Chapter 3

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Three hours. It took Lin Jin almost three hours to finish working on Zhao Yunlan's face.

As it turned out, the lipstick was the only thing Yunlan didn't have on. He discovered the existence of products he had never heard of, and developed a new respect for pretty girls. Now he understood why they liked compliments so much, after so much work they deserved it.

Lin Jin had put to good use everything he had learned living with three older sisters that would constantly steal each other's make-up, only to end up using him to get them what they needed.

Many times the sisters had used him to settle their disputes.
"Who took my blush? Jin!" they would in turn yell and little Jin would run and fetch it from his other sisters' rooms.

One can never know what kind of knowledge can turn out to be useful, and after watching them for years now Lin Jin knew everything there was to know.

He still wasn't a professional though, so it took him a bit more time that necessary. Yunlan's behaviour didn't help either.

Zhao Yunlan sat as still as he could, which honestly wasn't much, while Jin used product after product on his face: to clean, moisturize, correct, highlight, brighten, define, illuminate, using brushes of every size and shape.

By the end Yunlan was at his limits.
"I'm not doing all this every damn morning!" he yelled.

"It wouldn't take so long if you would just stay still and stop checking everything that I use," Jin retorted.

When Jin took a lip balm in his hands, Yunlan quickly stood up.

"That's enough, let me see what you did to me."

He took the mirror that Lin was offering and took a long and hard look at himself.


"So? What do you think?" Jin asked impatiently, since Yunlan hadn't said a word yet.

Yunlan kept looking at the face in the mirror, was that really him? He started thinking that it might actually work after all while he admired his gentler features.

"It's...ok I guess. Now let's clean it all off, I can't go out of here like this."

Lin Jin grinned. "I'll bring everything to your house, along with your new clothes, you still haven't tried on the bra."

Yunlan wanted to disappear. He really had to solve this case as quickly as possible!


"Yunlan! Are you alright in there?" Lin Jin called him, he was sure he couldn't possibly need so much time to change.

Yunlan was looking at himself and was reluctant to face the world like that. Smooth skin, gentler features, long (fake) eyelashes, a wig with hair just above his shoulders, a blue skirt with a blue shirt and underneath it a stuffed bra... if his parents could see him now!

"Is it too late to change my mind?" Came Yunlan's voice through the door.

"Yes it is," was the reply he feared but expected. Yunlan sighed and exited the bathroom.

Lin Jin looked at him with a critical eye then nodded satisfied.

"You're ready, just remember to talk with a high-pitched voice and it'll be alright," he said and then he grinned.


Lin Jin drove him to the university. Yunlan had refused to walk or take a bus, and he certainly couldn't use his own bike looking like that! So Lin Jin became his driver.

Jin would soon find out that his work wasn't finished with a bit of computer work and Zhao's makeover, oh no, Zhao Yunlan was definitely high-maintenance, and having to deal with him was a full time job.

Lin Jin convinced him that he had to enter alone, it would look weird if he went in too, so Zhao stepped out of the car feeling miserable. Why had he agreed to it? His career, of course, but right now it didn't seem worth it...

He composed himself, repeated in his mind Jin's instructions and went towards the entrance.

Indeed the students out there were all girls. Zhao panicked as some of them looked at him. Would he be found out?

He ignored the stares and went to his first class. Lin Jin had arranged everything on his computer to make his presence there legit. He was now Zhao Yuer, a transferred student from another school. All the papers had been taken care of already, and he had his lessons schedule in his bag.

Zhao groaned inwardly, yes he had a bag now.

Jin had also provided him with a map of the university so that he could find his class without too much difficulty. How did he manage to do all these things? Zhao didn't know and didn't care enough to ask.

The big, huge hall welcomed the sea of students that became three separate rivers as everyone chose the stairs in front of them or the ones on the left and right. Zhao took a quick look at his map and went left.

The first hour was with professor Han Cong, but Yunlan wasn't at all interested in the lesson.

He spent the time looking around at the other girls, thinking of the best way to proceed.

He knew so little about what had happened. He didn't even know for sure that there really was something to discover, but he put that thought aside.

He had to focus and base his investigation on the assumption that there was something wrong in that school.

He had to assume that the accidents were linked, that they weren't really accidents at all, and that there was someone behind the scenes who wanted to harm the school staff.

So far nothing had happened to any student.

Could it be that one of the girls hated her teachers? There had been three cases so far, two teachers and the Dean. What linked these three men?

He saw that professor Han had an arm on a sling, he had to be the one who fell down the stairs.

Yunlan would have to talk to him soon, as well as all the other teachers and students.

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