to get out of her confinement then she looked over at Emalia, I mean me. "Emalia please help me!" 

 "Emalia or should I say I can't help you!" I snickered. "I, Mystic don't help anyone, but me and Lord Darkar of course!" 

 I see tears filling up Bloom's blue eyes. Bloom was weakly tried to free herself as I din't see any point of her trying to continue her struggle. Bloom just has to get over and know that her friends won't be able to save her or Emalia from Lord Darkar and Lord Darkar won't be able to save himself from me! 

 "Emalia!!!" Bloom called out to her friend. "I know you're in there trapped suffering something worse than anything I can imagine, but you have to free yourself and help me out of my cuffs!!!" 

I felt my heart was hurting as I replay the image of Bloom begging for Emalia's help. I clutched Emalia's hand over her heart as I felt the harsh pounding of pain. 

 "Emalia is dominated deep down within her own mind under my sleep spell there's no way that she would hear your pathetic cries for help!" I replied laughing this time with Emalia's hand over her own hurt. 

 "If that's the case then why are you in pain? This means Emalia is fighting to be free from you then she will help me out of here!!" Bloom retaliated against me. 

 "Oh Emalia nor you will have the will to fight against me!" Lord Darkar walked closely to the table that trapped me. "In a moment, you two will be more than willing to destroy your friends and anyone else that tried to save you from me!" 

 Dark pulsing energy spheres circling around Bloom and I. Each energy spheres had a sign written within them. I can feel Darkar powering me with his magic which means I'm one step closer in finishing him and everything else that I wanted. 

 "Here's the key to ultimate power of the Relics!!!" Darkar shot two red spheres at Bloom and I. "Dark Bloom and Dark Mystic Emalia!!!" 

 Bloom struggled under the power of Darkar as well as I since I haven't felt this side of my powers in a long time. Bloom and I screamed in the pain as my eyes felt heavy until the pain and heaviness in my eyes quickly went away just how it appeared inside of me. I opened my eyes and notice that Bloom and I were in our fairy transformation expect our colorful outfits were replaced by black and gray. Bloom gaze over at me while I gaze back at her while we evilly snickered at each other! I felt nearly all my power being restored in, but I knew the final pieces of my powers were still inside Darkar. I smirked knowing I'm one step closer being the all mighty being that I used to be. And no one not even Darkar or Emalia's friends and boyfriend can stop me for achieving just that!

A/n: I'm sorry for the late chapter guys and I will post the edits soon on my iPad since I typed this chapter on my laptop! But, time has flew by me, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!!! Let's at least start off 2021 right, but so far I can see we are already nine days within the new year and we are already messing up, but I hope you're not messed up already! 

 P.s. If you love Black Clover and want to read a Black Clover book then I may or may not be working on it now. I will soon be publishing the already finished chapter once I'm done completely with my Avatar story, MOON!! 

See you guys next time!!!!!

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