6 ~ Let's All Take A Class On Security And The Souls Of Dead Children

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Taking a tour with Muffet had probably been one of the worst experiences Sans had been through in the past few days.

For one thing, everytime he even opened his mouth to speak, she turned around, glaring daggers at him with all five of her eyes which clearly meant, Shut up or I will personally drag you to Hotland and throw you off a cliff.

He decided it would probably be better to just stay quiet.

Of course, that didn't mean he didn't have questions. The two of them had walked through dozens of different hallways, each showcasing a different section of the rebel headquarters. Currently, they were making their way to a large set of metal double doors in a hall that seemed to be entirely dedicated to engineering and technology. Through small rectangular windows in each door of the hall, Sans caught glimpses of monsters, each cloaked in a white lab coat, running around with equipment in their arms, working on various projects.

"what's this place supposed to be?" Sans asked quickly, before Muffet could give him another death glare.

"The technology department," She said, not even bothering to turn around and acknowledge him. "These monsters are in charge of creating all the weapons and armor we use here."

"cool," Sans said, peering through a window at a group of scientists who were working on a metal helmet bigger than his entire body. He watched as they began pouring some clear liquid substance that disappeared as soon as it made contact with the metal. "maybe i could work here."

Muffet turned around and smirked at him. "I don't think you have the right... qualifications. Anyway, we need to hurry. She's only going to be here for a couple hours."

"wait who's only-" Sans tried to ask, but Muffet had already reached the doors. She pushed them open and gestured for him to enter.

"After you."

It was like a bomb had exploded inside the room. The floor was covered with a variety of papers, blueprints, and food wrappers, The desk in the corner seemed to have about five different coffee mugs on it, and a large pile of scrap mechanical parts was shoved in the corner. As Sans looked around at the various messes, he heard a loud crash from somewhere on the second story.

Muffet coughed slightly. "Alphys? Are you here?"

There was a yelp from the same direction as the crash and just a few seconds later, a short, yellow reptile monster came rushing down the stairs. She stopped once she saw the two of them and immediately turned her anxious glance toward the messy room.

"Oh-oh no. I'm so sorry!" She rushed over to the desk and frenzidly began straightening the papers and cups. "This- this place is so messy! I'm sorry. I have- I haven't really been able- able to clean too much. Oops!"

She let out a cry of surprise as one of the mugs she was carrying slipped out of her grasp and smashed to pieces on the floor. Sans and Muffet instantly rushed over to help pick up.

"Alphys! Don't be so stressed, it's fine!" Muffet said giving her a kind smile. It was surprising how quickly her demeanor had changed once she was talking to someone other than Sans.

"you're doctor alphys?" Sans asked. "I thought you made weapons for the royal guard!"

"That's a myth," Muffet said, shooting a look at Sans. "It's her facade. While the rest of the underground thinks she's working with the royal guard, she's actually here, helping us fight them."

Alphys' face flushed pink "It sounds a lot cooler when you say it like that," she said, embarrassed.

"so what are you working on now?" Sans asked, glancing once again at the piles of scrap metal on the floor. Alphys' face seemed to brighten up a little at his interest.

"You- you really want to know?" She asked incredulously. "Well, right now I'm actually doing some work with security devices all around the Underground." She fished a remote control out of the pocket of her lab coat and clicked it at a large screen up against the left wall. Recordings of various locations across the underground appeared on the screen. "That serves the duel purpose of keeping track of the Guard and also checking for any humans who might have fallen into the Underground."

"what happens if we do find a human?" Sans asked.

"We're not quite sure," said Muffet, "It hasn't happened recently enough to tell. All we know for sure is we can't let their soul fall into the hands of the king. He's already got several souls, so who knows how bad it would be with another one."

"Besides, there's probably loads of research I could do with a human soul!" Alphys said, "We hardly know anything about them. Imagine the kinds of scientific breakthroughs we could do with one! Provided a human actually falls down here." She gave a nervous chuckle.

Muffet nodded an glanced down at a small watch on one of her arms. She sighed slightly and turned towards Sans. "We need to keep going. I'm supposed to have you done with this tour by noon, and we still have to meet a few more people."

Sans felt his soul sink slightly. He had been looking forward to talking with Alphys more about her projects and research, but Muffet was right. He still needed to talk to more people.

So the two of them said goodbye to Alphys and continued on their tour of the rebel headquarters.
Well look who just crawled once again out of the depths of writer's block! No doubt I'll probably end up being stuck once again in a little while, but for now I actually managed to get through a chapter!

Also, I'm getting kinda close to 300 followers so does anybody have any suggestions on what I should do to celebrate?

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