57: Prom P1

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Giselle's POV

Who knew I would end up being Ricky's Date to prom? He went all out and provided a limo. There I sat with my red dress and red heels. There was even a streak of red in my hair.

"Bet you didn't expect any of this" bragged Ricky with his leg crossed eating a bowl of skittles.

"Nope. Guess I didn't." This was all so weird. I honestly didn't feel anything for him at this point and I'm pretty sure he didn't either.

Liam's POV

I found myself sitting at the airport waiting for our plane to arrive. We were leaving at seven at night with a straight flight to New York. A moving company already had our stuff in their truck ready to drag it across the country. Prom was at six which was in half in an hour. Leah was in the bathroom. Looking at my phone, I received a text message from Ava.

"Tonight's the night!"

That had me all the more curious as to what she was talking about. Hell, she had disappeared off the face of the map. Giselle, Ricky, Sara, and Piper were the only ones that said goodbye to me. If only I could've said goodbye to Ava. She was something else. With a knot tying in my stomach, I stood up and walked around the airport. At one of the shops, a newspaper caught my attention with a headline that read 'Mid Mills to be Sold Off to Auction Next Week.' Looking at the article, I saw that the starting price was only a grand. My fingers could feel all the money in my pocket. None of it had been spent.

Giselle's POV

Here we were at Prom. Ricky even opened my door to let me out. Several photographers took our picture. It would have been great if he actually smiled. Instead, he continued to eat his Skittles. The moment I walked into the MPR, my eyes couldn't believe how beautiful things were With prom being a Paris Theme, everything was set up to be looking like Paris. The music was already playing.

"We found love in a hopeless place." Great, they were playing a Rihanna Song.

"Hey, Giselle" greeted Sara giving me a hug.

"Hey, girl. You're glowing." Her eyes were in shock. "Have you seen Ava?"

"Nope, still haven't seen her." Her face showed much disappointment. "She's still hiding. Would've thought she'd be here for prom."

"Crap, tonight was prom. Crap!" We both giggled at my mocking of Ava. Daniel made his way to us with someone following him.

"Hey girls." We both hugged him. "Girls, this is my buddy, Dave Lewis." We all shook hands with Dave. "Has anybody seen Ava?" Our heads nodded no. "You know, I feel like I saw her actually running the other night." He pulled out his phone to show us a picture. We couldn't make it out, but a girl was standing on the bleachers shouting. "This happened after she finished running."

"Absolutely no way that could be Ava," declared Sara.

Liam's POV

We were well into the six o'clock hour. Leah was sitting with me waiting for the airplane.

"You ready for this?" she asked holding my hand.

"A little nervous."

"Me too" her lips found my forehead and kissed it. "It's an exciting new experience."

There was no response from me. Who knew if this would actually be an exciting new experience? Pulling out my phone, I noticed a text message from Piper.

"Good luck kid. Rooting for you. And I'll miss you."

Ava's POV

"This song is too weird to be playing at prom," whined the guitar player while we stood behind the curtains of the stage.

"Crap you guys, just shut up. This is the song we're going to play."

"But Ava, we're here to play during the end of prom right after they announce prom royalty. Our job is to make sure things go out with a bang. But here you are wanting to sound pop-punk like your Paramore or something."

"Damn it, I don't care. We're doing this. This is the only chance I'll ever get. This is the one thing I've ever been sure about in my entire life."

Crap, I didn't care what they said. Sure, I was going to sound pop-punk and my song choice was a bit odd, but I didn't care. I was ready. In all honesty, I was rocking it in my outfit that contained a black dress partly covered by a black and white skirt, a black and white belt, boots, and partly pink hair. Crap, I looked good.

Liam's POV

"Flight to New York City, your plane has arrived."

This was it. Once we got on the flight, there would be no turning back. If only I had an inhaler. Everyone began boarding onto the New York Flight. Leah looked as happy as a child at Christmas. This was now or never.

"Uh crap, I have to go to the bathroom. Be back in two minutes." Such quick thinking. And with that, my lips kissed her lips and ran to the bathroom. But here's the thing. I never actually made it into the bathroom. Instead, I kept running until my body was out of the airport. Was I actually doing this?

"Taxi!" I shouted! A taxi came to me. "Pacific City High School! Step on it!"

Giselle's POV

"You OK Giselle?" asked Ricky who was dancing with me. "Dancing doesn't kill the baby, does it?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Something was bothering me inside and I excused myself to the punch bowl."

"Hey, Giselle" appeared Sara. "Elizabeth and I are thinking of leaving prom to go bowling in the next twenty minutes. You interested?"

That actually sounded like a pretty cool offer. "Sure, I'm down."

Liam's POV

We were only five minutes away from the school, but thanks to sad circumstances, there was a serious car accident causing traffic.

"OK buddy, here's the money. Thanks for the ride. I'll take it from here." After giving him the money, I hopped out of the taxi and ran for my life to get to Pacific City High School. Never had I felt so much like Ava. Crap, that poor girl.

Giselle's POV

Ricky was also down to go bowling. All four of us we're ready to go until there was a commotion.

Liam's POV



At perfect timing, I stood right in front of her trying to catch my breath realizing that my attire didn't scream prom. But it didn't matter.

"Aren't you supposed to be leaving for New York?"

"Listen, Giselle, I couldn't do it. I can't move with Leah. Damn it, I love you, Giselle! That's not going to change!"

"What the hell is wrong with you Liam? You're throwing everything away for me. I can't right now. We're going bowling."

The four of them headed to the exit. There had to be something I could do. Anything. Looking around the room, I noticed someone walking around the stage. Crap, it was Ava dressed like a punk. What the hell was she doing? Not enough to care. They were already outside. With more running, I too was outside.

"Giselle stop!" She did which let me come face to face with her. The other three just watched. "You don't understand. I don't care about that damn stupid novel. I don't care. If it happens, that's great. But I can't lose you."

Tears began running down her eyes. "Liam, why are you doing this to me? I honestly don't even know what to say."

"Then don't say anything. Close your eyes. Think. Can you honestly live without me? Because if you can live without me, I'll leave right now. I'll get another flight to New York and live the rest of my life in shitty misery. But at least I'll know that I took a chance tonight and can look back knowing I did something when I had the chance. Is that how you're going to look back on tonight? You want to regret tonight?"

Giselle's POV

Damn, he had a point. My heart was beating a million times an hour. This wasn't right. He didn't even have a job. But he was right. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The silence was all over the air.

"I'm pregnant Liam." That was a relief. Without thinking, I pulled out the stick to show him.

Wow! This chapter was certainly a lot. And a cliffhanger?! There's only one more chapter! Please don't cry and remember to comment, vote, and share!

Next Chapter: Liam responds to the pregnancy announcement. Hopefully, Liam and Giselle get together. Ava sings her song on stage.

Did Liam make the right choice in leaving Leah?

How will Liam respond to Giselle being pregnant?

Should Ava be singing on stage? What's she trying to pull off?

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