52: Advise Me, Father, For I'm Confused

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Liam's POV

When was your last confession?" asked the priest as I kneeled to talk to him.  

"To be honest, I haven't confessed since I was a child. But, I'm actually not here to confess father. I've had a lot of things on my mind."

"I see," he sighed. "Perhaps a little confession would do you good in the future. Tell me what's troubling you, my child."

"You see, I was working for Mid Mills working on a novel. At the time it seemed like a great idea. I had a fiancé who I dearly loved. Everything seemed like it was going great. All my eggs were in this basket. But now, my boss Mr. Mills is dead. I have no work and not a lot of money to support myself. Unfortunately, I found myself in a bit of a pickle. You see, I started dating this girl Leah. She's a nice girl. No drama or anything like that. She invited me on this business trip with her to New Orleans and I went. My good friend Giselle came with me. On the trip, Leah offered for me to move to New York with her. Meanwhile, I accidentally slept with Giselle while Leah was gone and I think I may have feelings for her."

"You sure you're not here to confess? Because that last part seemed troubling to me. You know cheating and adultery is a serious matter, my child."

Giselle's POV

"I realize it's a sin to be consumed by anger father, but my dad cheated on my mom. So you see, he's more of a sinner than I am."

"Yes, he has done a great deal of sinning, but to our Heavenly Father, you're still angry at your dad and can't forgive him when he's trying to apologize to you."

"OK, you have a point, but Gloria is dead. You don't think she might have caught an STD from him or something?"

"It's possible, but it doesn't really matter. Yes, Gloria found herself prostituting herself on the streets because of your dad, but she found grace and found herself on the right track. You even said that she managed to get a job at Wells Fargo."

"But that's not fair. It doesn't make sense."

Ava's POV

Many things in life don't make much sense my child. You need to have patience and trust things will work out."

"Does that mean my jealousy is still a sin regardless of all the confusion going on in my life?"

"I'm afraid so my sweet child. We've all been confused in our own lives, but what matters is how we react to these situations."

"OK, so what do I do when I'm confused. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. And I have feelings that I'm afraid to bring up."

Liam's POV

Pray and have patience. Don't try and do things on your own. If you're meant to go to New York, it'll happen. If you're meant to stay with Giselle it'll happen."

"Giselle doesn't seem to have much going on for her at the moment. She's staying in town going to a community college. If I move to New York, I have a job lined up, but if I stay here... well, I don't."

Giselle's POV

"If Liam is meant to stay here, it'll happen."

"But what if he doesn't have feelings for me? I'm not sure if I have feelings. But would his life really be better if he was in New York with Leah?"

"Hard to say. My brother moved to Texas thinking there was an opportunity when there wasn't. My sister moved to Florida to marry a guy she met online. It seems to be going well for her so far."

"Should I tell Liam how I feel?"

Ava's POV

"Do you feel that's a good idea? Do you feel you can earn that trust back?"

"I don't know. I mean, I know what I did was wrong and I should've listened to Daniel. But what if I do it? What if it turns out I made the worst mistake ever. Crap, what if everyone hates me?"

"Crap indeed. A shame if everyone were to hate you? Hate is such a strong word. I don't see why anyone would hate you? Like I said before, you have to decide with patience if you're ready or not. It's a big life decision that could change everything for you. It could either turn out good or it could turn out bad."

Liam's POV

"What if I hate it in New York? I don't know. My novel wouldn't feel as special in New York. Here I had a team and we were working together on something special. Giselle was by my side and everything."

"New York may not be a good fit for you. But, sometimes you may not like where you are and the only thing you can do is let the experience help you grow. Not everyone loves their job, but it's the job they've been given. We must be grateful for what we have in life."

Giselle's POV

"What if I never become a teacher?"

"It's certainly possible. As children, we have dreams until we realize the thing we're meant to do. Sometimes our dreams are the things we're meant to do."

Liam's POV

There was a lot to think about. Leaving the priest behind at the church, I was more confused than ever. Sometimes I wondered if Heather and I were meant to be together. Should I have accepted the fact that she cheated on me and married her anyway?

Giselle's POV

Forgiving someone is scary. Dreams not coming true is also scary.

Ava's POV

Was I missing what was right in front of me?

That was certainly an interesting chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

Next Chapter: Giselle visits Gloria at her grave. Giselle also has a massive shocking surprise. It'll be quite the plot twist.

Does it sound like the priest has the wisdom that everyone should be following?

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