33: The Oreo House

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Liam's POV

An hour before we made it home, the bus made a stop. With Giselle being asleep, I had to wake her up as she found herself groggy.

"Are we there?" she asked seeming a little confused. "This isn't our bus station."

"No, it's not. But I was doing some research on my phone and I discovered something that I think you're going to like. Hell, we're both going to love this. Now come on, get up!"

We were the only two to get off the bus. After getting off the bus and getting our bags, we found a taxi.

"Liam!" happily screamed the taxi driver.

"Larry!" I happily yelled back. "Larry this is Giselle." They shook hands. She was growing more confused by the minute. "Me and Larry went to school together."

"Still wanting to go to that secret destination?"

"Of course! Let's go!"

With that said, he was off. Giselle had the most confused face anyone could imagine. But it didn't matter, within ten minutes, we had arrived at our secret destination. Her face lit up in glee trying to muster up the words she could say.

"Seriously? Like no joke? The Oreo House! This is a thing? I mean I knew about The Peanut Butter House and all."

"This is obviously better than that. Believe it or not, The Oreo House opened up on Saturday. We're going to be one of the first ones to experience this. And Larry is going to watch our bags."

"I can even drive you guys home if you want," he offered. 

Like a child on Christmas Day, Giselle found herself rushing out the car and anxious to get into the building. I was glad that she seemed happy for a change. We both needed this. After thanking Larry, I walked out of the car and followed Giselle. Walking into the place, it seemed that the place was better than I imagined. This place was huge. It felt like an arcade. In fact, there was an arcade in a section of the building. Giselle found herself looking at the floor which consisted of an Oreo Pattern.

"Hello," claimed a waiter. "I'm an Oreo Servant. Can I help you guys to a table?

We were led to a table that was shaped like an Oreo. Sitting down, I realized this place had a bit of a barn/arcade vibe. Within a moment, we knew what we wanted to order. We ordered two slices of Oreo Cake, an Oreo Soda, and some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream.

"I can't believe this place exists," she smiled almost crying.

"Believe it."

Within a couple of minutes, our order arrived. Giselle immediately opened her soda and took a sip.

"How is it?" I asked as I opened mine.

After taking a sip she smiled. "It's interesting."

"Bet I could finish the whole thing before you."

She took the challenge and we found ourselves chugging the soda. Sure enough, she was the first one finished and gave a loud burp. My mouth did the same when I finished.

"Take that O'Malley. I got chugging skills." She took another big burp.

"Well, at least I won a pie-eating contest in college."

"Seriously? What was that like?"

"Not good. The pies were old. Ended up sick for a couple of days."

She took another burp and began eating her ice cream.

"Isn't it crazy how we both love Oreos?" she asked licking her spoon. "Seriously, how awesome is it? She took a pause in her thoughts. Wouldn't it be amazing if they just sold the cream and not the actual cookie?"

"Sounds a little disgusting to me."

She hit my shoulder and laughed. "Disgusting, but amazing. But seriously, why would that be disgusting? Isn't that the best part of the cookie?"

I found myself licking the spoon of which my ice cream had just resided. "It is the best part. But can you imagine just the cream in the package? Wouldn't they get smooshed together? I don't know. It sounds like a mess to me. An icky mess."

"A beautiful mess that I would love."

"I supposed it's better than Peanut Butter," I chuckled.

"Can't argue with that."

Giselle's POV

Once we finished our snacks, we found ourselves in the arcade playing Whack an Oreo. Similar to Whack a Mole but with the moles being cookies. The first cookie popped up and Liam with full force whacked but missed. In fact, he missed every shot he had.

"You suck at this. Give me the whacker. I can do better."

"I'll bet you a dollar that you can't." I accepted the bet as he gave me the whacker. "It's all about timing. You have to know when they're going to pop up."

When the first one popped up, I was able to successfully whack it. Several more popped up as I was able to whack them. With the goal to whack all twenty times, there was one more to whack. My senses could sense that the last one was about to pop up. Before the big moment arrived with my face in serious concentration mode, Liam made a noise right as the cookie popped up leaving me to miss the cookie.

"Damn it, Liam, I almost had the freakin' cookie" I was a little annoyed, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Almost." He held a smug face. "Guess you owe me a dollar."

Pulling out my wallet, getting my dollar out, I was about to hand it to him until my finger poked his stomach. "You want this dollar?" A large smile took over my face. "Come get it." He couldn't help himself and laughed along trying to get the dollar. With the dollar in one hand, my other hand kept poking him. Within a quick moment, he began tickling me in my armpit area. My hand wanted to drop the dollar but would never accept it. About a minute later, I fell to the soft ground with Liam also falling. The dollar found itself on the ground. Ignoring it, we caught our breaths.

"That was fun," he commented as he took the dollar.

Liam used his legs to lift himself up and offered his hand to help me up. It accepted and my body was up standing right next to him. We both giggled with a smile on our faces looking at one another. Neither of us knew what to say or do. My heart grew nervous and I couldn't figure out why. Not long later, we both realized that our hands were still together. A little awkward but fine. The fun came to an end and we found ourselves heading home.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

Next Chapter: Ava and Sara hang out at a lake

Does the idea of an Oreo House sound good to you?

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