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I would also like to mention that the picture above is made by and she drew her oc from her story Zombie Princess Zaya and Emalia from my Winx Club story! Don't they look so happy and so much like bffs 😁! I wonder who was taking that picture? The instagram name you see above Dreamingfairy is her instagram please follow her on there and show her love. If you're wondering if I followed her on Instagram of course I did and I'm wondering why are you not following her on the gram?

I would like to end this list of promotions with a good friend of mine lyllypinkranger, she had written a story called the The Tale of a Thunderbird (picture is below). This story is a Miraculous Ladybug and gang type so story. This story begins months after Miraculous Ladybug and her friends have kicked butt in Paris and they are enjoying their time on a school trip to United Heroz of America. Everything maybe peaceful in Paris but will it stay that way in America when Hawk Moth knows there are other Miraculous in America? Find out in lyllypinkranger 's The Tale of a Thunderbird!

I want to let everyone know that I'm thankful for everyone reading my story and giving my story 15k reads! 


 Riven and I climbed into the elevator going up to another part of the huge ship. Once at the end of the elevator we was greeted by the engine of the another Owl ship. Riven and I walked to our seats accessing the Owl's computers so it can be operational. I pushed a button to dispatch the owl from the Hawk. Now it was just Riven and I as we was bobbing and weaving past the flying birds that was trying to distract Riven and I from our goals of getting the Winx inside Darkar's place. 

 "Remember Riven no fancy or flashy tricks!" I teased causing Riven to chuckle. 

 "Whatever Helia just make sure we not going down for the count or hold me back!" Riven teased back. 

 "Oh please when have I ever held you back?" 

 "So far never, but today could be the day!" 

 On the intercom, I could hear Sky's Crow shooting and then Sky's cheering in victory. It was silent in the Owl, but Riven's eye roll was louder than it should have been. A frown appeared on Riven's face as I couldn't help but to have a little smirk on my face.. 

 "Three down! Not a bad start!" Sky cheered. 

 "Big deal!" Riven frown turned quickly into a smirk. 

 Riven pushed the shoot arsenal button and the red metal plating of the Owl opened. It revealed the six arsenal holes that stores our ammo. The ammo shot out and hit the flying birds that were slowly coming towards Riven and I. The ammo hit directly to the birds as the birds were no longer flying in the sky. Riven cheered and was teasing Sky. 

 "I'd say that is about an even dozen!" Riven communicated to Sky. 

 Riven and I was going to attack the other monsters until a pink magical sphere formed and expanded across the castle of Darkar. The magical pink field caused the Owl's system to go high-wired. Statics of the owl's control was shooting out while the Owl was trying to find it balance in the air causing Riven and I to be shaken. To top things off the pink magical sphere was so bright that it can nearly blind anyone staring straight at it. 

 "WOW WHAT IS THAT?" I yelled trying to cover my face by the bright light of the sphere. 

 I could hear Sky's yelling and a crash on his end like he or his Crow could hit something. The brightness of the light disappeared along with the pink sphere. The Owl quickly got its balance back in the sky and it was again easy to get control. Then outside the ship I could hear the roaring of the monsters outside growing louder and louder by the minute. It seems like these monsters had some kind of power up thanks to the pink magical sphere. What are we going to do now?


 The pink bright sphere had disappeared. Everything in our Owl seemed fine and going back to normal. Falen, Brandon, and Timmy were on the controls flying the ship and shooting down the monsters. Everyone on the ship is fine even Serenity woken up from her unconsciousness and was slightly up and running. The Pixies expect for Piff sleeping were getting things and making sure that Serenity. Flora was sitting in one of the empty seats with her legs to her chest while everyone was standing. Chatta came to try to cheer Flora up, but it wasn't working. 

 "I'm scared!!" Flora whined. 

 "Being scared is logical Flora," I explained to Flora hoping that will help. 

 "Yes and especially during a time like this," Musa chimed trying her best to cheer up Flora as well. 

 "Just as long as we don't lose our heads," Aisha said picking up Piff as she was sound asleep on her bottom on the floor of the Owl. 

 "That would be absolutely terrible, no head, no hats, and my hair!" Stella said with her long blonde hair covering her entire face was swinging side to side. Stella part her hair down the middle so the Winx girls and I can see her smiling face. "Okay this time I was joking!" 

 The girls and I joined in on Stella's laughing fit as it was contagious and something we need in order to get our minds off the task at hand for a little while. Our laughter was cut short to a loud chorus of screams when the Owl started rocking due to the monsters outside had shot at the ship. The Owl and everyone on the ship began going back to normal and we was flying smoothly in the sky again. I looked over at Digit, Amore, and Tune as they were huddled nearly hugging each other gritting their teeth. I know going back to Darkar's place is going to cause them some bad memories of all the things Darkar did to them. 

 "The Pixies must had some bad memories of this place," Aisha said with her arms crossed. 

 "Oh don't worry about us!" Chatta flew over to Aisha with a warm smile until she turned around to see and hear Lockette whimpering loudly. "Okay you can worry about Lockette, just a little bit,"

 I had my mini laptop in my hands and I was typing in codes and got an locking on the monsters coming after us. I walked over to Timmy as he was taking the lead control of the ship. 

 "Incoming!!" I informed Timmy. 

 "Starburst, Brandon!" Timmy called out to Brandon. 

 The Owl shot at the incoming monsters and I heard the celebratory chants coming from Brandon's end of the ship. 

 "got em! GOT EM!!!" Brandon cheered. 

 "Over there, look out!" Aisha called out as she spot something else coming towards the ship. 

 "Falen can you do something?" Timmy called out to Falen turning around in his chair. 

 "I'm already on it Timster,"

 Falen took control of the sudden income monsters, but there seems to be more monster ready to replace the shot down monsters. 

 "There's too many monsters around the castle," Timmy looking over at me. "I can't land," 

 "We gotta hurry before Darkar opens the Dimensional Passageway!" Musa exclaimed in worry. 

 "Not to mention Bloom and Emalia are in there trapped!" Aisha chimes in the same mood tone as Musa. 

 If Timmy can't find a place or spot to land on the ship, but I know someone who do know where to land! 

 "Lockette can you try and find a safe way in?" I asked Lockette as Lockette nodded. 

 Lockette pulled out her golden butterfly hairpin out of her hair and throwing it in the air. The hairpin turned into a crystal sky blue butterfly key. The key swirled and swirled in a fast pace like a compass trying to recalibrate. Everyone was quiet staring and studying the swirling compass like key. The key slowly stopped spinning until it was pointing forward. 

 "This way!" Lockette pointed forward. 


 "Mystic go back to where you came from!" I barked for the umpteenth time while Mystic was laying on the ground resting. 

 "I'm not leaving until you come with me, Emalia!" Mystic lifted his head opening up one of his pupil-less eyes. 


 "You should be saying what more do I want from you, child. I want you to fight!" 

 I tiredly shook my head. I told this stubborn ancient dragon I wanted to be chained up here and to be alone. I've accepted my fate of losing my life to my powers, they caused me nothing more than pain, stress, and headache. It's funny, I always thought being a fairy was something in a fairy tale or fiction body of work. I always dreamt of having powers, saving people, and getting myself out of sticky situation from time to time. I thought that being a fairy will bring joy to myself and living the life I've seen. Of course, I understood I will have trouble in the beginning being a new fairy and all getting use to the new and sudden change in my life. Now that I'm living my dreams of being a fairy, its not cracked up how I thought. 

 I didn't think my powers will turn on me since I would thought and EXPECTED that my powers and I will work hand-to-hand and not the opposite. If someone would have told me that I would be chained in my own mind suffering and this happened twice in a matter of months to a year apart from the other, I would had laughed in their face and tried to walk away. If that same person showed the visual of the suffering and all the things I would have to go through during my time as a fairy. Then I would have tried to find every book in the local Gardenia library to extract this power out of me so I can be normal. 

 "Mystic, I'm tired of fighting, tired of holding myself back or feel like any moment I could attack or hurt the people I care about," I said in a monotone voice as I was getting tired of explaining myself to this stubborn dragon. 

 Mystic's pupil-less eyes stared at me as his dragon scaly chest was slowly but quickly heaving. I saw the red flames color seeping through his chest and even shooting out of his nostrils like a whistle being blown on the side of a train. Once Mystic was heated no pun intended, Mystic let all the flames he has been holding in out. The flames were untamed and was blazed around Mystic and I. I stood firm watching the violent flames danced around me in the enclosed circle. I can could feel their deadly heat, but they never made contact with my skin. 

 "SO THAT'S IT???!!! YOU JUST GOING TO THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY LIKE THAT??!!!" Mystic roared  in anger. 

 "Yep that is what it looks like," I simply replied with a simple nod to match invoking Mystic even further. 

More flames poured out of Mystic's mouth and nose intensifying the temperature in my mind. The new flames danced within the old ones. Again not even the new flames touched my skin, even those these flames are wild, it had enough control not to harm me. I looked at Mystic as he glared into my eyes. Was he the one controlling the direction and shape these flames are going to? Mystic is upset with me, but he cares so much about his flames not burning me! I watched the flames as there was two fireballs floating over to me. What those fireballs did was melt the chains that were holding me as a prisoner. The enclosed fire circle disappeared as I was falling until something scaly and rough soften my fall. I looked up to see Mystic wrapped within himself with his head close to mine. I was trapped within his coiled body like how a snake would coil its prey before going off to devour it. 

 "You're tired, I know," Mystic stated staring gently at me. "I'm tired too and I want to give up as well," 

 "Then what is stopping you from giving up?" I asked curious to what is keeping him fighting. 

 "You are my reason for continue on fighting," 

 Me? I'm his reason for fighting. But why?

 "Why, I mean I know we are cool with each other, but why am I the reason?" 

 "Because you are the only host I'm fond of, your sister Kala tried to get me to be fond of her which worked from time to time, but you I feel unconditional care for," Mystic explained to me which have me surprised since Mystic as never been the type of dragon to say how he feel on this level before. "I got to know you more and love you as my host, I was never met to be your power, but I am glad that Kala gave me up to be with you! If you can get a stubborn dragon like me to care for you this way maybe you can do the same with Mystic!" 

 I looked down avoiding Mystic's pupil-less eyes. I gave up and I'm too deep in my rabbit hole to try and find my will to fight. I have nothing worth fighting for and I'm hopeless and lost. I cried having my hands cover my face a shame that I got this far and lost to even try and get what I am back

 "You're not hopeless nor are you lost," Mystic nudged his head against mine. 

 "How did you know I was thinking that way about myself?" I asked uncovering my face from my hands to look up at the dragon. 

 "Because we are in your thoughts, they echoes in here, but you just have to find your will to fight," 

 "How? I'm too far gone," 

 "Exactly you're not!" 

 I squinted my eyes at the dragon confused about what this ancient power was mentioning to me. Mystic sighed a deep breath like he was annoyed that I wasn't catching on to what he was saying. Mystic took a deep breath again this time I see the familiar red flames radiating off his scaly chest and gently pouring out of his mouth. The red flames formed a fiery sphere that harden itself to turn into a simply ruby red sphere. The sphere dropped carefully in my hands as I didn't feel the heat of the flames that made the sphere anymore. Images began popping up within the sphere, the first one was Kekipi back at Alfea. Kekipi was crying as more watery tears swelled his waterline of his eyes. Kekipi was sniffling like he was sick, but I noticed he wrapped himself around a picture frame. The picture frame revealed itself to be a picture of Kekipi and I, it was the first picture we ever taken together! Kekipi kept nudging his head against the glass covering like I was suppose to pop out of the picture and rub his little head. 

 "You have one reason to gain your will to fight, Kekipi, it will hurt that Gynosphinx that you don't come back with your friends safe and sound. I think Kekipi will travel the ends of the Earth and Magix Dimension to save you and bring you back home!" Mystic smiled. 

 The sphere brought out another image and it was my friends and the Pixies minus out Serenity. They seemed to be on a ship, a ship I was all too familiar with, my friends and the Pixies were on a Red Fountain aircraft. My friends and the Pixies were surrounding something or someone. I could see the panic in their eyes like something is going wrong. They broke from their huddle and I see on the ground Serenity laid on the ground passed out. How did Serenity get like this and what made her pass out? I can feel my heart beating out of my chest to the point I think you can see my heart thumping on the outside! 

 "Mystic what is wrong with Serenity??!!" I asked scared of what is happening to my bonded fairy. 

 "You, that is what's wrong with Serenity, she felt you succumbed to your powers and your will to let everything go," Mystic replied sounding depressed. 

 "If Serenity is acting like this then how is Falen doing?" I questioned worried. 

 The sphere erased the image of the Pixies and my friends and was now displaying an image of Falen. Falen was controlling his portion of the ship. Falen seemed fine like everything is alright minus out the fact I kept hearing explosions on his end. 

 "Falen seems okay," I said having Mystic scoffing at what I just said. 

 "That boy is not fine, he is pretending to be fine so he can remain calm and giving his full attention of saving you," Mystic replied turning his eyes off the sphere and on to me. 

 "He's ..... coming to save me?" I looked at Mystic with tears swelling my eyes. 

 "Of course he would along with your friends! You and Bloom are their reasons for fighting against Darkar,"

 Tears spilled out of my eyes. I can see my tears landing on Mystic's scaly skins. They are coming to save me! Serenity knows that being in Lord Darkar's domain can hurt her since there is so many negative energy swirling around Darkar's place. Serenity is willing to risk herself to save me and I let her down by giving up. I don't want to imagine what Falen is going through. Kekipi is curled up to a picture of me and I was willing to give my life up to finally feel peace knowing I would leave Falen, Kekipi, and Serenity in their misery. How could I have been so selfish?

 "Falen is actually really worry about you, would you like to hear Falen's thoughts?" Mystic asked me. 

 I wiped my tears away and slowly nodded my head. I sniffled as the red sphere turned crimson red color. I then heard how Falen was feeling about the situation. 

 "I hope we make it in time to save Emalia!" Falen sounding despair like he lose a game. "I want to feel like we will make it on time, but there is this strong feeling of not making it in time and me seeing the aftermath of Emalia. Will it be like last time? Seeing Emalia not herself anymore? How will I be able to save her this time? What can I do?" 

 I cried harder and it was my fault that Falen was feeling like this. My fault that Serenity was passed out on the floor and Kekipi crying next to our picture together. I need to make matters right!

 "It's not your fault, this thing was out of your control, but if you still want to give up then I'll leave and let you continue to accept your pending fate of ending yourself. But if you found your will to fight again then fuse your soul with mine and you be fine," Mystic questioned me. 

 I looked at Mystic as I see the hope in his eyes. He was hoping that I find my will to fight. He was showing me the people who cares about me and want to see me well, they were fighting to save me. They are not giving up then should I?

 "I .... I found my will to fight .... again! I want to fight so I can see the people I care about again!" I cried. 

Lord Darkar 

 I was getting ready packing the Codexes in the box. Dark Emalia was leaning on the podium with her eyes closed. Dark Bloom was in front of me with her usual evil smirk on her face. Dark Bloom was holding the box that will hold the Codexes so we can open the Dimensional Passageway! I can feel my growing of power getting stronger and stronger once I open up the Dimensional Passageway. 

 "We're almost ready Dark Bloom and Dark Emalia!" I said to this nearly transformed dark fairies under my control. 

 Dark Bloom did her evil high pitch chuckle while Dark Emalia opened her eyes as she had a smirk on her face. Their attention on shifted to something behind my back, I turned around to hear the sound of shoes clicking. I saw the Trix standing there with their arms crossed.

 "Leaving so soon Darkar?" Darcy questioned with a frown on her face. 

 "Aren't you forgetting something?" Icy barked sternly. 

 "Like .... say us?" Stormy pretending to think until she came to an sarcastic answer. 

 "Hahaha, no I haven't forgotten, I know you want your share of the power that will soon will be mine," I told the witch sister as I was coming up with an evil plan to get the Trix off my back and have my powers to myself. 

 "It's only fair Darkar!" Stormy barked. 

 "After all you wouldn't even have the Codex!" Darcy had her arms still crossed. 

 "With the Codex and the Dark Emalia and Dark Bloom as if we don't matter anymore!" Icy explained herself while she was walking over to the steps of my throne that Dark Emalia, Dark Bloom, and I were on. "I thought we were more than just a cog in you machine?"

 "When had anything us evil doer do has even been fair? Icy, Darcy, and Stormy you should know this out of all people ladies!" Dark Emalia popped herself off the column walking to the end of the throne steps looking down at the Trix. "Nothing we do is fair, its first come, first serve, even when our paths are aligned in our evil doing you have to watch the people you call partner,"

 "Are you trying to challenge the Trix?" Darcy barked the question. 

 "I'm not trying to challenge you witches because we all know who is going to win which will be me, but what I'm trying to do is inform you," Dark Emalia exclaimed. 

 "YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!!" I yelled with my eyes flashing a red light. 

 I held my hand down aiming it at Icy as my dark pulses pushed her back. This shocked Darcy and Stormy. Dark Emalia chuckled covering her mouth while Dark Bloom with amusement. 

 "NOW INTO THE VOID, DARK OBLIVION!!" I exclaimed as creating a red vacuum gate to get the Trix out of my sight. 

 The vacuum easily scoop up Stormy, Icy, and Darcy and within the Dark Oblivion. I closed my hand once the Trix wasn't in my face again. 

 I walked over to Dark Bloom holding the Codexes in the open boxed while Dark Emalia was walking over to us still chuckling. 

 "Just one more thing to do girls!" I exclaimed. "CHERBOUG!!" 

 My bird companion chirped flying over to the throne room. Cherboug wrapped his wing like tentacles around my armored arm hanging upside down. I'm going to use my Cherboug as a surprise for the Winx Club.

 "Just incase the Winx managed to gain entry into my Citadel, I will leave behind a little surprise!" I said with a sinister smile.

A/n: Hello my lovely readers, I hope its okay for me to end the story here as I was being lazy sorry about that 😅! I want to have this come to Jesus moment with you guys to tell you about the things that are going on with me. And no I'm not dying or anything bad has happened to me, I just want to give you guys my reasons for not publishing as often as I did before. The reason I haven't been writing is for one I started back school and I'm online now so its taken up my time, but I manage to have a schedule for my schoolwork to be able to publish to you guys. The second reason is because I'm finally taking charge and pursuing what I want to do which is music! Music has always been my passion if you haven't notice and I was scared to even do music because I was afraid people will not like my content or other things, but I also know that my music will be loved because everyone music taste are different and I will reach other people who will love my music. That being said I have this one song coming out and I'll say that is my test run to see how people will feel about it. What better test run to have my song then to have my readers of my stories to listen to it and give their opinions about it! The song is not out yet but it will soon and I will let you know, but I just want to let you guys know that I'm taking a huge gamble on this and I don't want to live my life in regrets you know? So if the song comes out and you like it please share it with the awesome friends and family that you know to help get the song out there! My first debut song of my EP My Sweet Release, My Heaven on Earth (I hope nobody still the title of my EP 😡). If the song does well then I'll come out with my other two songs that I want to promote! Anyways I hope guys enjoy this chapter as it is the second to last one for this book until book 3 comes out! See you guys next time, take care, be safe, but overall be happy!!!!

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