45: Swamp and Bayou Boat Tour

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Liam's POV

With Leah at the business meeting for most of the day, Giselle joined me on a little tour. It was the New Orleans Swamp and Bayou Boat Tour to be specific. We found ourselves sitting on a small boat with a handful of people. As the tour started, the boat rode through a swamp. Captain Bobby was ready to guide us through the tour.

"Glad ya'll could make it on this grand tour," announced Captain Bobby. "Today we're going to see some of God's Finest Creatures of New Orleans. Later in the tour, we'll be exploring a Cajun Village which you can only get to by boat."

With the boat moving, our tour guide spoke here and there. Never had I ever felt so relaxed. Giselle was relaxed enough to pull a little pack of Oreos out of her purse and offered me one.

"Gumbo Flavored Oreos," she commented. "Found them at a gift shop."

Taking a taste of one, I was surprised by the strange taste. Wasn't bad. My head nodded letting her know they were OK. She agreed with a nod and a smile. 

After some minutes on the tour, the crowd around us got excited. My eyes quickly noticed our first alligator. My heart started jumping while Giselle stood up and jumped with glee only to rock the boat.

"Alright folks, it looks like we have our first alligator on this fine tour. Little fun fact about the alligator, they weigh up to a thousand pounds. Another fun fact, they are my favorite creatures." A bright smile left his face.

"We have to get a picture," shouted Giselle who pulled out her phone. "Hurry!" She pointed me in the position she wanted me to sit so she could get the best picture. "OK, good. Now smile and say alligator."

I did just that as she got the picture. Once she got the picture, she showed it to me. With approval, I asked if I could see her phone. She agreed and gave it to me. Within a moment's notice, I took a few selfies of her.

"OK, pick your nose," I commanded. And she picked her nose while I took her picture.

Looking at the picture, she couldn't help but lose it in laughter. "Should I make that my Facebook Profile Picture?"

"Absolutely," I found myself laughing with her.

The tour continued with our captain continuing to make comments. We saw a few other interesting animals on our journey through the swamp. It was a lot of birds and snakes with a few other alligators. After a short time, we made it to the island and roamed around. During our roam around the island, we came across a wild boar.

"What do they eat?" asked Giselle.

With quick thinking, I asked if she had any more Oreos in her purse. She did and gave me one. With the Oreo clear in my hand, I stood next to the boar trying to get it to eat the cookie.

"You're seriously going to feed it an Oreo?" she laughed pulling out her phone wanting to get a picture. 

"Sure, why not?"

The wild boar did, in fact, eat the Oreo that was wide in my hand. Once it ate it, the creature walked away. Without a doubt, this was a great tour.

Giselle's POV

Coming back from the tour, we found ourselves at the pool which was on top of the building. With the pool being at the top of the building, several other larger buildings surrounded us making it for an interesting view. We were also the only two at the pool. Sitting in a pool chair, I showed Liam some of the pictures I got on the tour.

"Should I really make this one my profile picture?" I asked wondering what people would think of me picking my nose." Liam still liked the idea.

We both found ourselves giggling like hyenas once we saw the picture of Liam feeding the wild boar an Oreo.

"That poor creature probably can't even handle a cookie," I commented with a baby voice.

Once we settled down, we sat there looking at the clear blue water. Both of us were dressed appropriately for a swim. Feeling a bit heated, I stood up in my bikini which I rarely wore. Liam also got up and yes, I caught his eyes looking at my breasts.

"Eyes up here," I joked. His face turned a little red.

"You know, it's crazy how much we've grown. You used to be this little girl. Now, look at you. You're all grown up wearing a bikini."

Smiling and ignoring his comment, I jumped into the pool. He quickly followed.

Liam's POV

Without a doubt, she looked amazing in that bikini. And yes, call me guilty for looking at her breasts. Seeing her well-toned figure caught me off guard. Once we were in the pool, we swam a couple of laps. This soon led to us splashing water at each other. With all the excitement, water was all over our faces. Before I knew it, Giselle jumped on my back demanding a piggyback ride. She certainly got one for a moment until I pushed her off only for her to land in front of me. It was time to take a few breaths. Taking our breaths, our eyes met each other. They couldn't look away. Naturally, I smiled as did she. Our bodies grew closer with our right hands touching. My heart was beating faster and faster. My ears could hear the fast heart beating from Giselle. The silence that was between us felt wonderful. My left hand found itself on her shoulder and immediately on her chin reaching her bottom lip. In turn, she found herself biting her lips with a smile.

"Let's go swimming!" shouted a small child.

It was time to get out of the pool.

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Next Chapter: Sara grows obsessive over Elizabeth

Does the boat tour sound fun?

Thoughts on Liam and Giselle's Moment before they were interrupted?

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