One shot Undertaker x Vincent: Tears for you

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A/n: I'm Vietnamese, so please forgive me about grammar and spelling problem
This story is based on the same name fanfiction in vietnamese
This is Undertaker's pov all the story, and Vincent will be called as you or he.

'Sometimes, Smile is a emotional mask, covered for the wounds that just printed in mind, the hurts that time also can't heal it...'

I watched two figure walked outside the mansion, along the dirt road. My eyes landed on a boy about 12, 13 years old, which is very familiar. I can't remember, how long I have missed it...

Long time ago, I was a coldly Death God and I don't know how to smile, it just smirks full of coldness. But when I met you, I don't think that my boring live had changed forever...

I met you at a green meadow, wind blew softly in the air. Your grey blue hair had the light smell of the green grass, your brown eyes are shining full of hope, and your smile is very beautiful. At that time, I smiled within knowing. Not a smirk but a real smile, just for you. I just realized, my boring live had changed from that...

After that, I started following you. I follow like a tail, help you those little things. Everyone who look at you, can't even realized that you have someone following. But within a week, you figured out me. When staring at you, my deathly porcelain skin have a small pink dust. You asked me who I am, why I so good, helped him. I stayed in silent, and that question was skip.

He still let me follow him, because now we are used with each. He used to the feeling that there's always someone by his side, and I used with the feeling cared...

Sometimes when he sleep, I sneaked out to do my work as a Reaper. He always peek out the window to see where I go, but he simply can't...

It's Autumn.

I lay my head on his leg, and let him brushed my long silver hair. I open my lime eyes and stared at him for a while, then said:

-Vincent, I love you...

-Um... He said, continued his work..

-Do you... I asked, full of hope..

-How can I love a people that I don't know?


-All I know about you is your name, Undertaker, but is that your real name? How can I trust you and love you?

I breathed out heavily, stood up and said with a monotonously tone:

-Telling this out can make I lost you forever, but you're right, how can you love a people like me...

Then I take off my coat, revealing a death scythe hanging on my back. I told him about my true self, about my job and people that I snatched their life from them without mercy... I was a cold hearted one, until I met you. Because of you, I changed my life to stand with you. After talking, I froze in silent. Will you disgusted me or afraid of me?

He stood up, leaned closer to me, wrap his long arm around my neck, looked at me with those eyes which are full of love, and purred in to my ears:

-Grim Reaper huh?... How interesting... I wanna taste the smell of a reaper too, is it ok?

Then, he pressed his soft and warm lips on to mine. That moment, the first time after 1000 years, I can feel my heart...

Days by days, he grows up, become the head of the Phantomhive. His father force him to visit the Darless to choose for himseft a fiancé. He refuses at first, but then he agreed to go. He told me that he is having some private jobs, and asked me not to follow. I stood there in quiet, look to his back until he gone...

The Darless are very beautiful and grace girls. The sister is Rachel, with gold hair and blue eyes. The younger is very lovely too, with bright red hair and cute puppy eyes. That day, it's seem like he attracted to Rachel.

Go home with a little happiness, he met me in his bedroom. He wrapped his arm around my waist, snuggle in to my back. I turned around, give him a quick kiss then stared directly at him. After a moment, he asked:

-Is there anything on my face?


-Vincent, maybe I have to let go of you...

I turn around and began to leave, but he quickly grabbed my arm.

-What are you talking about? Don't joke...

-No, I don't. You are a man, an earl- and I'm the Death, the one that maybe have to take your soul... Our love just simply that have no result... More, you need a wife to continue your life, not a Death...

-Please, don't leave! I could do anything to stay with you! Just don't leave... Please...

Seeing your face covered in tears, my chest hurts a lot. I want to hug you so tight and wipe away your tears, but I'm afraid my self because of that can't leave you... I pulled of your grip, turn away. Before totally vanish from your life, I said:

-Please, Vincent, forget me... Next time, maybe we can't talk to each other like this... Sorry and goodbye...

Two weeks later, I've told that you got married. Seeing you smiling with the woman holding your hand through the church roof window, my heart hurts a lot. I laughed. I don't know why, I'm hurting, I must laugh! Your smile which was very bright and innocent, now it so hard and forceful, maybe because of my laugh. 'I'm sorry Undertaker, it's the price of being human, the price of having feelings... I love you and I hate you...'

Time passed by so fast, you have a wife and then a child. It has your image, your hair color, but its eyes are from Rachel. When you got married, I don't follow you anymore. I stay in my store, take care of the dead corpses, and sometimes, smile. But maybe, that the only emotion that lasted...

When I was a reaper, I don't even smile. I feel so boring about the world. I hate everything. I hate my long long immortal life, hate my job, hate people, hate emotions, hate life, hate death...

Then you came, give light to my boring light, give love to my sadness soul, changed my whole life...

Then, you killed me again...

Now, when I'm here, sometimes I pulled out the locket that you gave as a gift when I open my burial store. I remember that you said I'm a weird, why do I have to choose such a scary job. I explained that death is my life, I can't refuse it, so I decided to go with it. You smile, a kissed me gently. Now, remembering those memories, I just smile. Maybe, that's the only emotion that I can show out...

One day, I was call to the Phantomhive manor, which was burned down last night with the two owners. You stay there, as a corspe, siting in an armchair. I...smiled. Everyone said that I'm insane, seeing the dead corspe and smiled, but they'll never know, my smile is the tears for you...

'Vincent... I've thought that we'll meet again as a Death and a people who is dying, but I don expected that we'll meet this early, as a corspe and a burial...'

I smiled. The only moment, that the smile mixed with tears...

The End

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