23: Pre-Thanksgiving Montage

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Liam's POV

"OK, so I have 'First Experiences' written down," I announced at the meeting. "And we all agree that Bunny, Kelly, and Chad are going to experience going to a concert for the first time together?"

Everyone agreed in unison.

"Anyone have any other interesting first experiences growing up?"

"Losing my virginity when I was fourteen," announced Line. Everyone else rolled their eyes. The eye-rolling was strong.

"What about foreshadowing?" asked Piper. "Obviously we're going to have stuff happen in this story. Crap is going to hit the fan. I believe we said that Bunny herself was going to have cancer later in the story."

"True, we did say we wanted one of the themes to be about life and how important it was."

Piper smiled with his armed crossed. "Foreshadowing works like a charm."

Everyone including me laughed. Things were finally coming together and I grew more excited each day. It was without saying that things were going well. In fact, I think things were starting to pick up for everyone during these next few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.

Me and Heather continued to plan for our wedding. I had little to do with the planning. Lisa got Riley more involved with all the planning. All Heather would ever talk about is the wine we would have at our wedding. This wedding was starting to sound more and more like the wedding of the century. At one point, me and Heather went to Riley's Vineyard to sample some of his wine. Taking a sip of one of his wines, my mouth realized I hated it and spit it out.

"Ah yes, that wine is a mix of blueberry and coconut. Still trying to figure out how to make that one work." Heather laughed placing a finger on his arm.

He sniffed her hair in return. "Smells like peaches. Have you tried the peach flavor?"

She tried it and loved it. I honestly never seen her so happy. This had me a little worried. Only time would tell what would happen.

Things with Giselle and Ricky seemed to be fine. Ricky was coming around to his mom and his sister Lady. Every day after school for about a couple hours, all three of them would hang out and get a snack at the Snack Hut downtown as they swapped stories. I occasionally would receive some snaps telling me how things were going. Giselle even told me that the love between her and Ricky was getting better, but felt a little strange.

"I love your brother very much," proclaimed Giselle as Lady licked her ice cream cone.

"Ew, you love him? Kiss him!"

Without much thought, Giselle and Ricky kissed. Lady wanted more and they ended up kissing for a straight thirty seconds.

"Have you been smoking?"

Guilty. I myself even hoped that he would learn to stop smoking.

While Giselle wasn't with Ricky or Lady, she spent her time with Ava at school during lunch. Most of their conversations would be about random stuff. From time to time, Ava would bring up Sara wanting to get Giselle's Approval over a possible friendship. Giselle would always come to me a little annoyed every time this happened.

Giselle seemed to have a lot going on. With all that was going on, she managed to find time to apply to three more colleges which included Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. While I kept suggesting U of A or dare I say ASU, she always turned that idea down. Interestingly enough, she did manage to find time to take a tour one weekend at a university nearby.

"Alright, our library is home to over two million books and thousands of online resources," announced the tour guide. "No major is left out as our library is friendly to every major in the book. Anyone here thinking of going into education?" She raised her hand. "Perfect. Believe it or not, Fred Jones visited our library a couple of years ago and donated many books out of pocket and provided a grant to five education majors. And every year, he delivers a seminar to the College of Education."

How could she pass up on not applying to this college? Hell, if I were an education major, I'd go to this university. Surely enough, she didn't care.

Not much was going on with Gloria. She was enjoying her job at Wells Fargo. Ava, Daniel, and Sara seemed to be growing closer. They started doing more things together. They'd mostly go out to get frozen yogurt. Sara kept inviting Ava to come with her on a cold camping trip in either December or January. Yes, it would be just the two of them. Sara was pretty against Daniel coming on this camping trip. This was one of the things that Ava would talk to Giselle about. Giselle encouraged her to do it, but she wasn't completely comfortable doing that. Not to mention it would be during the weekend. Preferably a three day weekend. One day Daniel was sick and it was just the two girls hanging out at a coffee shop.

"I bought a tent. So if you wanted to come on this camping trip, we'd be good to go."

"Why do you want to go on this trip so badly?"

"I don't know. I guess it would be fun. A chance to get to know each other."

Sure, things weren't exactly perfect, but to be fair, I don't think anyone could really complain. With Thanksgiving coming, it seemed that everyone would have something to be thankful for.

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Next Chapter: Giselle hears from Stanford

Will Giselle be accepted into Stanford?

Should Ava go on a camping trip with Sara?

Should Liam's Wedding still be happening?

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