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I had just came back from an important meeting from the grovernment about taking my place as amdassoder to monsters again, when I come to Ivan being surrounded by his uncles and aunts, Flowey yelling from... Regina's room? Yeah. I think that's it. Trash all around the inside of the house and Regina along with Winter not being seen throughout the house.

I turned off the music, stud on top of a table and shouted.

Everyone started booing and awwing as they left. I didn't care I had to clean the place up after they left anyway.

Ivan said goodbye to his relatives as they left, then helped me clean the disaster of a mess.

After a good 30 minutes of cleaning I left to go put my things in my room when I noticed Regina sitting on my bed asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so I slept on the opposite side.

Regina's POV~
I woke up on my mom's bed and noticed she was sleeping next to my feet.

"Party must have been over after she got here." I thought as I quietly left the bed to get something to eat. I took out cereal and milk but before I could pour in the milk I heard a huge noise outside. It sounded like a huge "BAM"! I went outside to cheek out what it was at I saw tons of super heroes.

One looked like a frog, one had purple circles on its head and was short as hell, one was red and white, another had green messy hair with a..... Bunny costume?  And their were meany more but those where the ones that stuck out the most.

The messy green haired boy came up to me and said "My name's Izuku Midorya, and my friends and I are kind of lost. Can you call your mom to get over here?"

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