The Finale Part 2

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A/n: Sorry I took so long to update and miss the update date, but this chapter was pretty long due to the ideas I had going for this chapter. Also this is not the final part of the story like I thought it was and this chapter reached over 11,000 words and I'm not going to have you guys reading for that long so I broke it again into another part which will be the final part of the story! I will be posting that later on today so please try and enjoy this mini part two and please tell your thoughts about it!


 Brandon was the first to jumped through the portal to get to Darkar once he heard the news of Stella and Aisha was fighting against Darkar, Emalia, the Trix, and Bloom on their own. Everyone jumped through the portal one by one to see what was going on, on the other side of the portal. I landed on a vanilla brown cracked hard stone floor. I checked my soundings to see that we were standing inside what used to be a building as I see the broken or uncompleted columns that encircled my friends and I. I gazed at the top to see Bloom in a much darker color scheme of her fairy outfit chanting a spell with a purple glowing light casted around her body. I turned my head to the ground to see Emalia on the ground with her head slumped down unconscious. I also noticed that Brandon was in front of Darkar protecting Stella and Aisha as they was trapped in a gum like glop on the cracked stone floor. I checked around the area and didn't see no Trix insight and I wondered what did Darkar or Emalia do to the Trix?

 I looked behind me to see that Falen already made it through the portal and ran next to me until he saw the sight of Emalia unconscious. I can literally see the color of his skin slightly loose color. My eyes darted to Falen's hand as I see his fist twitching as my eyes moved down to his legs. I saw the muscles in Falen's leg wanting to go over to Emalia, but they stood firmly on the ground scared to move. 

 "What did Darkar do to minha princesa?" Falen whispered as his eyes stayed on his knocked out girlfriend. 

 "I don't know, but we will fix it Falen, just get your head in the game!" I told him placing my hand on his shoulder. 

 "Riven is right Falen, in order to save Emalia from her dark temptation is to take the cause of those dark temptations which is Darkar!" Helia said in his most poetic way possible. 

 "He will pay for this!" Falen gritted his teeth and bring out his Phanto-Spear. 

 "Everyone we must focus on helping Bloom and Emalia!" Sky said as I turned my attention on Darkar flying backwards in the air. 

 "FOOLS, I HAVE NO SUCH TIME FOR THIS!!" Darkar yelled snapping his armored head over to the knocked out Emalia. "GET UP YOUR USELESS PILE OF MAGIC CLAY UP AND HELP ME TAKE DOWN YOUR PATHETIC FRIENDS!!"

 Darkar yelled at Emalia. I watched as Emalia was getting out of her unconscious state upon command. Emalia rubbed her head while getting back on her feet. I saw the color restoring to Falen like he was happy to see she was okay, but his eyes were filled with pain to see his girlfriend. 

 "Yes Lord Darkar," Emalia replied as raised both of her arm forming a dark purple and black sphere pointing it at Sky, Tecna, Brandon, Timmy, Helia, Falen, and I. "Shadow Ball!" 

 "GOOD DARK EMALIA!!! Let's add a mixture of my magic!" Darkar cheered as he cast his spell at the same time at us. 

 Emalia let the spell go, flying towards us as her spell hit us like a ball hitting my midsection of my our bodies at top speed. Darkar's spell came next which sent us flying even more to a point a iridescent purple light enveloping around our bodies. I tried to move, but I couldn't and it seemed like I was stuck. It felt like I was stuck just how Aisha and Stella are without the gum like tar stuck to my skin. 

 "I ca-a-a-an't m-m-m-move!!" I said trying to get out of the spell as I turned to look at Darkar. 

 "M-m-me ne-e-e-e-either!" Timmy strained trying to break free as well. 

 "And now I can finish you all out once and for all!!" Darkar said with one of his hooded armored eyes twinkled red. 

Darkar landed on the ground and walked towards us with Emalia right next to him with a smile on her face. 

 "Well shall we finish you friends off before we moved on to the next Dark Emalia?" Darkar asked Emalia with a matching grin on her face. 

 "We shall Lord Darkar!" Emalia grinned from ear to ear. 

 "Princesa," Falen mumbled under his breath in shock. 

 Dark and Emalia combined their magic again casting their final spell against Tecna, Timmy, Falen, Brandon, Sky, Helia, and I. I closed my eyes ready for the end. 

 "MAGIC CONVERGENCE!!! FLORA ACOUSTIC BARRIER!!" Flora shouted standing in front of us along with Musa to protect us from Emalia and Darkar life ending spell. 

 Musa was looking good keeping me safe from Emalia and Darkar. I was kinda of shocked that Musa and Flora was doing a good job protecting us from the oncoming attack against a powerhouse like Emalia in her evil state combined with Darkar. I thought of that idea too soon when Flora went flying to the side thanks to Darkar pulling a sinister slick spell shot at her. Flora went down yelping in pain as she picked up some dust and debris when she landed on the ground. 

 "FLORA!!!" Helia yelled trying his best to get out but he couldn't get to her still being stuck in Darkar's spell. 

 I looked at Musa and I was worried about her. She is now all alone going against Darkar and Emalia without anyone helping her. Musa glanced back at the knocked Flora as I see the fear clouding her eyes. Then Musa's eyes moved over to Timmy, Tecna, Brandon, Falen, Helia, Sky, and lastly me. I see the tears building in her eyes, but she quickly turned her head as she now turned that sad look into being fearless. The tears that were building up in Musa's eyes were whipped out of her waterline when Musa turned her head. Emalia grin grew as far as it went when she caught sight of those little, but noticeable tears coming from Musa's eyes.

 "I'm still standing Darkar!" Musa said confidently as she glared at Darkar while he was grinning with amusement. 

 "Then you will be the first to meet your end!" Darkar grinned even more when he raised his arm. 

 Darkar silently cast his spell. Forming within his red armored palmed hand were a red, orange, and yellow fireball. My eyes widen when I caught sight of that. I snapped my head over to Musa as she had gasped frozen in her spot in front of the group and I trapped to the floor with gum like tar sticking to us. Musa's eyes widen as her dark blue eyes were glowing under the flames of the spell. To the point I don't see Musa's beautiful dark blue colored eyes but orange, yellow, and red colors dancing and blending in her pupils. 

 "NOOOO!" I yelled using all the strength I have left within me to get on my feet and moved towards Musa. 

 Everything happened in slow motion as I saw and felt that the flame was coming closer and closer to Musa. If you asked me, I don't know why I was given myself up for Musa. It felt natural to body like it was a call and response type of message my brain and heart told my body to do. If you told me, I will jump in front a deadly spell to save another person's life. I would laughing in your face telling you how wrong and stupid you are for believing that I would do such a thing. But if it was Musa as the person I would be jumping for then ......... I actually don't mind!

 Time returned back to normal when I jumped in front of Musa as the deadly spell hit me instead of her. I heard Musa call out my name in a panic state while Darkar and Emalia's laughter was echoing in the background. 

 "RIVEN!!" Musa yelled my name again while she hold me in her arms. 

 "You pitiful creatures never stood a chance!" Darkar cheered while Emalia continued her laughing. 


 I couldn't believe Riven sacrifice himself for Musa. I never thought he would feel that type towards a girl after what Darcy did to him last year let alone have some sort of feelings for Musa since Riven is a loner and not good with his feelings. I wonder if Riven knew how romantic that gesture was for Musa? 

 A bright electric blue light appeared like lightning striking the ground. Floating in front and in between Darkar, Emalia, the group trapped on the floor with no tar gum, and I was this magical being. This magical being had the outline of a girl as it was easy to tell by body shape and the two long pigtails on each side of her head. The magical being color was a roasted colored purple which could be easily mistaken for black as she resembles a black shadow. The magical being's neck, forearms, one upper left arm, waist, and lower calves were glowing thanks to some power jewelry wrapped around or placed on her body. Where did this being come from? Does she play a part in this story and battle, taken the place of the Trix? 


 "Emalia, minha princesa, don't do this!" Falen begged as Emalia walked towards Falen with an innocent look on her face. "This is not you, you can break this spell or incantation that was placed on you!"

 "I don't serve you fresh meat" Emalia barked sinisterly bring back that evil grin while taking her place next to Darkar again. "This version of me is not no spell or incantation, this is the real me and get used to it pretty prince because the princesa you knew has been gone!"

 Darkar formed a red and black sphere in his armored hand. Darkar shot his magic towards the magical being, but the magical being faded away disappearing in thin air and appearing right behind Emalia and Darkar. Emalia smirked and shot the reappeared magical being as she used ice magic to make an ice casing around Darkar. Emalia's magic hit the magical being nearly knocking it out on a column. 

 Ice magic? Where did this being know ice magic from? The only person I know that can use ice magic is Icy. Icy or the other Trix are nowhere to found. 

 With the limited movement I could perform, I moved my head around and see that everyone was confused or in awe about the mysterious magical being that was fighting Emalia and Darkar. 

 "What kind of creature is that?" Aisha questioned looking at how Darkar and Emalia was fighting the magical being with no issue really Emalia was handling her own. 

 "Well judging by that magic ..." Tecna started her answer. 

 "... It's the Trix," Timmy chimed finishing off Tecna's sentence. 

 "By the looks of things I'd say they learned to cooperate in a super creepy way!" Stella said watching their battle go on and on. 

 "Why would the Trix be helping us?" Flora asked a good question. 

 I don't think the Trix is helping us willingly. What did Darkar or Emalia do to make the Trix act this way against them?

 "They'd never do that on purpose, the only logical explanation is they hate Darkar more than us!" Tecna answered as I can see that Tecna's answer is correct. 

 Emalia was on the ground again this time passed out again leaving Darkar to defend himself against the wrath of the Mega Trix. Mega Trix got their two pigtails and wrapped it around Darkar's armored forearms. Mega Trix tried to pull Darkar towards them, but he was having a strong hold on his place on the ground. They blasted Darkar into the rocks where Bloom was standing on. 

 "Taste our hate, our anger, and our revenge!" The Mega Trix had the combined voice of Icy, Darcy and Stormy as they cast another spell hitting Darkar further into the wall. 

 "REALIX!!!" Bloom finished the incantation of the Realix power. 

 "BLOOOOOOOM NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled trying my best to get out of Darkar's restraints just like Riven did. 

 "Yes the power!" The Mega Trix called out flying over to Bloom. 

 The Mega Trix was getting close to Bloom, but Darkar recovered quickly from the pain of Mega Trix's attacks and shot Mega Trix face first into the column. The column had a cracked on it due to the impact of the Mega Trix and they hit the ground face first. A bright set of reds, yellows, and oranges cast their light around a big box that floated above Bloom's head and hands. Darkar smirked as he walked over to Bloom to retrieve his prize, but as he was walking Darkar turned into one of his shadow birds expect in a red color instead of black. Darkar appeared behind Bloom sucking the power of the Realix. 

 "NOOOOO BLOOOM!!" I called out to Bloom hoping my voice is strong enough to get to her which it didn't. 

 "BLOOOOM!!!!" Flora and Stella called out to her as well at the same time. 

 "The battle is over once I suck the rest of the Realix along with Emalia's powers! I WON!!"

Lockette flew next to me as she watched in horror her bonded fairy being used like a pawn. I know or can imagine how Lockette is feeling like she was letting Bloom down. What can I do to snap Bloom out of this and be herself. 

"Sky!!' Lockette whined as she looked at me with those pleading big eyes. 

 "I know Lockette," I said to Lockette as she was feeling sad. "You did everything you could, I'll try and give it one last shot," I said finding the strength to get on my own two feet. 

 I walked over to Bloom as her cat-like golden eyes stared down at me like I was nothing to her. Bloom still held that Realix box over her head letting Darkar suck all the magic it has away. 

 "Bloom," I called out to Bloom while she hummed menacingly while still staring down at me. 

 "HAHAHA!" Darkar laughed taking a break from sucking the magic out of the Realix box. "You think you can bring her back to the light?!"

 "Bloom, can you hear me?" I asked ignoring Darkar as my eyes were strictly focus on Bloom. 

 Bloom nodded her head while she continued to hum. 

 "It's Sky!" I introduced myself hoping that will jog her memory of the Bloom I and her friends all knew and loved. "Your Sky?!" 

 Bloom scoffed looking at me up and down like she was trying to size me up. Bloom began laughing as I was slowly losing the courage and confidence to get my Bloom back. I know I have to keep trying to get Bloom back and I will do anything to do that!

 "Bloom, listen to me you have to wake up that day you saved my life, I wanted to tell you my feelings ..." I said as Darkar cut me off.

 "YOU'RE PATHETIC!!!" Darkar hollered at me again taking a break from sucking the Realix magic. 

 "... And then I made a promise to myself that one day you, but I'm sorry there's nothing I can do," I said to Bloom as I can see her menacing facial expression turned into an expression of realization. I can feel my tears coming to my eyes as I tried to fight them off. "Maybe the only thing I wanted really was to spend more time with you because I care more about you than anyone else in the world, please Bloom, please," 

 The tears finally came down as I confessed my feelings for Bloom. I can hear the gasps coming from Tecna, Timmy, Helia, Falen, and Brandon. The second wave of gasps came from Aisha and Stella who were free from their tar gum sticky prison. Bloom was left with a blank face which quickly transformed into a laughing humorous expression. Suddenly, I felt light head as I couldn't believe that didn't work to get Bloom back to the person she used to be. I feel on the ground and the last thing I heard was Brandon and Falen calling my name.


 "HIS USELESS EFFORTS!!!" Darkar hollered while laughing. 

 "No it didn't work!" Lockette's annoying voice echoed in my ears. 

 I thought about more on Sky's words. Sky care about me more than anyone else? Did he just confess his feelings to me? That is why Sky was jealous or seemed jealous before! Sky just wants all my attention and I gave it to that Avalon imposter. I can't believe I was so focus on trying to impress Avalon when I already have one guy that was impressed by me the whole time! 

 "At long last the sweet taste -?" Darkar said confused. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!"

 A bright light enveloped me as I felt myself changing. I thought back on the memories I had with Sky. That time Sky and I were leaning on the water fountain of Alfea last year just talking then suddenly Sky moved his fingertips half over to my fingertips! I closed the distance between Sky's and I fingertips as they were touching each other! I closed my eyes trying to fight off the negative hold Darkar had against me. I could feel Darkar's dark magic fighting against me trying to keep me from going back to who I used to be. I thought about Sky and I thought about my friends  I was feeling Darkar's influence slip away from me as I opened my eyes again. I pulled the Realix to my heart as I closed my eyes and used its magic combined with mine to heal my friends and I from all the things Darkar did to my friends. 

 "WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!" Darkar yelled with a puzzled look on his animal face. 

 "I can feel Bloom's heart!!!" I heard Lockette cheered. 

 "But I can't feel Emalia's heart," Serenity said in a discouraging tone of voice. 

 Emalia still in her dark phase? After I'm using the Realix to cure our friends, herself, and myself from Darkar's influence?

 "NO, IT CAN NOT BE?" Darkar whined flapping his bird like wings. 

 The Realix disappeared once all of its magic was used to heal my friends and I. I opened my eyes and smiled at my friends as Darkar was whining above me. 

 "YOU WILL SUFFER FOR THAT BLOOM!!!" Darkar threaten me menacingly as I smiled not feeling any fear in my body from that bird like creature looming over me.

 "Darkar the Phoenix will never rise from my dream ever again!" I said as I was changing my magic with a smile, but I stopped when I see Emalia still in her Dark form looming over Darkar.

 I wasn't the only one feeling this dark presence on the battlefield. I looked around and everyone  was feeling it to a point everyone was frozen expect for Falen. I glance over at Serenity and the poor Pixie was shaking holding Amore tight while Amore floated watching Emalia in horror.  

 "HAHAHAHA!" Emalia laughed evilly while I felt a dark presence around the battlefield. "It's funny you speak of suffering Darkar because you are the one going to be suffering once I'm done with you!" 

 "I-I- I thought-t-t-t you we-e-e-ere an obedient s-s-s-slave!" Darkar said shockingly like he was scared of Emalia.

  "I'm not an obedient slave!" Emalia laughed getting in Darkar's armored face. "I'm a defiant dragon that will take back what's mine!" 

 Emalia grabbed Darkar by his bird like necking threw him to one of the already broken columns. Emalia continued to throw Darkar around like he was a rag doll while all anyone can do was sit there and watch that armored villain scream and holler in pain. 

 "Awww you're no fun Darkar! I would at least thought you gave me a good run of my magic, but you didn't really get a taste of all the Realix magic like I thought you would!" Emalia taunted caressing Darkar's bird like beak in a loving way. "But you could do me a favor!" 

 "W-what - arrrrgh- can I do?" Darkar questioned feeling the pain of being thrown around. 

 "You can give me all my powers back to make me whole again!"

 Before Darkar could urge a word out of his mouth. Emalia cast a spell that drained Darkar of all the magic he had inside. Darkar's magic came out in like a water like stream as the beginning of it turned red meaning the Realix magic all the way down to the end black to dark purple representing the combination of his and Emalia's magic. 

 "It's time to dig in and become whole again!" Emalia rejoiced with her arms in the air. 

 Emalia grabbed the water like magic stream of Darkar and began devouring it like it was her last meal. I was shocked if the power of the Realiz didn't cure Emalia from Darkar's influence then who influence she is under? I can't stand here and figure out who Emalia is under! I need to help my children friend get back to the person she used to know!And I'm not going to stop under I see her genuine smile back on her face!

 "HEY GUYS!!!" I exclaimed getting out of the frozen state I was in knocking everyone else out of theirs too with a cocky smirk on my face. "Now its Emalia's turn to go back to who she used to be!" 

 Emalia has finished her magic meal. Emalia had this dazed devilish smile on her face that sent chills down my spine. I don't ever want to see Emalia like this. Emalia's outfit turned back to her normal fairy outfit, but it lacked color as the only colors she was sporting was white, black, and gray. Her fairy outfit was ruined as rips and tears appeared. Emalia's long sleeves weren't long sleeves anymore as her hands and forearms were black like Emalia dipped her hand in a huge containment of ink. 

 "It's funny, you silly fairy there's no way of getting Emalia back when I say Emalia is gone now and forever, I mean what I said!" Emalia dazedly grinned getting up to face my friends and I. 

Mystic Emalia  

 "Gone? What do you mean by gone?" Falen asked as he tried to sustain his voice from cracking or skipping. 

 "Gone as in not here and ever coming back again!" I growled rolling my eyes. "For having someone intelligent like Timmy and Tecna in your group, you are not the smartest!"

 I looked at Emalia's friends as their eyes were filled with sorrow. The eyes that took the cake and fueled me to save more horrible thinking about that pathetic fairy Emalia were Falen and Serenity! It's good I had a chance to look into Emalia's memory bank and familiarized myself with everyone she associated with!

 "You know Emalia didn't want to fight for her life and Mystic hyped that girl so much I thought she would have been a challenge for me" I tsked slowly walking a circle around Emalia's friends. "So far you guys are less than challenge, you guys are pesky bugs that keeps flying in my way!" 

 "STOP WITH ALL YOUR LYING!!! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!" Serenity hollered as her tiny head was turning red from anger along with she shook her head covering her eyes. 

 "Calm down pipsqueak you don't want to get too anger to the point you clip your own wings, do you?" I taunted along with a chuckle. "I have no reasons to lie to you, really I don't! The poor Emalia bug wanted me to end her life so she can finally live at peace!" 

 "Emalia!" Flora mumbled her name as she covered her mouth in shock. 

 "T-that's a li-i-i-ie!" Musa stuttered as she shook her head trying to get rid of the nervousness she was feeling. "Emalia would never bow down so easily wait till Headmistress Faragonda, Lady Griffin, and Codatorta get here to show you whose boss!"

 "Speaking of them, thanks for reminding me Musa of those pesky head of your respective schools!" I said as balled my hand up to a closed fist closing the entrance and exit portal that was behind the group. "If you don't believe me than why don't I bring out a special friend that you guys know so well!"

 "Yeah like who?" Sky challenged cocking his head up. 

 "Why don't I bring out Mystic and he can tell you this himself?!" 

 I closed my eyes clapping my hands together. I used my powers to make a double of me, Mystic Emalia. I unclasped my hands and turned to see Mystic Emalia. Mystic Emalia looked just like me expect for her outfit had colors, the original colors of the original Emalia. Mystic had his head down like he was avoiding looking into the eyes of the people Emalia been around. 

 "Tell them Mystic how Emalia was nearly begging for me to end her life!" I said cheerfully. 

 "Come on Mystic, don't you think its too much?" Mystic begged as my eyes were getting darker than before. "Look at them, don't think they had enough? Let's start with your silly plans and move on!" 

 I looked at Emalia's pathetic friends as they were nearly in tears well expect for Serenity who was already crying her little eyes out while Falen was sniffling trying to hold his tears back. 

 "NO THEY HAD NOT HAD ENOUGH NOW TELL THEM THE TRUTH MYSTIC OR I'LL MAKE IT WORSE!!!" I growled and roared Mystic sighed before looking at Emalia's friends. 

 "Everything my other half is saying is true, Emalia was begging for my other half to end her life," Mystic replied with his head down avoiding the shock and crying of Emalia's friends. 

 There was a loud bellowing coming from the group of Emalia's friends. My serpent like eyes caught sight of Falen on his knees crying while Helia tried to calm her down. Falen's forehead was touching the ground as I can see his tears dropping from his eyes and hitting the floor. 

 "W-why are you d-d-doing this to Emalia?" Bloom asked me as was crying. "What is your plan for the Magix Dimension?"

 I laughed as I turned my eyes not on Falen, but on Bloom. Bloom, Emalia's first ever friend practically sisters. I guess I can at least give Emalia's friend/sister a proper reason behind my madness!

 "I'll answer your questions Bloom because that's the least I can do to Emalia's friend/sister that she care so dearly about!" I taunted. "I'm doing this to Emalia because I was trapped deep inside with no way to contact Mystic since the beginning of her existence,"

 "THE BEGINNING?!?!?!" Mystic declared shockingly like he didn't know I was there with him cutting off Emalia's friends. "But I was locked in Emalia since the destruction of Ikaika!" 

 This was a shocking revelation for my other half to handle. 

 "So this whole time Emalia was walking around with the full power of the Mystic Dragon Flame without her even knowing!" Aisha proclaimed her thoughts as she covered her mouth. 

 "Where were you before Emalia's existence?" Mystic asked as he all of a sudden carried about where was I at.

 "I was trapped in someone else for almost 21 years, but at the 20 year mark I declared him unworthy enough to keep me locked up and I decided to break free by almost tearing my poor host's in half due to my destructive abilities!"

 "Mystic who was this person you were trapped in before you was put into Emalia?" Mystic asked me with his hands on my shoulders. 

 "I didn't care to know his name, but I remember that brat's personality, a cocky brat who is a powerful wizard specialists hybrid, but once I nearly tore him into two he wasn't that powerful no more!" I laughed as everyone stared at me in horror. "Why do you want to know Mystic its not like you never cared or tried to break me out of my prison! You were so filled with rage on wanting to be free that you never heard me calling for you,"

 I can see the light faltering in Mystic's eyes as I explained my time away from Mystic being imprisoned. 

 "Once I deemed that cocky brat unworthy to keep me contained, I tried to break free, but I was unsuccessful as Princess Emalia's parents put me instantly inside their newborn baby that was deemed by the Ikaika's High Council to be more powerful than any being on Ikaika. They were proven right once I saw inside and barely had freedom to move!" I continued on telling my frustration to Mystic causing him to be tinier and tinier by the second. "Then a months later you were put inside of Emalia and you were able to move around had you powers out causing trouble for Emalia, yes you were trapped and suppressed, but you had a chance to get me out, but YOU NEVER DID!!! THAT'S WHY I'M GOING TO LET YOU SUFFER THE SAME FATE WAS GIVEN FOR NEARLY THE LAST THREE DECADES OF MY TIME BEING IMPRISONED!!!!" 

 "Excuse me Mr. Big Bad Power Up Dragon what is your plan of the Magix Dimension?" Stella asked me showing her teeth through her smile. 

 "I'm doing to turn the Magix Dimension back to what it was before," I grinned thinking about my sinister plan. 

 "What was the Magix Dimension before it became the Magix Dimension?" Stella questioned with a puzzle glare on her face. 

 "Stella, nothing the Magix Dimension was nothing before the Dragon Flame and the Mystic Dragon Flame came together formed the the Magix Dimension!" Tecna told Stella as Stella was frozen at the word nothing. 

 "Yes Tecna, you are correct!" I laughed. "I'm taking the Magix Dimension back where time was simple, where I can cause my fill of destruction without anyone trying to trap me inside, and where I can be free!"

 "I'M NOT GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN!!" Falen yelled swinging his Specialists weapon around until he got into a fighting stance.  

A/n: See you guys in part three in a few! 😘

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