35: Something at Starbucks

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Giselle's POV

I don't know why, but one particular afternoon, I decided to pay a visit to Wells Fargo. Maybe it had to do with my low checking account or maybe it had to do with the fact that I needed cash. I really didn't know. Walking into the building, I noticed that I was the only customer there. A few seconds later I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, darling," greeted Gloria.

My feet found themselves walking up to her station. "Hey Gloria, it's been a while."

"Aint that the dang truth. How you holding up darling?" She looked around. "I know this is a friendly chat and all, but I'm going to need to see that card of yours to make it seem like I'm workin' like a bee."

I handed her my card. "Can I get a twenty in cash?"

"Sure can do sweetie." She put my card in the cardholder and began doing her thing.

"I actually paid a visit to my mom."

"You don't say? How'd that all work out? Was she happy as a cat to see you?" She handed me back my card and started typing on the computer.

"I guess so, but it sucks that she only moved to get away from my father."

"I don't blame the poor old woman. Hell, if I were her, I'd have moved all the way to Florida and change my identity so not even them FBI could find me."

Gloria had a way with words. In this case, her last statement had me chuckling. She continued typing on the computer. "How's Lady doing?"

"She's doing alright for a little girl. As long as she aint hogging on the boys, she should be fine. She misses you though. And Ricky seems to be dating the same Indian Girl I suppose. At least he's been stayin' out of trouble and such. By the way, have you taken one of them tours at them community colleges?"

She finally had before her, a twenty-dollar bill and gave it to me. "No. I guess I should do that."

Her face started beaming. "I got a mighty fine idea. How about I take you on a tour. I reckon I'll call and set up the day and all. And you can bring that Ava with you."

It was a pretty good idea. "I'd love it." And with that, I found myself walking out the door with Gloria writing everything down in her planner and promising to call me once she had everything set up.

Liam's POV

After a decently productive day at work, I found myself at Starbucks killing my eyes with my laptop. I found myself reading the story that we had made progress on. It all seemed fine, but I still hated the Dystopian Element to it. After an hour, my laptop was set down and I sat there thinking. Was any of this worth it? More and more, something felt wrong. With a deep sigh, I opened up my laptop again and began searching Facebook. Within thirty seconds of being on Facebook, I found myself on Heather's Profile. Her belly was becoming noticeable. And to make matters worse, she was still with that loser.

"I hope you die Heather," my fingers found themselves writing a comment on a picture. Thankfully, I caught myself before I sent it. What was I doing? Taking a breath, I deleted the comment and put down my laptop again only to put it in my bag. Needing a drink, I went up the counter and found a seat.

"Can I get a regular small-sized coffee?" I requested.

"Sure thing, "acknowledged the barista. "What's your name?"

"Liam." I paid and my order was being made. Within a minute I had my coffee. All I wanted to do was sit there and drink my coffee while everyone else in the building had some sort of electronic device they were looking at. Well almost everyone. It turned out the person next to me was reading the paper. My eyes wandered and caught a glance at an article on the back about Obama.

"See anything interesting?" asked the person reading the newspaper with their eyes still on it.

"Just something about Obama I guess."

The person put their paper down and folded it. Turned out that this person was a woman. A well dressed, early twenties looking woman with black hair and a nice figure.

"Must have been an interesting article." She sipped her plain coffee. "So what are you doing just sitting here? Too cool to look at your phone?"

"Well, you know what they say. Looking at a screen long enough can give you cancer."

For a moment she looked at me trying not to laugh until she couldn't hold it in. "Well Liam, I suppose you're going to outlive the rest of us."

"I can see it now. The oldest man in the world is almost two hundred years old because he doesn't stare at any screens."

She laughed once more. "Guess I better cancel my Netflix Account and stop binging Grey's Anatomy. That show sucks by the way. Don't watch it."

"Can't. Too busy not staring at my screen."

She found herself tapping my arm. "Sure you are," she sarcastically said while still chuckling.

"Tell you what. If I sit here and watch one episode of Grey's Anatomy, I get to take you on a date on Valentine's Day."

There was a brief silence until her face showed a smile. "You're on. But I get to choose the episode you get to watch."

With that, I found myself on my laptop watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It was like watching a soap opera which I would occasionally watch as a kid if I stayed home sick from school. Those were the worst. Who knew there could be so much drama at a hospital? Last time I visited a hospital, not an ounce of drama seemed to be happening. To be honest, that was one of the hardest things I ever had to sit through. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to watch this show and yet people did. Once the episode was over, I put away my laptop.

"Wow, it looks like you finished the episode," she smiled. "I honestly didn't think you were going to make it. Anyways, I know a great place. Let me at least choose the place. Trust me, you won't hate it." She used a pen to write a few things down on a card. "My address is on the card. Pick me up at six." She stood up. "Can't wait for our date" She smirked while shaking my hand.

"Ditto. By the way, what's your name?"

"Leah. Imagine that. Liam and Leah."

I stood up, walked her outside, and said goodbye to her. This was crazy. I was actually going on a date. Now if there were only some way I could let Heather know so I could make her jealous. Of course, it wasn't worth it. But it would've been oh so sweet.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to comment, vote, and share.

Next Chapter: Liam and Leah go on a date

Can Gloria help Giselle get into college?

Should Liam go on a date with Leah?

Thoughts on Leah?

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