Favorite Moment!

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I'm not going to waste my time thinking too hard about this one...

If I come up with something better, I'll let y'all know.

But this is mine:


(this is really stupid, but I acn't upload my own video here without a Youtube account, so just start this video at 0:23 and end at 0:27)



But seriously, my favorites are:

*True Pacifist when all the main characters interact and stuff

*When Papyrus jumps out the window

*Undyne's eye glint (i can't find a gif)

*The intro to the game

*When the screen zooms in on Sans' pun

*When Asgore destroys the MERCY button (come on, you were sitting with your mouth hanging open, too)

*uhhhhhh....   calling Papyrus?

*yeah uh I should probably have more important ones but hey

What are your favorite moments? ;D

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