26: Best Thanksgiving Ever

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As morning arrived, I felt somewhat a little better inside. Sure, I wasn't engaged, but I was healthy and alive. I guess that's something to be thankful for. Me and Giselle sat at the table sorrowing over our disappointments eating a bagel for breakfast. 

"Would it be so bad to work at Wells Fargo?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I should've been smarter and applied to more places."

"You still can though. Probably don't have as many options anymore, but there's still plenty of options."

I was probably the only one eating my bagel. "What about you. You're going to be OK now that you're not engaged? Can't imagine what it would be like to be cheated on."

"Yeah, I guess I'll be fine."

The timer soon went off with Jaxon rushing to get the turkey out of the oven and placing it on the counter.

"Hey, guys, instead of crying why don't you come help prepare the meal? It'll help get your mind off things," claimed Jaxon.

We both agreed and helped Jaxon prepare the Thanksgiving Meal. Before we knew it, noon had arrived and the doorbell rang.

Giselle's POV

"That's probably Gloria" I announced as I went to the door to answer it. And to nobody's surprise, it was Gloria who had some pies in her hands.

"Well if it ain't the lovely Giselle. Ricky is still gatherin' up the rest of them pies in the back if ya'll want to help the boy out."

Within five minutes we managed to get all the pie to the kitchen as everyone except Jaxon made their way to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Well, I do believe it smells quite nice in here." She turned towards me and noticed something was wrong. "My dear, why the ever gloomin' face? It's Thanksgiving. So much to be darn thankful for."

I honestly didn't want to announce anything, but I couldn't help it. "I didn't get accepted into the dream college I wanted."

"Oh, you poor girl" she gave me a tight hug and couldn't let go. "Nothing wrong with working a little at Wells Fargo. You can come work with me and your fine brother Jaxon."

We all continued talking until Gloria went into the kitchen to help Jaxon with what was left. About another ten minutes later, the doorbell rung again leaving me to answer it. It was my dad. Suddenly all my despair vanished. He looked better than ever. Dressed in a nice suit, well-toned, and a nice bald head. In his hand, he carried different trays of food. Liam quickly took the food and went to the kitchen so I could talk to my dad.

"Well if it isn't my little senior," he smiled. "I can't believe how much you've grown up in the last few months. Look at you. Breaking any hearts lately?" He found his way to the couch and sat on a recliner facing me and Ricky.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend Ricky."

"Pleased to meet you," he said crossing his leg and not shaking hands. "You treating my daughter well I trust?"

"Yes, sir. Nothing but respect and love."

"Very good," he smiled.

"So dad. I noticed that mom isn't here with you. Is she coming?"

"Oh right. I probably should mention this." His face grew a little uncomfortable. "Your mother and I are divorced. It was settled in September."

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't take any more of this bad news.

"What do you mean divorce? I'm honestly surprised."

"We've been having problems the last couple of years. And she really didn't want to move. Once she saw that you didn't want to come with us, she had a change of heart."

Great. It was my own damn fault. She'd probably stayed with him if I had decided to move with them.

"Where is mom living now?"

"I believe she's living upstate in this small town. Goes by the name Anderson Town. I'll have to give you the address so you can visit her."

We kept talking for about another five minutes until Jaxon called all of us to the kitchen. While we made our way to the kitchen, the doorbell rang again. This time it was Ava which was surprising considering she had her own family to have Thanksgiving with. Once we all made it to the kitchen, Jaxon silenced us and said grace. We all got in line and picked what food we wanted from the counter and made our way to the table. As we sat at the table, my dad began eyeing Gloria. Something about her made him seem a little uncomfortable.

"It's a mighty fine meal we got here," she claimed. Thank you Jaxon for all the hard work your fine soul did."

"Thank you Gloria. I'm just glad you could be here with us."

"Me too. Hell, I just wish Lady could be here with us. But the rules the rule. She's havin' Thanksgiving with her step mommy."

"So Gloria, I take it your Ricky's Mother?" my dad asked as if he were Sherlock Holmes.

"Indeed I am the boy's mother. Never had such a fine boy before. And you must be Giselle's Daddy."

He found himself laughing. "The one and only. You know you do seem oddly familiar. Have we met?"

The conversation soon took a different turn with Liam getting into politics.

"I'm honestly surprised that Mitt Romney lost the election," announced Jaxon. "I thought for sure he would have had this election."

"That Romney didn't stand a chance against Obama," Gloria stated back. "If I had voted, I'd have voted for Romney. That Obama ain't nothin' but a hack."

My dad's face was getting weirder trying to solve a puzzle. Eventually, he got a piece of paper out and quietly wrote some things down.

"I think Obama will do fine for another four years," stated Liam with Ricky agreeing as he nodded his head. "Sure, I'm not crazy about the guy, but it could always be worse."

"Could you imagine if Donald Trump was somehow the president?" Ricky joked. Everyone at the table laughed as if they never laughed before."

"Donald Trump ain't never gonna be the president. Never in a million years. The man is too old and mighty rich."

As our political discussion began dying down, everyone became ready for dessert. Jaxon stood up to get the pies and ice cream ready. That is until something happened.

"I figured it out!" shouted my father. Everyone looked at him as if he were crazy. "It all makes sense now." His eyes were quickly on Ricky and moved back to Gloria. "You remember about eighteen or nineteen years ago in Vegas? I believe I was on a business trip. Anyways, I was sitting at one of the slot machines until you walked by making your way towards the bar. You had the most beautiful dress on. I followed you to the bar and sat next to you. I asked if I could get you a whiskey or a scotch."

"Aint no whiskey or scotch good enough to get me drunk," interrupted Gloria.

"What if I don't want to get you drunk? Why does anyone need to be drunk?"

They kept saying some weird lines while our eyes were in deep confusion. Ricky couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Son, I had what folks call a one night stand with this man. I supposed you could call it a one week stand," she began laughing a little awkwardly.

Jaxon just stood there dropping the knife in his hands. If I had anything in my hands, I would've done the same. I almost wished I had something in my hands.

"And when I told him I was pregnant, he bought me a house out here in California. Said he wanted to keep a close tab on me."

What the hell? Nobody knew what to say after that. Confusion took over me. My eyes looked at Ricky a little disgusted with my heart beating in nervousness.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I guess I'll just say it." My dad was obviously nervous. "Ricky" his eyes were directly on him. "I guess you could say that I'm your father. That baby was you."

Ricky's eyes met mine as my eyes looked away from his leaving him to look at Gloria. "Mom is Giselle... is Giselle... Damn it! Is she my half-sister?"

A couple tears found their way out of her eyes. "Afraid so boy."

There was a lot going on in Ricky's Head that he clearly didn't want to deal with. Within a blink of an eye, he picked up his plate and threw it on the ground leaving it to smash to pieces. Unapologetically, he stormed outside. Wisdom told me to let him be and not follow him. There was so much tension in the room.

"I can see why mom left you," randomly claimed Jaxon.

That comment stirred up a lot of emotions. For one, I wanted to punch my brother. "What the hell Jaxon. You knew this whole time that mom left. Why is it that I found out today?"

"She texted me in September. I'm sorry. She told me to tell you. I thought it would be better if you didn't know."

Liam's POV

Giselle stormed off to her room right after that. Ava found herself leaving and going back home. I'm not quite sure where Gloria went, but I assumed she took off to her apartment. And the cheating father just kind of hung around somewhere. It certainly was a wild Thanksgiving. I almost wished that Heather could've been here to see all of this unfold.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.

Next Chapter: Liam is depressed and couldn't possibly handle any more bad news. Giselle has a talk with her dad.

Did you expect Ricky to be related to Giselle?

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