Underneath the Stars

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There's something about looking at the stars that makes it romantic for Jeongin.


The clear dark canvas painted with little twinkling lights made Jeongin smile as he lay there on the grass, his eyes not leaving the sky. It has been a very long time since he watched the stars, maybe because of their hectic schedule as an Idols.

But for the youngest, it's better to watch it if you're with someone special to you, someone you love. Someone you want to spend your entire life with. It makes everything two times magical and romantic, I guess, Jeongin thought.

Someone like Lee Minho. He mentally said, afraid to voice it out and afraid that the man next to him might hear it.

Call him a sap, or say something in between the lines of, "you're cheesy", Jeongin would not give a single shit and wouldn't care, as long as he can witness how beautiful Minho is beside him, with a smile plastered on the elder's lips as his eyes made a contact with the beautiful sky.

It was the most beautiful view Jeongin had seen. Or maybe he's just in love.

Or maybe Minho is just that beautiful. His side profile is everything, from the fluffy brown hair that Jeongin wanted to run his fingers through, to his twinkling eyes as if holding the entire night sky in them, sliding down to his pointed nose that he wants to touch and slide a finger over, down to his reddish and glossy (due to the lip balm he's using) lips that he had been longing to kiss. It's all looking so perfect. He doesn't want to miss the view and give up the idea of staring longer but that would be really weird, so he once again focused his attention to the sky.

It's a peaceful night on the camping site where they're currently at. No one's there but the eight of them. It might be extra chaotic still with all the constant bantering of Hyunjin and Jisung, or Changbin and Felix acting like kids, running around like they're high on sugar, or the way Chan keeps on laughing loudly telling Seungmin he's cute that made this camping more domestic and just so them.

Four tents-shared by Chan and Seungmin, Hyunjin and Changbin, Felix with Jisung, and Jeongin with Minho, were scattered around the area with a little bonfire in the middle, a pot of spicy tteokbokki over it that Chan and Seungmin are cooking. Not that far from where Chan and Seungmin's tent is the table with the foods they had cooked earlier.

Jeongin doesn't know how long they laid there on the grass just looking at the night sky, he didn't really pay attention to the time. He was too mesmerized by both Minho's beauty and the Sky's. Both are incomparable at some point, but both are definitely great together. A blessing to his eyes. It's like a view that he'll never get tired of looking at.

They, more like he, was pulled back to reality when Chan called them saying the foods are ready and they're going to eat already.

Even when Minho was already standing up, Jeongin remained laying on the grass as he slowly closed his eyes. The breeze that's continuously hitting his face wasn't that cold, but it wasn't warm either. It's in between of something he couldn't quite explain but still enjoying the way it touched his bare face. It was relaxing.

"Inie," Minho called softly. "We're going to eat, have you not heard Chanie?"

With those soft calls and voice talking to him, Jeongin couldn't help but to open his eyes again, loving the way their eyes meet. Minho's eyes were bright, like the stars were purposely reflecting their shines in it.

Jeongin absentmindedly put his right arm up, trying to touch Minho's face but failed since the older is standing and he's laying down. So he laid there, his arm reaching out to something, to Minho. The older was confused with the younger's action, but let out a bright wide smile because Jeongin is just so cute.

"Hyung," Jeongin finally said something, dropping his hand but didn't bother to move from his spot, where he's laying on the grass comfortably.

"Hmm?" Minho hummed, still looking down at the younger with a fond smile plastered on his lips.

"You look so pretty up there." Jeongin's voice was so soft and sure that it made Minho's face heat up in just a span of seconds. "Really pretty," Jeongin continue while chuckling. Suddenly Minho's ears feels like exploding.

"You're going nuts, Inie." Minho laughed cutely, trying to hide how hot he feels just by the younger's compliment, his bunny smile showing. "Get up now before Jisung yelled again," Minho added, reach down to his arm and tug it slightly.

Jeongin got up and went beside the older man. They walked side by side, hands brushing together for a couple of times that annoyed Minho so much, so he boldly held Jeongin's hands while smiling, and giving the younger a brief glance before focusing his eyes on the others who's now sitting in front of the table.

"You know that I already know, right?" Minho asked while they're walking, looking down to see their tangled hands.

There it was again, the warm feeling of Jeongin against his skin, a faint burn that never really hurt but brought comfort instead. It always makes him feel safer, secured and good. It's as if Jeongin could protect him from anything even though he knew it should be him protecting the younger.

Jeongin isn't dumb, he knew exactly what Minho was asking. You know already that I know you like me, right? Of course, Jeongin didn't keep his feelings a secret but wasn't very vocal about it either. At some point, if he remembered it correctly, he did tell Minho about what he felt, but never told him that exact three words.

"I know," Jeongin smiled as he swiftly moved his hand that Minho was holding, caressing the elder's hand.

"I love you too, you know. Like love—love you."

"Wha-Wait!" Before Jeongin can finish his question, Minho broke the contact and let go of Jeongin's hands, the warmth earlier immediately leaving both of their bodies. "Minho-hyung!" Jeongin called again as he tried to catch up with his hyung.

"So I guess you already told him?" He heard Chan asked Minho.

"I guess it just made him more confused," Minho laughed heartily. A fucking music to his ears because Minho rarely laugh like this.

"And here I thought Inie was the smartest among us." Jisung also laughed together with the other members, Hyunjin's laugh being the loudest. Jeongin went behind Chan to hide his blushing face on the back of his leader, their laugh increasing.

"Minho-hyung wasn't really good at hiding those heart eyes just like Chan hyung. I guess it's an elderly thing," Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders sassily but immediately flinched when Minho's neck snapped to his direction as he immediately went to Changbin's side.

Laughter filled them after hearing Minho's next words, "Hyunjin, do you really want to eat tissue right now instead of meat?"

It was past eleven when some of them decided to sleep already. They shared a few scary stories, circling the little bonfire they made, a few marshmallows in stick on each of their hands. After that, they talked about random things until they decided that they're sleepy, except for Jeongin and Minho. They stayed outside, sitting across each other. Jeongin is playing with a stick scraping some dirt on the ground, not really sure why they're still outside, while Minho's just staring at the younger one.

It wasn't an awkward silence, but it wasn't comfortable either. They're both thinking what to say, both are careful with their next words.

"What you said earlier/What I said earlier," they both started. A soft chuckle leaves pass each other's lips as they connect their gaze.

And then a long pause.

A long pause that made Jeongin anxious, because what if Minho hyung didn't mean it that way and I was just keeping my hopes so high? He bit his bottom lips out of nervousness. He tried to look up and focus his attention on the sky instead of listening to his negative thoughts that's slowly eating him.

After minutes of silence that almost killed Jeongin's last piece of sanity, Minho, who added something next, smiled when their eyes met the moment those words left his lips, "I mean it. I love you too."

Jeongin can't explain the sudden warmth after those words. He's tearing up but he held it back really hard. It's too much to handle but he's happy.

Underneath the stars, on one silent midnight, Jeongin's heart became full, threatening to burst out any moment. They didn't move from where they're sitting, just staring at each other, underneath the stars, with smiles on their faces. Both looked like total idiots.

"Are they just going to stare at each other like that?"

"Christopher, shut up."


Lmao I literally wrote this on the spot so excuse every mistake you see. You can point it out to me if it's bothering you so much!

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