3 ~ Many Questions, Few Answers

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Sans' voice echoed down the empty hall. He glanced around, trying to find something or someone that could tell him where he was and why there was a gigantic hallway underneath Hotland. All he seemed to find was a couple spiders in the corner who quickly scurried out of sight upon seeing him.

Sans frowned. Nothing here made any sense. So far he'd been given a strange coin by a mysterious stranger, gotten stranded on a rock by the Riverperson, and discovered a mysterious empty hallway that looked like it hadn't seen daylight in a million years. It was safe to say this was one of the weirdest days of his life.

Sans tried shouting again, wondering if anybody was in this place. It didn't seem very important, considering it was completely empty, and the blanket of dust coating the floor suggested it had been entirely unused. Sans cast one more look around the room before turning to head back. Suddenly, he felt something wrap around his leg and pull, causing him to fall flat on his face and be dragged all the way across the hall where a small hidden door swung open. Before he could even recognize what was going on, he had been forced through the door into the darkness within.


Everything was way too freaking bright and the ringing noise in his ears made Sans unable to recognize any sort of sound that was going on around him. He tightly closed his eyes for a few moments and shook his head to clear it. When he reopened his eyes, the ringing noise had died down and the room wasn't blinding him any more. In fact, he could almost see the outline of a figure leaning against the back wall.

Sans clenched his fists in a panic, wondering if he had been caught by the royal guard and was now in prison or something. He tried to stand up, but realized he was tied down to a metal folding chair with some white, almost transparent string. The figure near the wall shifted slightly and Sans struggled against the bonds tying him down.

"I really would advise against that, dear. My friends don't take kindly to being jostled around."

Sans froze and stared at the figure who had now come closer so he could see more of their appearance. Although they were still shrouded in darkness, Sans could see the outline of three pairs of arms and five glowing eyes staring at him.

"who are you?" He asked. The figure giggled shrilly.

"Oh dear, you really don't understand how these things work. You see, I'm supposed to be the one asking all the questions. I hear you are quite nosy for someone of your status. Homeless, I presume."

The monster's eyes glanced over his appearance, taking in every detail distinguishable about him. One by one, each eye blinked at him, making him feel slightly sick.

"So where to begin..." the monster said, walking around him so they were no longer in his line of sight. "You don't seem to be of the Guard, but spies do exist so that may be your reason for coming here. It is plausible that you came here of your own accord, but it is almost impossible to find this place on your own. So, how did you find here?"

By this point the monster had walked full circle around Sans and had returned to staring at him just beyond the reach of the light. Sans frowned.

"i didn't mean to come here," he said, "some guy came and dropped a coin off. i gave it to the riverperson and now i'm here." He shrugged. The monster's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"look, can ya' just tell me where i am? my bro's probably worried sick and frankly, i'm kinda freaked out a little myself. so if you'd just-"

At that moment there was a loud pounding sound on the door which caused Sans' soul to skip a beat. The monster rolled their eyes, walked over, and opened the door. More light flooded the room causing Sans to blink in discomfort. A large monster stood in the doorway and frowned at Sans before turning to the other monster. The two of them began conversing in hushed voices that Sans couldn't hear even if he strained his ears as much as possible. Finally, after a few agonizing moments, the first monster returned and made a couple short clicks with their teeth. Almost instantly, a handful of spiders crawled over and untied the knots binding Sans to the chair.

"Comic Sans, huh?"

The monster in the doorway crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Sans. He spoke with a gruff voice that was laced with sarcasm and snark, even if what he said was completely serious.

"uh, just sans, thanks," Sans replied standing up and running his wrists where the ties had bound him.

"Sir," The first monster began to speak. Now that they were in the light, Sans could finally see her appearance fully. She had lilac skin and pitch black hair that was tied back out of her face. She wore a formal uniform identical to the other monster's, except that she had fastened and tied hers with many pink and purple ribbons to give it a more stylish appearance. On the back of her uniform, Sans could see a symbol that looked like a shield with the Delta Rune triangles inside and the wings attached to the edge. He assumed this was some sort of emblem for something, but he didn't know what.

"What is it?"

The monster cleared her throat nervously. "This monster... we don't know if we can fully trust him yet. Wouldn't it be smart if I assisted you and-"

"No, Muffet. I've made myself clear. Your job is to interrogate. Not police every potential recruit who steps foot in here. Thank you for your service, but I will be taking it from here."

The monster snapped his fingers at Sans and pointed down the hall. Sans gave Muffet an apologetic smile which she simply returned with a glare.

"C'mon," the big monster said impatiently, "We don't have all day."

With that, Sans and the big monster set off down a long narrow passageway, the door closing behind them.

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