A Clue - Chapter 4 of Part 2

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You had woken up in your bed, pretty confused. You remembered being in the living room and then soon all of the memories came flooding back. You began to cry again, Sans soon rushing in and giving you a huge hug. He had been trying his best to comfort you.
Sans looked horrible. He looked like he hadn't slept the whole night, and how could he...? You had just found out your children had been kidnapped. The only reason why you had fallen asleep, is because you had passed out from exhaustion of sobbing so much.
Sans was currently trying to make you feel better, even though he knew that he couldn't. You weakly stood up. "Sans..." He nodded. "Yes sweetheart?" You responded with a bit of determination in your voice. "...We need to find them..." He slowly nodded. "But...kidnapping shit like this happens all the time. We're most likely not going to get much help..." Yo sighed sadly. "I-I-I know..." He gently picked you up and kissed your forehead lovingly. "It'll be okay...we'll find them." Sans was trying his best to stay positive for you. He truly didn't feel like it would 'be okay'. He had been hiding his clinical depression from you, because he thought it would make you want to turn away. But recently, it had been very hard to hide it. Right now, he was wishing that he could tell you every bad thought he's had.
'But...that won't help the situation at all...it'll only make it worse and burden her with worries...she might even leave me if she found out what a pathetic piece of shit I truly am,' He thought in his head.
He kept a neutral expression on his face to hide his true feelings, gently rubbing your back for comfort. You soon slowly pulled away. "W...We have to look for some clues...I'm sure there's some..." You sighed and he nodded. "Alright babe...I'll look around the house. You do the same, okay?" You responded. "Okay...I'll always love you, Sans. No matter what happens." He gave you a small loving kiss on the cheek. "I'll always love you too, Y/N." You nodded and began to walk off, going to the kitchen.
You looked around everywhere, searching for clues and you finally looked in the kitchen. You found a small note. You quietly gasped. 'IS THIS A FUCKING CLUE?!'
Yes, it was. It was a letter from...

Yeaaaah. Amazing "cliffhanger"! I will update it soon. I will just write the chapter and then not publish for about a few days, or maybe just like an hour from now, pffft! I just want to leave some suspense and maybe some excitement that hasn't been in this book.
I've been pretty bored of this book, but will continue to write it for you guys.
Bye! I'll see you in the next chapter!
Also...Sorry for the sad ass pretty rude comment responses. I just haven't been in the best of moods and when you guys comment, it sometimes annoys me. I'm not saying to not comment anymore, I'm just saying that so you guys know.
I only write when I'm in good moods, so this is why I seem cheerful at the moment.

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