#10: Post Blind Date

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Giselle's POV

"What do you mean he was OK?" I asked that following Monday morning.

"Just what I said, he was OK. Although I wouldn't be opposed to going on another date with him."

"So he was better than all the other guys I've tried to set you up with?" We walked into the school building.

"As I said, he was Ok. I guess I did appreciate that he had a passion for running. But if we actually became a couple I don't know if I would be able to keep up with him or if he would want me to run with him. I feel like I would throw up a million times."

This girl was so confusing. "Dude, I swear you are so picky sometimes. What exactly are you looking for?"

"I have every right to be picky." She took a drink from the water fountain. "Can you honestly tell me that your parents are happy with each other right now?"

"Well they seem happy, but honestly I'm not really sure if they are really that happy. It's hard to know considering I'm not living with them right now." She had a point.

"There you go. As I said, I'm not opposed going on another date with him but I hope this is the last date you set me up on."

"So let me ask you this? What exactly are you looking for in a relationship?"

It was at that moment, my eyes noticed Ricky. His eyes did the same. My heart skipped a few beats. I almost forgot about the conversation I was having with Ava. The bell rung, but I really wasn't paying attention to the bell as I was mostly paying attention to the fact that he was walking on over to me.

"Looks like you guys are hitting it off pretty well. Maybe you should have set me up with him. Anyways I'll catch up with you later."

Ricky made his way over to me. With my heart skipping more beats, I felt like I was about to die.

"What are you doing for lunch?" he asked. His hand grabbed my hand leaving it numb.

"Um, I was just going to go eat in the cafeteria. Thinking about getting some tacos or something. I think they're having tacos for lunch. I know at least the tacos are better than the pizza."

He laughed at me. "Yeah, I'm down to get some tacos. I don't really know any good taco places besides Taco Bell." He smiled half expecting me to laugh.

"OK, it's settled, we will meet back up for lunch."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled. "You're cute when you're nervous, you know that?"

It's true. I've never been this nervous before. The day went by pretty quickly and before I knew it, lunch had arrived. Before meeting Ava for lunch, Ricky found his way towards me.

"You ready to have some of those amazing tacos every student in the school is raving about?" He took my hand and held it as we made our way in line.

Ava found her way towards us in line as she tapped the back of my shoulder leading to a hug.

"Ava, This is Ricky, Ricky this is Ava." They shook hands.

"Pleasure to meet the mysterious bad boy," she said as she bit her lip. It became obvious that she was checking him out.

"The pleasure is all mine unless you would like some of that pleasure. Sharing is caring." He kissed her hand causing her to blush for a bit.

Within a few minutes, we got our tacos and sat down. Ava didn't pay much attention to us as she had her phone now and texted someone the entire time with a smile on her face. Wasn't sure If she was texting Daniel or not. Interestingly enough I did see Daniel from across the cafeteria talking to someone. From time to time. It did seem like their eyes were meeting with each other. it was fine though. Me and Ricky both ate our tacos and laughed and talked.

Liam's POV

OK guys, what do we know about Bunny? Did we do our homework this weekend?

"I think Bunny should come from a wealthy family who already have in mind the guy they want her to marry," claimed Piper.

"Alright but how often does something like that ever happen? When was the last time you ever met someone from a rich family that was in an arranged marriage?"

"Who cares? People are going to love this storyline. Do you realize that I wrote five stories about arranged marriages? All of them sold very well. Also, you should really take a look at movies that are being made in India. In most Bollywood movies the parents are arranging the marriage between their kids. Usually, something crazy happens that defies the parent wishes."

"Sure Piper, if I was making a movie for India, I would definitely look into that. Right now we are creating a young adult novel targeted towards American Readers. Do you have any better suggestions?"

"I agree with Piper," claimed Line. and arranged marriage would be a very interesting storyline. We can go in many interesting directions with that."

This wasn't an argument I could win. we found ourselves watching a couple of Bollywood Movies on Netflix to get some inspiration. Naturally, I wasn't feeling inspired at all. Something had to be different. If we kept watching movies for the next few months this book was going to suffer. I really needed to talk to Giselle and soon. Hell, I needed a vacation from all this. This job was going to be the death of me. What could I do?    

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.

Next Chapter: Liam and Giselle hang out and catch up with each other at the mall. 

Should Giselle stop setting Ava up on dates?

Do you think Liam can find any inspiration from watching movies?

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